Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 843

"Elder brother, you came to Lingnan this time for Hua Rong? I didn\'t expect my opponent to be you."

Li Guo smiled and said, "I didn\'t expect to meet you here, and I\'m still an opponent."

After Li Guo had just finished, he saw Zhang Qiong riding a horse and coming to the tea stall with a murderous face, with more than a dozen government soldiers behind her.

"Li Guo! What time is it now? You still want to drink tea here! Those people in Liangshanpo haven\'t left Lingnan city yet. Don\'t take your people to find it!" Zhang Qiong was naturally dissatisfied when she saw Li Guo sitting here with a soldier for a long time. He had been looking for people in Lingnan city for almost a day. Li Guo\'s leisure made Zhang Qiong extremely angry.

Li Guo drank tea and didn\'t even look at Zhang Qiong: "my people have already arranged for a long time. They have already started to search in Lingnan city in a planned way. Even without me leading the team, they won\'t be in disorder. Unlike your people, you need to lead the team in person to maintain the formation and search plan."

"You! Li Guo, I warn you that if those Liangshanpo people really leave Lingnan City, we will both be punished by the imperial court!" looking at Li Guo\'s indifference, Zhang Qiong has to use the imperial court to keep Li Guo. If Hua Rong is really rescued, Li Guo and Zhang Qiong, as the persons in charge of this action, will naturally bear all the punishment, Zhang Qiong hopes that Li Guo will immediately join the search team and arrest the people in Liangshanpo. Only in this way can he avoid being punished by the imperial court.

At this time, Zhang Qiong\'s heart has begun to panic. His dream of a better future has now become a bubble, and goes farther and farther. Maybe he will finally give his life. He is like an ant on a hot pot, while Li Guo is light, which makes Zhang Qiong\'s heart how to balance.

Li Guo stood up slowly and looked at Zhang Qiong with a smile. He was very happy to meet Li Luoyang this time. Before that, Li Guo would not smile at Zhang Qiong: "Captain Zhang Qiong, Lingnan city is your territory. You are much more familiar with the terrain here than I am. I have arranged for my people to search in the west, and the East will naturally be handed over to you. I have my own arrangement. As for the imperial court, even if we will be blamed, we will bear it together. What are you worried about? I\'m worried that the imperial court will only blame you?"

Zhang Qiong looked murderous and held the long knife in her hand. She seemed to want to swing the long knife at Li Guo at any time: "Listen to me, you son. You arranged the deployment of this operation. The imperial court blamed it. I will report truthfully. Since you came to Lingnan City, all the soldiers have been deployed by you. I have the identity of a person in charge, but I have never arranged one soldier. Because you come from the military camp, I think your plan must be more comprehensive than those of our government. All the command will be given to you I\'ll kill you. "

Zhang Qiong smiled treacherously: "the imperial court will punish you severely, because you are still the commander in chief. I\'m just a team leader who meets your needs."

The reason why Zhang Qiong didn\'t arrange anything after Li Guo arrived in Lingnan city and didn\'t participate in the plan to help Li Guo was also Zhang Qiong\'s trick. He just wanted Li Guo to be fully responsible for Hua Rong\'s action. If it failed, he could transfer the responsibility to Li Guo and tell the court that he just cooperated with Li Guo and didn\'t take any action. In this way, the court would naturally Li Guo will be severely punished, and Zhang Qiong will only be appropriately punished.

If Li Guo\'s arrangement is successful, Zhang Qiong will find a way to take credit for herself. Therefore, Li Guo\'s arrival is an opportunity for Zhang Qiong to get promoted and get rich. However, he didn\'t expect that things would develop to this step. The task failed. Now she doesn\'t know the whereabouts of Liangshanpo people.

Li Guo went straight to Zhang Qiong: "Captain Zhang Qiong, if you want to put all the responsibility on me, I won\'t refute it, but now I want to ask what the meaning of your previous action is, deliberately delaying the support time and trying to kill the camp captain. Any of these two charges can kill you!"

Since Zhang Qiong took the initiative to deliver it to the door, Li Guo naturally wants to settle accounts after autumn.

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about? Is this the time to tangle? The most important thing now is the people and Huarong in Liangshanpo!" Zhang Qiong moved the topic away and explained that he didn\'t think about it well. Naturally, he didn\'t want to answer Li Guo\'s question.

Li Guo raised his mouth slightly and continued, "Captain Zhang Qiong, you don\'t look like a man. Do you dare to do it? In that case, I\'ll let you see someone." Li Guo patted his hands. Several soldiers appeared behind the tea stall. The soldiers escorted a man dressed in ordinary people to Li Guo and Zhang Qiong.

After seeing the man\'s face, Zhang Qiong was a little surprised. The guy was the man he sent to monitor the prison situation, and it was his report that Li Guo entered the prison. Zhang Qiong brought people to the prison for support. However, Li Guo received Mo Shou\'s warning, so he secretly arranged to arrest Zhang Qiong after he returned to the government to communicate.

"Captain Zhang Qiong! Captain, help me!" the man looked at Zhang Qiong with a pleading face.

The muscles in the corners of Zhang Qiong\'s eyes were shaking. He bit his teeth and said slowly, "you, who are you! I don\'t know you!"

"Captain Zhang Qiong! Why do you say that? I\'ve been with you for so many years and you don\'t know me? You asked me to monitor Li before. If he didn\'t enter the prison, you wouldn\'t bring your brothers to support him. As soon as he entered the prison, I\'ll go back and inform you. According to your plan, you\'re going to..."

Before the man finished, Zhang Qiong took the knife and fell. The long knife drew an arc in the air. Then the man\'s head fell to the ground, and the splashed blood scattered everywhere and fell into the tea cup on the tea stand. Li Luoyang reluctantly poured out the tea. He sat at the table and looked at everything in front of him. He knew that Li Guo could deal with such a small matter now.

At the moment when Zhang Qiong killed the man, Li Guo had enough time to react and stop, but he didn\'t do so. The reason is very simple. He doesn\'t want to expose Zhang Qiong\'s plan now. In fact, it\'s not important for Li Guo to solve Zhang Qiong\'s face, because Li Guo will always target Zhang Qiong, because he still has a task about Zhang Qiong.

"Captain Zhang Qiong, are you killing people? He knows all your plans."

"Li Guo, I don\'t know this guy at all. Planting imperial officials is a capital crime! Besides..." Zhang Qiong smiled: "I think that man may be the one you found to plant me?"

Li Guo spread out his hands and said with a smile, "whatever you say, you have a lot of evidence in my hand. Otherwise, why can I know your plan? After entering the prison gate, hide aside and watch you perform."

As if struck by thunder, Zhang Qiong stood in a daze. He didn\'t think of it. Hua Rong\'s escape made him ignore the details of how his plan was seen through by Li Guo. With Li Guo\'s reminder, Zhang Qiong seemed to realize something.