Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 902

Yang Yanwen and uncle Yang stood side by side. Aunt Hong didn\'t seem to invite them, such as Yihua building. She smiled with unspeakable meaning: "Miss Yang, if you intend to threaten me with Yihua building, you Yang family and us will never die today, so please accept your plan."

Yang Yanwen looked at Aunt Hong with a smile: "today, I\'m not making enemies with Yihua building and the merchant Federation. I don\'t know if aunt Hong can find a safe and quiet place. I\'d like to explain to Aunt Hong in detail."

"Do you want to enter my Yihua building? Yes, since Miss Yang is not looking for trouble, my Yihua building naturally opens the door to welcome guests. However, as a daughter, Miss Yang naturally doesn\'t come to my Yihua building for fun. If she doesn\'t come for fun, she comes to find things. Miss Yang wants a clean place. There are plenty in my Yihua building. But can miss yang show her attitude so that she won\'t be against us?"

"What attitude does aunt Hong want?"

"It\'s very simple. Tell me how you know the story." aunt Hong naturally wants to know why the cooperation between herself and Zhang Yue is known by outsiders. The guy Liangshanpo\'s plan was originally to be extremely confidential. She even deliberately told Zhang Yue to avoid those soldiers when she attacked Zhang Qiong, for fear that someone might understand their plan and lead to the total loss, And aunt Hong never expected to find that they planned not Zhang Qiong, not Liangshanpo, nor the people in the military camp, but the Yang family who seemed to have nothing to do with this matter.

Yang Yanwen smiled and said: "To tell you the truth, Lingnan city was in chaos recently. My father was worried about the loss of Yang\'s jade pendant, so he sent someone to look for it secretly. He accidentally met Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue, and saw Zhang Yue poisoning the wine glasses of the government soldiers. After the soldiers fainted, Zhang Yue exposed the fox\'s tail and surrounded Zhang Qiong with more than a dozen attendants holding the landmark weapons of Liangshanpo , the men around Zhang Yue don\'t have such martial arts, so I thought of you. At this time, only the merchant federation can support Zhang Yue in Lingnan city. So I boldly guessed that Zhang Yue dared to kill her own brother and must have cooperated with you. I wonder if I was right? "

Aunt Hong raised her mouth slightly and said with a smile, "I didn\'t expect miss yang to grow up so quickly in a few days. She was careful and didn\'t lose your father. I didn\'t expect you to analyze that this matter has something to do with our merchant Federation?"

"In fact, it\'s not difficult. Zhang Qiong was originally in her current position with your help, and this Liangshanpo action has been successful. Zhang Qiong will certainly be punished by the imperial court and leave the government. What use value does Zhang Qiong have? Zhang Yue was originally a businessman and her brain is several times better than Zhang Qiong. You are naturally willing to cooperate with Zhang Yue and abandon Zhang Qiong."

"Pa Pa Pa Pa." aunt Hong clapped her hands and then came to the door of Yihua building with a feather fan: "Miss Yang, please come inside." since Yang Yanwen truthfully said a reasonable guess, aunt Hong naturally knew that she learned their plan through analysis, not for investigation, so aunt Hong was relieved and took Yang Yanwen and uncle Yang into Yihua building.

As soon as she entered the Yihua building, Yang Yanwen found that there were more than a dozen people in black with weapons standing in the door. If she had a conflict with aunt Hong before, she and uncle Yang would face aunt Hong\'s murder. Yang Yanwen knew that she must be careful this time, or she might die here. After all, no one wants her secret to be mastered by others, which is always a hidden danger , only the dead can keep secrets.

Came to Aunt Hong\'s room, which was empty. Huang Ying had hid in the dark room to listen to the dialogue in the room.

Sitting at the wooden table, aunt Hong gave Yang Yanwen tea. Seeing that Yang Yanwen didn\'t raise her glass to drink tea, aunt Hong smiled and raised her cup, poured in the same pot of tea and drank it in one gulp: "Miss Yang, come to me. There\'s no need to be so careful."

Yang Yanwen smiled and said, "not before, but now it\'s different. If aunt Hong wants to shut up a person forever for your plan, I believe I can\'t leave Yihua building today."

"Since you know, what are you afraid of? If I want to kill you, you and your housekeeper have already been stabbed when I entered the lobby of Yihua building just now."

After hearing aunt Hong\'s words, Yang Yanwen smiled, raised the teacup at hand and drank a mouthful of tea.

Aunt Hong smiled and asked, "come on, what\'s the matter with you coming to my overflow flower building today?"

Without hesitation, Yang Yanwen took out the secret recipe of intoxication from her arms and put it in front of aunt Hong: "this is the secret recipe of intoxication in Yang family. From now on, it will be yours."

As soon as she said this, aunt Hong was stunned. She didn\'t know what Yang Yanwen wanted to do. Yang Yanwen actually gave up the secret recipe, which he didn\'t expect. Even the well-informed aunt Hong couldn\'t see through Yang Yanwen\'s mind at this time: "Yang, Miss Yang, I don\'t know what your intention is?"

"Aunt Hong, you are a smart man, and I\'m not stupid. Since the merchant Federation has cooperated with Zhang Yue, I know your goal must be the Yang family. You will help Zhang Yue get the jade pendant, find a way to become my husband, become the son-in-law of the Yang family, and occupy the industry of the Yang family. Although the Yang family has not cooperated with your merchant Federation, it has been well water for so many years I don\'t want to send a secret recipe to resolve the possible contradictions between us because a jade pendant is against aunt Hong. "

"Miss Yang, this is serious. We didn\'t want to target your Yang family."

"You haven\'t thought about it, but your current partner has been thinking that maybe one day in the future, he will ask you to help him and you will help him complete the plan for the sake of interests. Aunt Hong, I said directly today that the intoxicating secret recipe is for you, but I can\'t get along with Zhang Yuehao, and the Yang family industry can\'t fall into his hands. If you accept it today If you accept the secret recipe, please promise me the conditions. If you still help Zhang Yue rob the jade pendant, I swear the Yang family will choose to destroy everything. Even if they destroy their family business for a hundred years, they will be caught dead with yihualou or the merchant Federation. "

Aunt Hong raised her mouth slightly, got up and smiled: "do you really think your hundred year family business of Yang family can be broken with our merchant Federation? Do you have this strength? Do you have this qualification?"

Yang Yanwen stood up without showing weakness and stared at Aunt Hong with a serious face: "no, maybe we exhausted all our energy and strength, and we can\'t hurt the foundation of your merchant Federation, but I can guarantee that the merchant Federation in Lingnan city will burn with our Yang jade and stone!"

Aunt Hong took a step to Yang Yanwen: "dare you try?"

Yang Yanwen\'s mouth rose slightly and took a step to Aunt Hong: "I\'m ready to die at any time."