Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 901

Yihua building is open all night. At this time, in the early morning of the night, there are rare guests at the door of Yihua building. Yang Yanwen looks handsome in men\'s clothes. However, the women of Yihua building know that Yang Yanwen is the daughter of the Yang family, not the man. Pretending to be a man is just to follow Yang Zhen to do business more conveniently in other places. As for Lingnan City, Most people know the fact that Yang Yanwen is a woman.

Uncle Yang has changed into a housekeeper\'s clothes. At this time, he looks amiable and almost the same as the housekeeper of other large families. Everyone knows that housekeeper Yang is loyal to Yang Zhen and is a servant fully trusted by the Yang family. However, no one knows that he is an expert and a perfect intelligence officer except Yang Yanwen and Yang Zhen.

The servant girl Xiaoqing stood beside Yang Yanwen with a disdainful face and looked at the red lantern hanging at the door of Yihua building: "Miss, what are we doing here in the middle of the night?" she and Yang Yanwen are both daughters and can\'t come here for fun. Xiaoqing then looked at Uncle Yang. Uncle Yang reluctantly said to Yang Yanwen, "Miss, I\'ll call the door?"

"Well, thank you, uncle Yang."

"Miss, we really want to go in?" Xiaoqing looked contemptuously at the gate of Yihua building: "in such a dirty place, miss, you\'re not afraid of getting sick? We\'d better go. If Uncle Yang wants to have fun secretly, we don\'t have to go with him."

Before Yang Yanwen could answer, uncle Yang\'s knocking hand had not yet fallen on the door. The door of Yihua building opened. Aunt Hong stood alone at the door, shook the feather fan in her hand and said with a smile: "I said who is still talking at the gate of my Yihua building so late? It turned out that Miss Yang\'s grand prize came, but Miss Yang\'s appearance is generous, decent and kind. Why do the servants around me slander my Yihua building?"

Xiaoqing immediately stood behind Yang Yanwen. She only dared to say it behind her back. At this time, in front of aunt Hong, Xiaoqing dared not talk nonsense even if there was Yang Yanwen.

"Aunt Hong, I\'m not good at discipline. Please forgive me."

"There\'s no need to forgive me. If the servant is not obedient, she should discipline the housekeeper. Miss Yang\'s heart is like a Bodhisattva. She can\'t do it. My red aunt will teach her a good lesson for you today."

Just after that, aunt Hong rushed to Yang Yanwen at a very fast speed and grabbed Xiaoqing behind Yang Yanwen. Xiaoqing cried, "Miss, miss, help me."

Looking at the scratches and bruises on Xiaoqing\'s wrist, Yang Yanwen immediately said with a dignified face: "aunt Hong, please look at my father\'s face and put my servant girl. Our Yang family should naturally be educated by our Yang family without outsiders."

Hearing Yang Yanwen\'s words, aunt Hong smiled: "take Yang Zhen and pressure me? Since you are his daughter, you should know that others in Lingnan city are afraid of him. Yang Zhen, I\'m not afraid of Yihua building."

"Aunt Hong, as the shopkeeper of Yihua building and a member of the merchant Federation, teaches a servant girl personally. If it comes out, it is inevitable that outsiders will say that you deceive the small with the big, which is bad for the reputation of your aunt Hong, Yihua building and even the merchant Federation."

"Oh? It seems that you have grown up a lot during this time, and you have become eloquent. I remember that you were a yellow haired girl hiding behind Yang Zhen not long ago. Today, you dare to talk to me like this." the corners of aunt Hong\'s mouth rose slightly and stared at Yang Yanwen.

With a smile on her face, Yang Yanwen said quietly, "the current situation has only created a character. Please let my servant girl go."

"What if I don\'t let go?" aunt Hong increased the strength in her palm. Xiaoqing cried bitterly when her wrist hurt. Uncle Yang on one side had clenched his fist and waited for Yang Yanwen to order to stop it. Uncle Yang knew he couldn\'t show his martial arts, but at this time, he had to be ready to do it.

"If aunt Hong refuses to give up, the court must like my story."

"Imperial court? Story?"

"A story of killing court officials and blaming Liangshanpo." Yang Yanwen\'s mouth rose slightly. She wouldn\'t lose to Aunt Hong in momentum. Now that she has mastered the handle of the merchant Federation and Zhang Yue, she naturally needs to make good use of it, and this is also the time to verify her previous speculation. If aunt Hong is afraid, it shows that her speculation is almost ten years old. If aunt Hong doesn\'t respond, Yang Yanwen knows that she may have guessed wrong.

However, after hearing Yang Yanwen\'s words, aunt Hong tried her best to maintain her inner peace, but a flash of killing intention in her eyes had betrayed her. After traveling south and North with Yang Zhen for so many years, Yang Yanwen naturally learned to observe people and colors, and those small expressions could not escape her eyes.

"Hahaha, Miss Yang, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about? Guy Liang shanpo? My Yihua building has never had any contact with those important criminals of the imperial court, and I don\'t have any hatred. Who should I blame for killing them? It seems that Miss Yang\'s family is going to lay a unnecessary charge on me here today."

Yang Yanwen put her mouth to Aunt Hong\'s ear, smiled and whispered: "The intention of killing in your eyes just now is to kill people and block my mouth? Kill Zhang Qiong and blame the people in Liangshanpo, so that you and Zhang Yue can leave completely? At the end of the street, these two brothers are killing each other. If aunt Hong doesn\'t believe my story, I can ask my father to catch Zhang Yue\'s entourage and give it to the imperial court at that time There should be countless ways to pry open his mouth and let him confess who instructed him to help Zhang Yue kill court official Zhang Qiong. At that time, I don\'t know if aunt Hong can get rid of her relationship with the merchant Federation. "

Aunt Hong smiled calmly, loosened Xiaoqing and said slowly, "it seems that Miss Yang is prepared today? Do you want to threaten me?" at this time, aunt Hong\'s back has been wet with sweat. She doesn\'t know what link has gone wrong. Yang Yanwen found out that this kind of thing. She worried that the Yang family would threaten the merchant Federation with this, At that time, they can only lose Zhang Yue to protect themselves, but they have finally formed a cooperative relationship with Zhang Yueda. They have to plan to abandon before they start. How can she be reconciled.

Xiaoqing rubbed her wrists and came to Yang Yanwen. She had already cried into tears. She bit her lips and dared not speak more. Yang Yanwen smiled and said to Xiaoqing, "Xiaoqing, go back first, go back and deal with her wrists, wait for me at home and tell Dad I\'m okay. I\'ll go back before dawn. Aunt Hong will not embarrass me."

Xiaoqing nods, turns around and runs quickly. She doesn\'t know how many times she scolded aunt Hong. Fortunately, aunt Hong didn\'t kill her heart. Otherwise, according to Xiaoqing\'s strength, her hand should be broken at this time.

Watching Xiaoqing go away, uncle Yang put away his fist and stood beside Yang Yanwen with a smile. He was worried that Yang Yanwen\'s words would really kill aunt Hong, so he was close to Yang Yanwen and was ready to help at any time.