Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 842

Calm analysis is not only the key to Li Luoyang\'s success in his own era, but also the foundation for him to live in this chaotic era. Li Luoyang has successfully avoided many other people\'s calculations with many times of analysis. He knows that his situation has become very difficult at this time.

This disappearance not only brought chaos to Luoyang City, but also brought endless trouble to him. Mo Yuntian has cooperated with Sima Yingming at this time. Although it is only speculation, it is very possible. After all, these two people have ulterior motives for Li Luoyang. Now Li Luoyang is missing. He believes that these two people will take action.

In a sense, Li Luoyang\'s disappearance is an opportunity for Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian to show their true face. Li Luoyang is missing. Sima Yingming is naturally worried about his cooperation with the imperial court. Li Luoyang ignores Mo Jiao\'s existence. He didn\'t expect Mo Jiao to care so much about herself. Even if the six doors have stopped looking, Mo Jiao still hasn\'t stopped.

Li Luoyang knew clearly that according to the calculation of time, Mo Jiao should finish the production of perfume in Luoyang city at this time. She could appear here, just finished the production of perfume or gave the secret recipe to others, so that others could finish it for her.

Obviously, with the character and speed of Mo Jiao, she has no ability to finish the order ahead of time, so she has a much greater chance of giving perfume secret to others, and this Mogao trust person is only Mo Yuntian.

Li Luoyang got this information through chain analysis. Although he doesn\'t know whether his analysis is correct, his character is like this. He should try his best to avoid accidents that may happen at any time.

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s explanation, Li nodded: "your worries are all reasonable. As you said, if your value has really fallen into Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian\'s hands, you will be in danger. It\'s better to return to the barracks with me."

Li Guo knows that Li Luoyang\'s analysis just now should be very accurate, and if Mo Yuntian and Sima Ying really intend to attack Li Luoyang, Li Luoyang is not their opponent without protection. To put it bluntly, Li Luoyang has a good wind and water in Luoyang City, a large part of which is due to the existence of six doors. If Mo Yun has shown his true face naively, Without an umbrella, Li Luoyang is indeed in danger.

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "don\'t worry, brother, I can\'t shrink back in this situation. I still need them to provide me with an umbrella."

"You, what do you mean?"

"Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming were obedient to me because I was valuable to them. When I finish handling the affairs of Lingnan city and return to Luoyang City, I will let them know that my value is far from that."

Li Guo frowned and said slowly, "are you so willing to be used by them?" Li Guo knew that these were Li Luoyang\'s schemes for his mother\'s forbearance, but Li Guo didn\'t want his brother to create value desperately to be used by others.

The smile on Li Luoyang\'s face disappeared and was replaced by a serious face: "Brother, there are few forces belonging to me now. I have no ability to fight Mo Yuntian or Sima Yingming who has lost power. At present, I am in a very awkward situation. On the one hand, I need to secretly establish my own strength. On the other hand, before my strength grows, I still need the protection of Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming, so I won\'t expose their true face for the time being When our strength has surpassed them, even if they don\'t want to use me anymore, they won\'t dare to attack me. "

Li Guo nodded. He knew that Li Luoyang did this to deal with the Lin family and his mother: "but how much has your power been established for so long?" Li Guo naturally worried that the longer it took, the worse it would be for Li Luoyang.

Li Luoyang seemed a little embarrassed: "there are really not many people who can obey me for my use now. Xiao Si can count as one, and Xiao Hui can barely count as one. Tiger skin doesn\'t know his decision, but after the Huarong affair, I got at least one favor from Liangshanpo."

At this time, Li Luoyang didn\'t know that Xiao Hui had completely joined his camp. When Li Luoyang returned, Xiao Hui would want liumen to resign and officially become Li Luoyang\'s apprentice, and he also brought tiger skin. These were the credit of Ouyang Wenjun\'s persuasion, which made Xiao Hui make a firm decision.

Li Guo looked at Li Luoyang helplessly: "so far, you have only this person?" Li Guo didn\'t expect that with Li Luoyang\'s ability, so far he has only attracted these people. The people in Liangshanpo have not become Li Luoyang\'s power, but owe Li Luoyang a favor. This doesn\'t count as establishing a cooperative relationship with Li Luoyang. If it develops at this speed, Li Guo doesn\'t know how long it will take for Li Luoyang to compete with Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming Your strength.

Li Luoyang put his hand on Li Guo\'s shoulder: "brother, what I need is the strength to resist the six doors of the imperial court, which needs to develop slowly, but you are different. As long as you can climb to a certain position and put pressure on the Lin family, your mother\'s life can be saved. If you want the Lin family to release our mother completely, it\'s not enough for you to have the status of military general."


"If the Lin family really completely succumbed to the force, why didn\'t they let their mother go in the face of Zhou Xiangong? They imprisoned their mother, but they didn\'t want to tear their face with Zhou Xiangong, so they could temporarily keep their mother\'s life. According to our plan, one day Zhou Xiangong fell down, and you have enough status in the military camp. The Lin family is still afraid of three points, but it\'s absolutely up to us Without the qualification to save his mother, if he could, Zhou Xiangong should have saved his mother long ago, but he didn\'t do it for a simple reason. He didn\'t want to do it, but he couldn\'t do it. "

Li Guo stared at Li Luoyang in amazement: "So, you let me climb to a position of real power in the military camp, in fact, to save my mother\'s life? You need more powerful strength to save my mother. This strength... May be larger than the imperial court, which can make the Lin family completely unable to resist. Only in this way, the Lin family will release my mother and never trouble our mother and son, so! I must Win over people and build their own strength. These people I need to choose and need strength, rather than trying to win over some mountain bandits at will. "

Li Guo smiled: "you call it careful selection?"

"Of course, I don\'t want those who have no ability, and I don\'t want those who have no character. What I want is that my own power can shake the government and the public. Only in this way can we save my mother and avoid other people\'s use or calculation. Only in this way can we live in peace with my mother."

Li Guo took a deep breath, then smiled and said, "I can\'t control you. Anyway, I\'ll just work hard in the army. I\'ll leave it to you... Luoyang."
