Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 847

"Brother, I\'ve come. I don\'t know what you want to do for me?" Zhang Yue kept a smile on her face. She didn\'t see Zhang Yue\'s fear of Zhang Qiong at all, which surprised everyone present. Only Zhang Yue himself and the businessmen\'s Federation behind her knew the reason. It was because Zhang Yue had the support of the businessmen\'s Federation, and also from Huang Ying.

She is from the headquarters of the merchant Federation, and her background is deeper and stronger than aunt Hong. At this time, even if the people of the merchant Federation in Lingnan city support Zhang Qiong, Zhang Yue will not be afraid at all. After all, the gap between the headquarters and the minute is not a bit.

One is to manage the points of merchants in the city, and the other is to manage the headquarters of all merchants\' federations. Zhang Yue knows which is more important.

Zhang Qiong raised her mouth slightly, put her hand on Zhang Yue\'s shoulder and walked to the hall: "Zhang Yue, since you already know that Hua Rong was rescued by the people of Liangshanpo, you also know that your plan has failed. I\'m afraid that the celebration party can\'t be held as usual. Look at this."

"Brother, we are close brothers. If you have any difficulties, just say it directly. I can do it. Naturally, I will try my best to help you!" Zhang Yue\'s words are becoming more and more polite. This is also his words to deal with those boring people. From these words, naturally, Zhang Yue can feel that she doesn\'t care about Zhang Qiong. Her perfunctory attitude and polite words are highlighting Zhang Yue\'s mood.

Zhang Qiong frowned. She always felt that Zhang Yue today was like a different person: "Brother, before our cooperation, your casino gave me and let me enjoy permanent happiness. According to your plan, Mo Jiao was attacked at the celebration banquet. Now the celebration banquet is gone, your plan can\'t be implemented, and I can\'t hold the beauty back. I\'m afraid it\'s inappropriate to have only one casino as a reward."

Unable to speak to Zhang Yue, Zhang Qiong continued, "a large part of the reason why I promised to cooperate with you to find the Yang family jade pendant is because I want to have mo Jiao. Now the plan fails. I only get a casino. Your brother is losing money in this business."

He didn\'t pay any cost. He just sent some people to follow Zhang Yue in Lingnan city to find the person who holds the Yang family jade pendant. This zero cost business has no loss for Zhang Qiong, but he thinks that Zhang Yue\'s benefits have not been given enough, and Mo Jiao\'s previously promised enjoyment can\'t be fulfilled, so Zhang Qiong wants to get more from Zhang Yue.

Zhang Qiong knew in her heart that if the imperial court blamed him, he would at least have a lot of industries to maintain her luxurious life. Of course, these industries came from Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue is still full of spring breeze and awe inspiring smile: "I don\'t know what brother means? Indeed, it\'s obvious that the celebration banquet can\'t be held. After all, your action has failed and Hua Rong has been rescued. Although the people of Liangshanpo are still in Lingnan city at this time, it\'s a great achievement to catch Hua Rong and other people of Liangshanpo, brother, you know that even if you find them, it\'s probably not him with the strength of you and Li Guo Our opponents, so it\'s impossible to hold the celebration banquet. "

Since Zhang Yue knew that Aunt Hong and Huang Ying planned to help Liangshanpo\'s people leave Lingnan City, the court would blame Zhang Qiong, so Zhang Yue deliberately said these words to make Zhang Qiong stop looking for Liangshanpo in Lingnan City, so as to help aunt Hong and Huang Ying smoothly implement their plan from the side.

Zhang Qiong doesn\'t look for it. People in Liangshanpo naturally have more opportunities to leave Lingnan city. Zhang Yue also wants to strive for some performance for herself after joining the merchant Federation. As for Zhang Qiong, he doesn\'t care about it. Anyway, there is only one result for Zhang Qiong, and he doesn\'t need to be afraid. Therefore, the tone of his words becomes a little stiff.

In front of so many soldiers, Zhang Yue directly said that Zhang Qiong\'s mission had failed, but no one dared to say that. The soldiers didn\'t expect that Zhang Yue had the courage to expose Zhang Qiong\'s scars, and she still looked light. Everyone present turned their eyes to Zhang Qiong\'s face.

That dark face could see the red color at this time. It can be seen that Zhang Qiong is now extremely angry. Zhang Yue lost her face and Zhang Yue, who had been submissive in front of her before. Zhang Qiong naturally felt angry: "Zhang Yue! It seems that you don\'t count on mixing in Lingnan City? What will happen to you if you offend me?"

Zhang Qiong clenched the long knife, clenched her teeth and said with a smile, "after this, as long as I give an order, can your casino still open? Does anyone dare to enter your Fengyue building?"

Looking at the angry Zhang Qiong, Zhang Yue smiled: "brother, I was negligent just now. I shouldn\'t give you the steps in front of so many people. Well, what do you want?"

Looking at Zhang Yue\'s attitude back to her former fear, Zhang Qiong\'s mouth rose slightly: "in fact, my brother doesn\'t want much. A Mo Jiao, change it with a wind and rain building. You also know that if your business is done, the wind and moon building actually has no meaning for you. You have the Yang family\'s restaurant and the intoxicating secret recipe. Just give me the wind and moon building."

Zhang Qiong continued to smile and said, "think about it, the casino is mine. The income of Fengyue building can\'t solve the urgent problem for you. It\'s better to help your brother and me."

"OK, here you are, too."

"..." Zhang Qiong looked at Zhang Yue in surprise. He had never seen Zhang Yue so straightforward. Before, Zhang Yue had to bargain whether she collected money from Zhang Yue or forcibly robbed the industry, and Zhang Qiong was ready to continue to persuade Zhang Yue, but Zhang Qiong never expected Zhang Yue to agree so directly.

"You, you promised?" Zhang Qiong looked at Zhang Yue suspiciously. Up to now, he couldn\'t believe his ears. The casino has become something in his bag. According to reason, Zhang Yue should cherish and don\'t give up the Fengyue building. Without the casino, the Fengyue building is the only industry Zhang Yue can survive. She wanted to take away his Fengyue building. Zhang Qiong thought she would argue with Zhang Yue for a long time, Zhang Yue\'s reaction exceeded Zhang Qiong\'s previous expectations.

Even the soldiers on one side showed an incredible expression, and they were silently thinking about whether this was Zhang Yue before? With a straight waist and high head, Zhang Yue smiled like a joke, waved and gave the Fengyue building to Zhang Qiong. The soldiers were in the same mood as Zhang Qiong at this time, that is, they were surprised and couldn\'t explain what happened to Zhang Yue.

The attendants of the merchant Federation behind Zhang Yue showed a treacherous smile. They knew that the Fengyue building had given Zhang Qiong only temporarily. According to their plan, in the end, whether it was the Fengyue building or the casino, or the intoxicating secret recipe handed down by the Yang restaurant and Yang\'s ancestors, they would return to Zhang Yue\'s hands, because Zhang Qiong had no life to master these things.

At this time, the government was surprisingly quiet. Zhang Qiong could even hear his heartbeat. He didn\'t expect that his brother would make him nervous.