Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 900

"It seems that I underestimated the boy." Yang Zhen thought Li Luoyang was just a talented young man who was good at brewing good wine, but he didn\'t expect that the rescue operation of Liangshanpo was Li Luoyang\'s plan, and he didn\'t expect that the military of Liangshanpo would recommend a young command position. If there was any mistake, not only Hua Rong couldn\'t save, Maybe there will be more Liangshan brothers.

"Senior Yang Zhen didn\'t expect Luoyang brothers to be our leader this time."

"Of course, I talked to him. He has a wide range of knowledge and mature conversation. At that time, I knew that he must be a dragon and Phoenix. I just didn\'t expect that he was so excellent that he could lead you to Lingnan city to save people. However, I know how complex the situation in Lingnan city is. As far as I know, although Zhang Qiong doesn\'t have much skill and brain, the captain of the barracks sent by the imperial court is also young and promising, This Lingnan city defense plan was written by him. Unexpectedly, Li Luoyang broke one by one and solved the crisis. "

Lin Chong just smiled. He knew that what was more confidential than Li Luoyang\'s identity was the relationship between Li Guo and Li Luoyang. Before Yang Zhen\'s trust was determined, Lin Chong would not tell Yang Zhen the truth. After all, as a member of the imperial court, Li Guo\'s release of Liangshanpo was a great capital crime. The less people knew about it, the safer it was for Li Guo, Lin Chong knows that this is also the link that Li Luoyang is most worried about at this time. In this link, he is not allowed to make any mistakes.

In a sense, Lin Chong felt that Li Luoyang attached more importance to Li Guo than himself. Before rescuing Hua Rong, Li Luoyang never showed such a strict and strong attitude. He always treated any emergency with ease. Li Luoyang showed unprecedented seriousness until he arranged Li Guo\'s plan to frame Zhang Qiong, Lin Chong knew that it was because Li Luoyang cared about Li Guo, so Lin Chong deliberately concealed the relationship between Li Guo and Li Luoyang from Yang Zhenyin.

Lin Chong said slowly with a smile: "Luoyang\'s intelligence is really beyond our imagination. Anyway, Huarong was successfully rescued this time. It can be said that we Liangshanpo owe him a great favor. We will certainly pay it back if we have a chance in the future."

Yang Zhen frowned and asked in a low voice, "listen to the meaning of brother Lin Chong\'s words, Li Luoyang has not joined you Liangshanpo?" if Li Luoyang is already a member of Liangshanpo at this time, how can Liang shanpo owe a favor? It can be regarded as meritorious service for the mountain stronghold at most.

Lin Chong nodded and said helplessly: "Luoyang brothers are ambitious. Naturally, they will not join us in Liangshanpo. No matter how we act on behalf of heaven, we are also wanted by the imperial court in this troubled times. Isn\'t it an enemy of the imperial court to be with us? Luoyang brothers are smart people, and he is still young, so he can\'t stand against the imperial court blindly, so he refused our invitation."

Yang Zhen laughed wildly: "hahaha, if he really joined you Liangshanpo, I have to worry about my daughter. I don\'t want to see my daughter marry a wanted criminal in the imperial court."

"Hahaha, master Yang Zhen is really happy."

"This is not to slander you. I have heard a little about your deeds of acting for heaven. I admire you, but Li Luoyang is still young. I\'m afraid it won\'t be too long to join you at this time. According to your description just now, Li Luoyang\'s intelligence is exactly the talent you Liangshanpo yearns for. In the whole Liangshan, only Wu Yong has a little brain and needs to know I believe you have won over another think tank to plan the future for Liangshanpo. Fortunately, the boy knows what he should do. "

"Senior Yang Zhen, Luoyang brothers, with your cooperation, we will not intervene, but now there is a thorny problem."

"Oh? What\'s the problem?"

Lin Chong seems a little embarrassed. After all, Yang Zhen has been saying in front of him that he wants to marry his daughter to Li Luoyang, which makes Lin Chong feel helpless: "senior Yang Zhen, tell the truth... The Luoyang brothers didn\'t know that Yang Yanwen was their daughter at all. The reason why he gave her the jade pendant is just a token of cooperation."

"Now he knows?"

"I know, but..."

"Brother Lin Chong, but it doesn\'t hurt to say."

"But there are beautiful women around Luoyang brothers. Besides, Luoyang brothers didn\'t feel anything about Yang Yanwen. At that time, they just chatted with Yang Yanwen as brothers. Therefore, elder Yang Zhen, please make it clear to your beloved daughter. The jade pendant is in the hands of Luoyang brothers. We also learned the plans of Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue. Unexpectedly, these two brothers targeted the Luoyang brothers for a piece of jade Pei took him for no reason, which annoyed brother Li Luoyang. "

Yang Zhen frowned and whispered: "I know that the most important thing for Li Luoyang to cooperate with you this time is to protect his identity. Zhang Qiong should have targeted you, but turned his goal to our family\'s jade pendant. Who expected that the jade pendant happened to be in Li Luoyang\'s hands. I believe that according to Li Luoyang\'s plan, he didn\'t want to be the target of others at all, because it was easy to expose his own identity Identity. "

Lin Chong hugged his fist and said slowly, "thank you for your understanding, master Yang Zhen, so the Luoyang brothers want to return the jade pendant, but they just can\'t find a suitable opportunity, and don\'t know how to explain to Yang Yanwen."

"Return the jade pendant? Does he want to interrupt his cooperation with us?"

"That\'s not true. He just doesn\'t want miss to misunderstand."

"Brother Lin Chong, please bring a message to Li Luoyang. I respect his talent. I won\'t mind my daughter marrying her as a concubine. Since she has accepted my jade pendant, she naturally has to abide by her promise. What if he has a beautiful woman around him? Who isn\'t three wives and four concubines? It\'s not so cheap to repent."

After listening to Lin Chong\'s introduction, Yang Zhen is more satisfied with Li Luoyang. How can he be willing to let such a good son-in-law leave for nothing? He stressed that Yang Yanwen can\'t be a concubine before, but now he has made a lot of concessions. That\'s his own daughter. Yang Zhen is willing to let her be a concubine in order to establish a stronger relationship with Li Luoyang. In Yang Zhen\'s opinion, Only people like Li Luoyang can be worthy of his daughter.

"Senior Yang Zhen, I can\'t decide this matter. I just told you that brother Luoyang meant to return the jade pendant. Please forgive me. I don\'t know whether he is willing to accept his daughter."

"That\'s all. Since he wants to cooperate with us, she must come to Lingnan city to talk to us again in the future. I\'ll talk to him then. As for the jade pendant, you let him keep it first. When he comes to Lingnan City, he can directly find me living Yan Wen with the jade pendant, saving a lot of trouble."

Lin Chong got up and saluted Yang Zhen. Then he smiled and said, "I\'ll take your words with me. I\'ll see you later."

"Please bother brother Lin Chong. See you later."

After a gust of wind, Lin Chong opened the door and ran up to the roof, disappearing into the night.