Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 913

Among the officials of Lingnan City, the soldiers have been in a riot, and Zhang Qiong can\'t be found everywhere. The leader of the soldiers came to Mo Jiao\'s room and was stopped by Mo Fu and Mo Shou at the door. At this time, the leader of the soldiers who could rely on Zhang Qiong for support can only nod and bow with a smile: "two, two, have you ever seen my captain?"

Mo Fu frowned and asked in a low voice, "Zhang Qiong?"

"Uh huh."

"What happened to him?"

At this time, there were no leaders in the government. The magistrate had been killed by Zhang Qiong. Zhang Qiong was not missing. The soldier leader had to tell Mo Fu what had happened. After all, he was from six doors: "Under the leadership of Captain Zhang Qiong, we searched the key criminals in Liangshanpo in Lingnan City, but after drinking at the wine stall, we fell asleep. When we woke up, Captain Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue were gone."

The soldier leader is not too stupid. He didn\'t directly say that what Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue were looking for in Lingnan city was not the key criminal of Liangshanpo, but the Yang family jade pendant. They couldn\'t tell the people of liumen that Zhang Qiong left his post without permission. That\'s why he was selected as the leader. He\'s smart.

However, the leader of the soldiers did not know that Mofu and Moshou had already known Zhang Qiong\'s plan. Since the other party did not explain, Mofu and Moshou naturally pretended to know nothing.

Mo Fu and Mo Shou looked at each other. Then Mo Fu said slowly, "since you said that Zhang Qiong was with Zhang Yue before she disappeared, you should naturally look for Zhang Yue. Isn\'t everything clear when you find Zhang Yue?"

The soldier leader smiled and looked at Mo Jiao\'s room: "no, I don\'t know if captain Zhang Qiong is in Lord Mo\'s room."

"Bastard! That\'s our young lady\'s boudoir. Why should Zhang Qiong go in?" Mo Fu immediately gave a loud cry, and the frightened soldier leader quickly turned and ran away.

Mo Fu and Mo Shou knocked on Mo Jiao\'s door. Mo Jiao was idle and said to Mo Fu with a smile, "Uncle Fu, uncle Shou, I heard what the soldier said just now."

"Say it inside, miss." they went into Mo Jiao\'s room and sat around the wooden table.

Mo Fu said in a low voice without expression: "Miss, who do you think did this? Why did Zhang Qiong suddenly disappear?"

Mo Jiao raised her mouth slightly and said with a smile, "Uncle Fu is testing me again? It\'s actually very simple. Of course, brother Li Guo and sister Ye Yu did it. They have mastered Zhang Qiong\'s evidence, and they will naturally follow the law." Mo Jiao said confidently. She can\'t imagine how complicated this Lingnan city is at this time.

Mo Fu shook his head and replied, "Miss, Li Guo is the last person to kill Zhang Qiong. On the contrary, he still has to keep Zhang Qiong\'s life and hand over the evidence of Zhang Qiong\'s crime to the imperial court, so that the merit can be offset. The imperial court will not severely punish him for the failure of the Huarong incident. If Zhang Qiong dies or disappears, what will Li Guo tell the imperial court?"

Mo Jiao suddenly realized: "yes, Zhang Qiong is gone. The imperial court asked Li Guo for someone. If he can\'t take it out, the imperial court will certainly not give up, and the imperial court will personally interrogate Zhang Qiong\'s crime. Brother Li Guo is not as smart as Luoyang, but he knows it at the first thought, so he won\'t kill Zhang Qiong."

Mo Fu nodded and continued: "this is what I\'m worried about. Without Zhang Qiong, Li Guo can\'t make a job with the imperial court. The most important question is who took Zhang Qiong? Where is Zhang Qiong now? If Zhang Qiong is missing, what about Zhang Yue?"

Mo Shou whispered: "Miss, Mo Fu, do you think the gang of Liangshanpo did it? After all, they don\'t know that Zhang Qiong has given up searching them at this time. What they are looking for in Lingnan city is actually the person who holds the Yang family\'s jade pendant. When looking for the jade pendant, Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue inadvertently found the hiding place of Liangshanpo people, fought with them, and were finally kidnapped by Liangshanpo people."

Mofu stroked his beard, then nodded with a frown: "It\'s very possible. After all, they kidnapped Zhang Qiong and could use Zhang Qiong to leave Lingnan City safely. But why did the more than 50 soldiers come back unharmed? If they accidentally found the people in Liangshanpo, the soldiers must also know. According to them, they drank and fell asleep in the wine stall..."

Mo Jiao suddenly said, "it\'s impossible for more than 50 people to sleep at the same time? This can only show that there is a problem with wine!"

"Well, miss, you\'re right. It seems that someone deliberately designed to put Zhang Qiong\'s soldiers into a coma. Maybe Zhang Qiong drank the problematic wine and was taken away. Did the people of Liangshanpo take the initiative? In order to leave Lingnan City, they designed to capture Zhang Qiong alive and planned to use it as a threat to leave Lingnan city."

Mo Shou said with a smile, "if that\'s the case, Zhang Qiong will probably have more or less bad luck. That guy is full of evil. How can the Liangshanpo people who walk for heaven let him go? Maybe this is the countermeasure that the Liangshanpo people have long thought of. While Zhang Qiong was looking for them, they did the opposite, charmed the soldiers and Zhang Qiong around Zhang Qiong with sweat medicine, and took him away as a hostage."

Mo Fu asked suspiciously, "what about Zhang Yue? Also, Zhang Qiong is cautious and careful. How did the people in Liangshanpo poison so many people, and Zhang Qiong drank the ecstasy with Mongolian medicine?"

Mo Shou and Mo Jiao were speechless at the same time. No matter what they thought, it was obviously difficult for Liangshanpo people to do all this.

At this time, Mo Fu said solemnly, "I think these were done by Zhang Yue. Obviously, only Zhang Yue can let Zhang Qiong put down her guard, and only Zhang Yue can get close to the 50 soldiers of Zhang Qiong. We also know that Zhang Yue is good at taking medicine. He also caught Huarong in this way, so I think Zhang Yue is very likely."

"Can\'t you? Zhang Yue has the courage?"

"Have you forgotten that Zhang Qiong called Zhang Yue before? Zhang Qiong asked Zhang Yue to take out the casino before he would be willing to help Zhang Yue find the Yang family jade pendant. Zhang Yue cleanly agreed to Zhang Qiong\'s request. You know, the casino is Zhang Yue\'s only source of income. In the past, we also know how reluctant he was to give up the Fengyue building to Zhang Qiong, but this time he was so straightforward? It\'s difficult "Is there any problem? Maybe he has long wanted to do it to Zhang Qiong, so he can get those things back after giving them to Zhang Qiong."

Mo Jiao looked at Mo Fu in surprise: "Uncle Fu, do you mean that Zhang Yue and the people of Liangshanpo have joined hands?"

"Not necessarily. It may be something Zhang Yue did unilaterally."

"But he\'s not afraid to be found out by the imperial court? Don\'t forget that the six gates in Lingnan city haven\'t acted up to now. If something happens to Zhang Qiong, it\'s estimated that they won\'t wait to die. Although the imperial court doesn\'t allow the barracks to be with the six Gates at the same time, without Zhang Qiong, important people will continue to act on behalf of Lingnan city."

Mo Fu frowned and said slowly, "yes, if Zhang Yue did it alone, he would easily be suspected. After all, everyone knows that he is accompanying Zhang Qiong, and the young lady is right. Zhang Qiong is missing. It is important that someone stand up on behalf of the imperial court and Lingnan city. Now it seems that the people of the six doors in Lingnan city can\'t sit still."