Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 846

Just after she came out of Yihua building, Zhang Yue was in an unprecedented good mood. With the guarantee of Huang Ying and aunt Hong, he felt that he could straighten his waist when walking. The previous fear seemed to have disappeared. Looking at the chaotic situation in the street, Zhang Yue smiled. Before that, he would worry about something wrong with Huarong, Zhang Qiong can\'t help him find the jade pendant.

But now it\'s different. With the help of lingnancheng merchant Federation, Zhang Yue doesn\'t need Zhang Qiong anymore. At this time, Zhang Yue is accompanied by ten people. They are all experts in the merchant Federation. Compared with Zhang Qiong\'s soldiers, I don\'t know how much better. With the help of these people, Zhang Yue can\'t see Zhang Qiong.

In addition, Zhang Yue knows the plans of aunt Hong and Huang Ying. Naturally, she also knows that her brother won\'t have too many days, so she has long been regarded as Zhang Qiong\'s only umbrella.

Zhang Yue took ten experts to the Fengyue building and began to look for the jade pendant after a short rest. Unexpectedly, as soon as she left the Yihua building, she met the soldier who hurried to Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue knew him. He was a soldier specially responsible for running errands beside Zhang Qiong: "what\'s up?"

As before, the soldier relied on her as Zhang Qiong\'s man. He knew that Zhang Yue didn\'t dare to offend Zhang Qiong, so he never gave Zhang Yue a good look. At this time, Zhang Yue didn\'t bow to himself as usual. There was a trace of displeasure on the soldier\'s face: "why am I looking for you? I\'m full and can talk to you more?"

Zhang Yue said slowly with a smile, "come on, what\'s the matter with me?"

"Your brother, Captain Zhang Qiong asked you to go to the government immediately. He is looking for you."

"Zhang Qiong? He\'s looking for me? Shouldn\'t he be looking for those people in Liangshanpo now? Why are you looking for me?" Zhang Yue looked at the soldiers suspiciously. Hua Rong was rescued. At this time, Zhang Qiong should be busy. Why would she wait for herself in the government? And it seems that looking for yourself is more important than looking for Liangshanpo people.

"How can I know the captain\'s mind? Just go there."

Zhang Yue smiled: "please tell captain Zhang Qiong that I have something to deal with. I\'ll visit him after he\'s busy." with that, Zhang Yue took people around the soldiers, turned and left, and went straight to Fengyue building.

The soldier stood in the same place in surprise. He had never seen Zhang Yue like this. Before, every time Zhang Qiong looked for Zhang Yue, Zhang Yue immediately put down everything in her hand and ran to the government quickly. Today, she unexpectedly refused to meet Zhang Qiong, which was completely beyond the soldier\'s imagination.

Looking at Zhang Yue, the soldier chased him. If he didn\'t take Zhang Yue back, he couldn\'t bear Zhang Qiong\'s anger: "stop!" the soldier stopped Zhang Yue: "Zhang Yue, what\'s your intention? Are you going to disobey captain Zhang Qiong\'s orders?"

At this time, a person from the merchant Federation put his mouth to Zhang Yue\'s ear: "aunt Hong said that you can\'t confront Zhang Qiong for the time being, so that he can see the flaws. Let\'s go with you this time."

"Since it\'s aunt Hong\'s order, I\'ll follow it naturally. I\'ll go to see my brother for the last time, so that he won\'t miss me when he gets to the underground." Zhang Yue is in a good mood. Everything is planned. Besides, there are ten people from the merchant Federation around him. Zhang Yue knows it\'s OK to meet Zhang Qiong.

So Zhang Yue took the merchant\'s Union and followed the soldiers to the government.

Before long, Zhang Yue appeared in front of Zhang Qiong. Looking at Zhang Yue\'s arrival with people, Zhang Qiong asked suspiciously, "why? You still have people with you when you come to me? Don\'t you think I\'m safe here?" Zhang poor ghost recalled that Zhang Yue was alone every time he came to the government before. Today, she came to the government with ten attendants. Zhang Qiong naturally became cautious.

Even if the other side is his own brother, he will guard against it. He knows what he has done to his brother over the years, and he also knows that his brother has long hated him for robbing his industry. Only Zhang Qiong knows that Zhang Yue can\'t live without herself, so she has a strong advantage over Zhang Yue. At this time, watching Zhang Yue bring people here, he naturally worries about whether his brother wants to be bad for herself.

No wonder, after all, everyone in Lingnan City knew that Hua Rong had been left by Liangshanpo. If Zhang Yue took advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Qiong would be in some trouble. Therefore, Zhang Qiong was worried when she saw Zhang Yue bring people to the government, but he was relieved when he determined that there were only ten people around Zhang Yue, Anyway, there are more than 50 government soldiers around her. If there is a fight, Zhang Qiong is full of confidence in her strength and number.

Zhang Yue said with a smile, "brother, you misunderstood me. I\'m going to look for the Yang family jade pendant in Lingnan city in advance with these people. Besides, my people can also find the sinner of Liangshanpo for you. Isn\'t this a matter of killing two birds with one stone?"

Zhang Yue explained casually, but the expression on her face didn\'t have the habitual fear of Zhang Qiong. There was always a smile on her face, and there was the smell of laughing at Zhang Qiong. At this time, Zhang Qiong knew that her brother had abandoned him. If you want to blame him, you can only blame him for his incompetence as a brother.

"It seems that you also know that the people of Liangshanpo saved Hua Rong."

"Of course, the whole Lingnan city knows about it. After I learned it, I organized the final strength of my Fengyue building for the first time. It\'s like coming here to help my brother. There are many people, so it will be much more convenient to find it. Don\'t you think so?"

The soldier in charge of notifying Zhang Yue immediately stood up and said, "that\'s not what you said just now!" the soldier turned to look at Zhang Qiong: "Captain! Just now I told him you wanted to see him. He not only didn\'t mean to come, but also refused your invitation. He said that he didn\'t come to visit you until you were busy. He didn\'t find these people to help you at all!" the soldier ate a horse at Zhang Yue, Naturally, I want to find Zhang Qiong to avenge myself.

Hearing the soldier\'s words, Zhang Qiong suddenly looked blue. He didn\'t expect that Zhang Yue\'s change was so complete. Zhang Yue, who had obeyed her before, dared to disobey her orders so blatantly. Although she would only notify Zhang Yue to meet, in Zhang Qiong\'s eyes, his words were orders!

"Zhang Yue, are my soldiers framing you?"

Zhang Yue said with a smile: "naturally, he was not slandering, but just a misunderstanding. I wanted to make good preparations for returning to the Fengyue building and prepare to come to the government to support my brother, so I was anxious to return to the Fengyue building. It was not a direct refusal as the soldier brother said."

Zhang Qiong squeezed out a smile from the corners of her mouth. From Zhang Yue\'s calm attitude at this time, he had made some judgment in his heart. He didn\'t know what Zhang Yue\'s change came from. Just from Zhang Yue\'s confident and plain expression, Zhang Qiong knew that Zhang Yue had changed, he seemed to know him, became not afraid of him, and tended to be higher than himself.

What happened and why did Zhang Yue become like this? Zhang Qiong\'s heart is full of doubts!