Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 849

In the blacksmith\'s house in Lingnan City, Wu Xinyi is like an ant on a hot pot. She keeps walking back and forth in the house. Since Lin Chong and others returned here, Wu Xinyi began to worry about Li Luoyang, which has not been seen for so long. Li Luoyang still hasn\'t come back. Not only Wu Xinyi began to worry, but even Lin Chong and others felt that things might be bad.

Hua Rong was carried into the bed in the inner room. His body was wrapped with gauze. The effect of herbal medicine and the peace of mind of his brothers, Hua Rong soon went to sleep. His physical strength had been overdrawn during this period of time in prison. After seeing his brothers come to save himself, Hua Rong put down his guard and vigilance and got a rest time.

In the hall of the blacksmith\'s house, Li Kui looked impatiently out of the window: "special size, why haven\'t Luoyang brothers come back? Do we want to go out to find him!" Li Kui was the first to return to the blacksmith\'s house. With the brothers returning one by one, Li Luoyang was the only one who hasn\'t come back. As the brain and commander of the team, The importance of Li Luoyang has been reflected incisively and vividly in this operation.

Before, neither Wu Song nor Lin Chong was optimistic about Li Luoyang, who was young, and thought that he was simply unable to organize the prison robbery to rescue Hua Rong. However, Li Luoyang showed his performance all the way. Lin Chong and others saw it in their eyes. It can be said that Li Luoyang showed an amazing mind from leaving Liangshanpo.

First, Lin Luoshui was asked to withdraw the six gates to find the checkpoint. Then they came to Lingnan unimpeded. After reaching Lingnan, Li Luoyang set up a clever plan to catch the six mountain bandits Xiao alive, got the first-hand information about Lingnan City, and then went to the casino and the black market. Only then did they know the specific location of Hua Rong, And also saw through the other party\'s plan to execute Hua Rong in advance.

Lin Chong and others knew at this time that without the command of Li Luoyang, the prison robbery would not have been successful. Except Li Luoyang, the team could not achieve this level, and everyone had a problem in their hearts at this time, that is, Li Luoyang may not be as good as Wu Yong.

It can be seen that Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts in Lin Chong and others have reached a high position, not because they thank Li Luoyang\'s command for rescuing Hua Rong, but because they admire this young man.

Looking at the anxious Li Kui, Wu Song whispered, "don\'t worry, wait a minute. Now there are soldiers patrolling everywhere outside. Going out is tantamount to throwing themselves into the net." there was such a big noise in the prison, and everyone present naturally understood the situation in Lingnan city outside at this time.

Li Kui rubbed his hands and clenched his teeth and said, "it\'s a big deal to have a big fight with them! What are you afraid of!"

Lin Chong leaned against the wall and said with a gloomy face, "the blacksmith is still rebuilding weapons for us. Now we are unarmed, so why fight with the soldiers?" when he left the prison, in order to cover up his identity, Li Luoyang asked everyone to abandon their iconic weapons and pick up the long Guns of the guards, As like as two peas in Liangshan, the weapons that were built before they were put into the prison, they just returned to the place where Lin Chong asked the blacksmith to make the same weapons for them.

After all, they don\'t know how Li Luoyang plans to leave Lingnan city. At least they should be ready to fight at any time. At this time, Lin Chong and others have enough money to buy blacksmiths. After all, Li Luoyang has given them a lot. Of course, most of the money is still on Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang has promised to give it to Wu Xinyi, Let her use it to develop the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain.

Li Kui punched on the wall, his anger seemed to have nowhere to vent: "are we just waiting? Let the Luoyang brothers face danger outside?"

Monk Hua said solemnly and slowly, "we should trust him. With his mind and ability, there should be no problem. Since he said to gather here, he will find a way to come here. Let\'s wait." the people in Liangshanpo have no way except in the blacksmith house.

Wu Xinyi came to Chaijin: "you were the last to leave. Didn\'t you see where Luoyang went when you left the prison?"

Chai Jin shook his head reluctantly: "the situation was complex at that time. The courtyard behind the prison gate was full of people, including government soldiers, barracks soldiers and dozens of prisoners. After we left the prison channel, we dispersed, put on the clothes of guards, and we couldn\'t see the location of Luoyang brothers." Chai Jin recalled the scene when we fled. All the soldiers looked the same, It is impossible to accurately distinguish who is Li Luoyang. Everyone doesn\'t know that Li Luoyang failed to leave the prison channel at all. How can they find Li Luoyang in the crowd outside the channel.

"Miss Xinyi, don\'t worry. I believe Luoyang brothers will be fine." Lin Chong knows that Wu Xinyi is the one who needs to be comforted most at this time. After all, everyone knows the relationship between Wu Xinyi and Li Luoyang. If Li Luoyang really has something wrong, Wu Xinyi is expected to go out to find those soldiers and work hard. This is also what Lin Chong is most worried about.

Wu Xinyi looked at Lin Chong with an expressionless face: "Lin Chong, I believe your martial arts are the highest among you. Don\'t you know that in the battlefield, the commander is the heart of the team. In any case, you should protect him to leave safely at the first time. Even if you want to leave Lingnan City safely, you should accompany your brother in Luoyang to ensure his safety."

Lin Chong said slowly with a helpless face, "it\'s really my negligence."

Wu Xinyi continued to accuse: "Negligence? I think you saved Hua Rong, so you think Luoyang is no longer important? Otherwise, why did you let Luoyang evacuate alone? Have you forgotten that although he knows a little martial arts, he is nothing compared with you. He is not the opponent of a group of soldiers at all. If his identity is exposed, he will be involved in more things than you can think of!"

Wu Xinyi naturally refers to the Lin family in Luoyang. If Li Luoyang has an accident, I believe Lin Luoshui will recklessly ask Zhou Xiangong to avenge Li Luoyang. At that time, how can an unformed Liangshanpo resist? In addition, the Baiyun Mountain Wu family will also participate in the revenge against Liangshanpo. As long as the correct route to Liangshanpo is provided, Liangshanpo will be disintegrated in an instant. This is why But Lin Chong and others dare not imagine the consequences.

Wu Song stood up and looked at Wu Xinyi: "Miss Xinyi, you can\'t say that. Luoyang brothers paid so much for Huarong. How can we watch him fall into each other\'s hands? At that time, Luoyang brothers ordered us to evacuate and gather here. We didn\'t dare to disobey the order, so we had to do it."

Lin Chong raised his hand to stop Wu Song\'s words: "Miss Xinyi was right. At that time, we really should leave one person to go with our Luoyang brothers, at least to ensure his safety."