Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 911

Under Li Luoyang is the scene of the battle between Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue. Zhang Qiong is surrounded by more than a dozen followers. As Li Luoyang has seen before, even if Zhang Qiong has great martial arts, in the face of the subtle array and tacit cooperation of more than a dozen people, Zhang Qiong will be easily dodged by the other party every time she falls, and more than a dozen people take turns to sneak attacks on Zhang Qiong without dead corners.

Before long, Zhang Qiong\'s physical strength gradually ran out. Panting Zhang Qiong tightly held the long knife and looked at Zhang Yue outside the crowd with vicious eyes: "Zhang Yue! I won\'t let you go if I\'m a ghost." Zhang Qiong was desperate at this time. He never thought that his only relative in the world would be the one who claimed his life. He thought Zhang Yue was still the same as before, Surrender to her majesty and strength, but I didn\'t expect that Zhang Yue was ready to kill her relatives.

Looking at the exhausted Zhang Qiong, Zhang Yue leaned her hands on her back and smiled easily: "Brother, you\'d better worry about yourself. If you\'ve killed so many people, maybe they will treat you well. You still have a chance to turn around down? Don\'t talk about these useless things. Do you know where your stupidest place is? You just can\'t see the situation clearly. Aunt Hong, they helped you at the beginning, so you should be loyal to the merchant Federation, You\'ve expanded in recent years. Even aunt Hong, you\'ve begun to prevaricate and perfunctory. You\'ve forgotten that you can\'t offend them. "

"Bah! Do you think I\'m stupid? If Hua Rong hadn\'t failed this time, they would have expected me to be punished by the imperial court. I might have lost my official position and lost the protection of my official position. They would have attacked me now. If Hua Rong\'s action was successful, they would dare to attack me?" Zhang Qiong knew that the reason why aunt Hong cooperated with Zhang Yue to deal with herself was that without an official position, he would have no protection. If he still sat in this position, he concluded that the merchant Federation dared not attack him.

Zhang Yue smiled helplessly: "You are too naive to lose your official position. For them, you just lose the use value. There is no need to kill you, but you are ungrateful. That is the reason for your loss of life. In fact, you are wrong. Do you think the association of officials and businessmen dare not attack you? That is because you still have use value. If they really attack you, even if you are Lingnan city Magistrate, they also have countless ways to kill you. Do you believe it? "

Zhang Qiong swallowed her saliva. He finally knew that he was wrong. He thought he could rely on the identity of imperial court officials, override the merchant Federation, and even control aunt Hong and others in the opposite way. However, after so many years, he never did it, so he began to use the position of officials to get rid of the control of aunt Hong and the merchant Federation. Who knows what happened to Hua Rong this time , this lost Zhang Qiong\'s only means to protect her life.

"Elder brother, you can go at ease. I will certainly deal with the things behind you, and I will avenge you. Those damn Liangshanpo people killed you, and I naturally hate them." Zhang Yue said in a strange way, with a sarcastic smile on her face. Imitating Buddha is all in his plan.

More than a dozen attendants rushed to Zhang Qiong immediately. Zhang Qiong was losing and had no ability to fight back. He was seriously overdrawn. He was unable to support himself. His whole body was covered with blood. He knelt on one knee and leaned against the long knife to breathe. At this time, he looked particularly depressed. No one in the whole Lingnan city was willing to help him and help him live. This was Zhang Qiong\'s sorrow. If he could be kind to others at ordinary times For one thing, maybe there are several people under his command who are willing to work for him and loyal to him. Obviously, he doesn\'t.

Zhang Qiong knew very well that many people would applaud after her death. Even the mountain bandits outside Lingnan city were expected to revel for a few days. She failed to be an official and failed to be a man. Zhang Qiong would have such consciousness only before she was dying.

"Zhang Yue, I can\'t escape your palm today, but you\'d better think clearly. Today\'s merchant Federation treats me like this. Tomorrow\'s my road is for you to step on, and I\'ll wait for you below."

"When you die, you want to provoke me and aunt Hong? Brother, you never know that it is a good thing that you are valuable to be used by others, because the more valuable you are, the more others will not abandon you. In the future, with the help of the merchant Federation, I will carry forward my business. Naturally, I will keep cooperating with them with a loyal heart to prove myself and complete it at the same time My dream. "

Zhang Yue spoke very loudly. He wanted Zhang Qiong to see his attitude, more like letting more than a dozen followers hear his loyalty to Aunt Hong.

"No matter how hard you try, you are always their puppet. The deeper you fall, the less freedom you have. In the end, what you create is theirs and has nothing to do with you."

"At least I enjoy the process, and I can get a lot of income from it, which is countless times better than the days after I handed over all my industries to you? Brother, if it weren\'t for your greed, maybe I wouldn\'t want to start with you. Don\'t forget, you forced me on this road. You took everything that belongs to me. The storm building and Casino gave you. Have you considered my future life? Do I squat and beg at the door of Fengyue tower? Let everyone in Lingnan City laugh at me? "

Zhang Qiong was speechless. After all, he knew that his behavior and attitude towards Zhang Yue were really not what a brother should do. There was no regret medicine in the world, but Zhang Qiong did not regret it. He stood up slowly with a long knife and stared at Zhang Yue with blood on his face: "ha ha ha, even if I die today, I will drag a few cushions!"

Zhang Qiong fought back to attack and rushed to the crowd surrounding her. More than a dozen attendants immediately opened the distance to maintain the formation. However, Zhang Qiong\'s impact became faster and faster. Zhang Qiong, who was windy at her feet, seemed crazy. Regardless of the knife cut her arm, Zhang Qiong ran straight to Zhang Yue. The so-called backing Zhang Qiong naturally preferred Zhang Yue.

Watching Zhang Qiong rush towards her like a mad dog, Zhang Yue quickly retreated. Just as Zhang Qiong\'s knife was about to fall on Zhang Yue\'s head, several attendants ran sideways to block Zhang Qiong\'s attack. Zhang Yue saved her life this time. He didn\'t expect that his brother was so good at martial arts, even if he was in a state of physical overdraft and bleeding, Can also break out such strong strength.

Several attendants stopped Zhang Qiong, and several knives behind her stabbed her deeply into her back. Zhang Qiong vomited blood and looked at Zhang Yue. Then she fell straight to the ground and didn\'t move. Looking at Zhang Qiong\'s body, Zhang Yue was not sad at all, but had an unspeakable joy and excitement. It was his brother, It is enough to see that Zhang Yue\'s hatred for Zhang Qiong has accumulated to a deep degree, and it can also see the cold-blooded degree of Zhang Yue.

The only relative in the world was killed by him, and he had no sorrow.