Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 844

At this time, among the Lingnan government, Zhang Qiong sat in the position of magistrate Liu angrily. All the soldiers belonging to the government had been recalled by him. After Li Guo\'s reminder just now, Zhang Qiong determined that there must be Li Guo\'s undercover in his team. Otherwise, Li Guo seemed to know his plan and made a response, so he wanted to eliminate the dissimilarity in his team.

At this time, in his heart, the people in Liangshanpo have not removed the undercover around him. Even if they catch the people in Liangshanpo, the evidence in Li Guo\'s hands can only kill him. Therefore, his top priority is to get rid of the undercover around Li Guo. He doesn\'t know that there is no undercover at all. It is Ye Yu\'s eavesdropping plan hidden in the dark, However, let Mo Shou tell Li Guo.

The reason why Zhang Qiong didn\'t suspect Mo Jiao and others who lived in the government was that he had already sent someone to secretly monitor Mo Jiao and didn\'t find that the three had a chance to hear his plan, so he didn\'t doubt it. Only from the beginning to now, Zhang Qiong didn\'t know that there was still a team vice captain Ye Yu around Li Guo.

This is Li Guo\'s plan at the beginning. To hide Ye Yu in the dark is to prepare for the secret investigation of Zhang Qiong.

"You bastards! I have raised you for so many years, but there are traitors among you!" Zhang Qiong\'s words flustered the soldiers below. Everyone looked left and right. They all thought that their brothers were probably traitors in captain Zhang Qiong\'s mouth. The trust collapsed in an instant, or there was no trust between them at all.

Zhang Qiong grabbed the long knife, stood up, pointed to the soldiers and shouted, "it\'s a traitor. I\'d better come out for myself. I promise to keep you alive. If I catch you, I\'ll not only skin him, but also let his family taste what life is better than death."

At this time, a voice sounded in the team: "Captain, we are loyal to you. In recent years, you have brought us popular and spicy. Who will betray you? Is this someone else deliberately provoking the relationship between us?"

Zhang Qiong snorted softly, clenched her teeth and said, "hum! Provocation? No one has tipped off Li. He will wait for us to see the show in the prison gate? If he doesn\'t know our plan, how can he make a response? Do you mean Li Guo has not predicted?"


Looking at the quiet team, Zhang Qiong roared angrily, "I\'ll give you another chance. If you don\'t come out again, don\'t blame me for being ruthless!"

The soldiers knelt neatly on the ground. They knew that Zhang Qiong had always been a person who would rather kill a thousand wrong than miss one. They were worried that Zhang Qiong, who was furious at this time, would kill all of them just to find the traitor.

"Captain, Captain, the people in Liangshanpo are still important. If you kill us, no one will help you search them!"

"Yes, yes, Captain, we can\'t betray you. We can have oil and water beside you. We don\'t know how to live without you, so you say how can we betray you without our own jobs?"

There was a cry for mercy, and the soldiers began to blame each other.

"Who! Who is it? If you really betrayed the captain, admit it yourself. Was it you? Last time you said that the captain deducted your salary, you always hated it, so you betrayed the captain!"

"What are you talking about? How could I do such a thing? It\'s you. Last time I invited the captain to drink, you used up all your savings. You should hate the captain more."

The team was in chaos when the mutual accusations began.

Just when Zhang Qiong was going to stop the soldiers from talking, he was surprised to find a figure walking from the back hall to the gate. After a careful look, it was magistrate Liu who took off the official\'s ordinary clothes: "where are you going!"

Zhang Qiong roared and magistrate Liu trembled. He planned to leave Lingnan government quietly. After learning that the people in Liangshanpo had rescued Hua Rong, he began to think about escaping. As the magistrate of Lingnan City, Hua Rong would be punished if he escaped Lingnan city. He didn\'t want to be in his official position at the last moment, Unexpectedly, as soon as he was ready to leave, Zhang Qiong came back with all the soldiers.

Seeing Zhang Qiong angry in the back hall, magistrate Liu was worried that he would be implicated. He wanted to escape while the soldiers were in chaos. Unexpectedly, Zhang Qiong found out.

Zhang Qiong walked slowly to the magistrate Liu at the gate, came to Qimian and asked with a smile, "magistrate Liu, where are you going?"

Magistrate Liu wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled, "it\'s all right. Go out for a walk."

"Walk? Do you need to bring a gift?" Zhang Qiong grabbed the package on the back of magistrate Liu, opened it and fell to the ground. It contained the gold and silver notes embezzled by magistrate Liu over the years. These were all his "hard" money. In order to have a better life after returning home, he would naturally bring all his possessions.

Magistrate Liu bowed his head and dared not look at Zhang Qiong.

Zhang Qiong grabbed magistrate Liu\'s hair and threw it into the government. Magistrate Liu, who had no martial arts skills, had no strength to fight back. Magistrate Liu, who fell heavily to the ground, lay on the ground, bit his teeth, pointed to Zhang Qiong and shouted, "what are you doing? I\'m the magistrate!"

"Bah! A puppet, how dare you talk to me like this? You don\'t have Laozi these years. Why do you have so much oil and water there? Now there\'s an accident. Are you going to leave alone with money? The punishment for failure is that Laozi not only needs Li to carry it, but you also have to share some with me!"

Zhang Qiong naturally wants magistrate Liu to share the court\'s punishment. In his opinion, since Li Guo has no intention of looking for Liangshanpo people, even if he finds Liangshanpo people, he is not their opponent. It\'s better to plan how to minimize the responsibility after the court blames him. Obviously, finding a scapegoat is the best way. In Zhang Qiong\'s heart, there is already a Li Guo, If the magistrate Liu is involved again, the blame of the imperial court may not be on him, so he can\'t let the magistrate Liu leave.

"Zhang Qiong!" seeing that Zhang Qiong\'s attitude was so clear, magistrate Liu naturally planned to fight with his identity: "you were just a guard captain in those years. If I hadn\'t promoted you, you would have achieved what you are now? Can you become the first expert of the government? Hold the control of the soldiers of Lingnan city? Are you going to cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

The soldiers laughed one after another. Zhang Qiong raised her mouth slightly and said slowly, "rely on you? Hehe, you helped me when you received a lot of money from the merchant Federation. It\'s not so much that you\'re helping me as you\'re helping yourself. If you weren\'t greedy, how could you help me?"

"Zhang Qiong! I\'m leaving here today. How dare you stop me? I\'m the prefect of Lingnan city!"

Before Zhang Qiong answered, the soldiers surrounded magistrate Liu one after another and proved their loyalty to Zhang Qiong with their actions.