Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 848

"Brother, what\'s the matter? What\'s the matter?" looking at Zhang Qiong who was silent and stunned, Zhang Yue put her hand on Zhang Qiong\'s shoulder with a smile, and then asked slowly. Zhang Yue\'s voice broke the cold atmosphere of the government. The soldiers stood aside one after another to see what would happen next. Facing Zhang Yue so simply, What will Zhang Qiong do.

"No, it\'s all right. Zhang Yue, are you really willing to give me the Fengyue building?" Zhang Qiong still refused to believe it was true. She got all the industry accumulated by Zhang Yue with such ease.

"Of course, since I want to be a brother, I will give it to you naturally. Who makes us brothers? I also know my brother\'s difficulties. If the imperial court blames me this time, my brother may be punished. Fengyue building and casino can bring enough money to the back of my brother to enjoy life. For my brother\'s consideration, I will naturally agree to your request and give you Fengyue building and Casino together 。”

After listening to Zhang Yue\'s words, Zhang Qiong suddenly felt a little moved. Recalling her attitude towards Zhang Yue, Zhang Qiong actually felt guilty, but it was only a short time. Soon, the feeling of guilt was covered up by excitement: "Hahaha, have fun! Since you have this heart, I\'m not polite, but I\'d like to know how you live if you give me all these things?"

Zhang Qiong\'s question is to know what means Zhang Yue has to survive after losing Fengyue building and Casino. In Zhang Qiong\'s opinion, these hidden by Zhang Yue are likely to be the reasons for Zhang Yue\'s change today. This question is also Zhang Qiong\'s temptation to test Zhang Yue\'s end.

Zhang Yue said slowly with a smile: "I have given you the Fengyue building and the casino. If I want to survive in Lingnan City, I have to rely on my brother to help me find the person who holds the jade pendant. Naturally, I can continue to operate the Yang restaurant and get the intoxicating formula."

People\'s ambition will not be satisfied. It\'s so easy to get the Fengyue building from Zhang Yue. Zhang Qiong is naturally happy. After listening to Zhang Yue\'s words, Zhang Qiong knows that this guy has broken his boat and is ready to continue to survive in Lingnan city with intoxicating wine. Thinking about the value of intoxicating wine, Zhang Qiong\'s mouth corner rises slightly and shows a sly smile.

"Brother, look, I\'ll help you find the jade pendant. With some more means, you can naturally become the son-in-law of the Yang family. At that time, the Yang family restaurant will be yours, and the intoxicating wine. I remember my brother, you taught me to rationalize my industry. The Yang Family Restaurant has intoxicating wine to sell. Isn\'t my Fengyue building going to suffer a loss?"

Zhang Qiong continued with a smile: "if my Fengyue building can also sell your intoxicating wine, we will have a win-win situation at that time. Fengyue building can publicize intoxicating wine for you for free, and you can also charge the fees provided to me, so you can make a lot of money."

Zhang Qiong also targeted the intoxicating secret recipe that has not yet been obtained. Zhang Qiong\'s words are full of loopholes. The soldiers present feel a little embarrassed for him. They want other people\'s things, and the excuse is too bad. In Lingnan City, do you still need Fengyue building to publicize intoxicating wine? Obviously not. Zhang Qiong\'s excuse is really embarrassing.

Even Zhang Qiong herself felt that there seemed to be something wrong. She used to pay tribute to the imperial court. Why should she publicize it.

Even if the excuse has rotted like this, the people present didn\'t expect Zhang Yue to agree again.

"OK! Everyone makes money. You\'re my brother. It\'s natural that I want to see a win-win situation with you. And it\'s a little of my heart to find brother Yupei. I promise that as long as I get the intoxicating secret recipe, I will let your Fengyue building also be sold. In the future, our two restaurants in Lingnan city will make intoxicating wine!"

Zhang Qiong touched Zhang Yue\'s forehead, and then touched her own: "no fever, Zhang Yue, are you mentally ill?" Zhang Qiong can only think of Zhang Yue\'s change as a fever or a neurological problem. Otherwise, according to Zhang Qiong\'s understanding of Zhang Yue, he can\'t be so simple and give him the secret recipe that cost so much effort.

For the jade pendant, Zhang Yue has paid for Fengyue building and Casino, which are the basic businesses established by Zhang Yue. At this time, Zhang Qiong has given them to Zhang Qiong. Zhang Qiong originally thought that Zhang Yue would refuse to share the conditions of the intoxicating secret recipe, but she didn\'t expect Zhang Yue to agree again and was so straightforward.

Zhang Yue said with a smile on her face, "Hey, nothing can compare with family affection. As I have said, you are my only relative in the world. I am not satisfied with you. Who will take care of you? My brother wants his brother\'s things. As a brother, I naturally help. Are you right?" Zhang Yue turned her eyes to the group of soldiers behind her. The soldiers who had been stunned nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes, yes."

"I didn\'t expect boss Zhang to be a man of temperament."

Zhang Qiong laughed wildly, leaned against Zhang Yue\'s shoulder and said to the soldiers, "listen to me. You all know that Zhang Yue and I are close brothers. My brother takes care of me like this today. If any of you dare to get him in the future, I\'ll kill you!"


Zhang Yue smiled and said to the soldiers, "I hope my brothers will take more care of me in the future."

"You\'re welcome!"

Zhang Qiong continued to shout at the soldiers: "from now on, you all follow my brother Zhang Yue to Lingnan city to find the person who holds the jade pendant handed down by the Yang family. Only my brother has seen that guy, so only he can lead the team to find the jade pendant. You all obey his orders!"

Zhang Yue turned to look at Zhang Qiong: "brother, don\'t you look for those people in Liangshanpo?"

"Now my brother\'s business is more important, and those Liangshanpo people will be left to Li Guo to clean up." Zhang Qiong is ready for the failure of the task. She thinks she has found two scapegoats, Li Guo and magistrate Liu, so there is no need to continue to look for Liangshanpo. At present, he is more willing to find the person who holds the jade pendant handed down by Yang\'s ancestors, In this way, he can get everything Zhang Yuegang just said.

"Thank you, brother." Zhang Yue bowed and smiled. With Zhang Qiong\'s people and the experts of the merchant Federation, Zhang Yue had a lot of opportunities to find Li Luoyang. He didn\'t mind Zhang Qiong giving these soldiers his orders, which was the result he wanted to see.

"Since we are close brothers, why are we so polite? My soldiers, you can command!" Zhang Qiong had a bright smile on her face. Different from the rage when looking for undercover before, he seemed to be ready to enjoy a better life in the future. Sitting in the Fengyue building selling intoxicating wine and the casino with huge income, Zhang Qiong couldn\'t help laughing.

Zhang Yue and the businessmen\'s Federation also smiled at Zhang Qiong\'s longing expression. They knew that Zhang Qiong\'s fantasy could only be a dream, a beautiful dream that would never wake up.