Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 841

"Luoyang, Mo Jiao is in Lingnan government. Aren\'t you going to meet her?"

Li Luoyang frowned and said slowly, "she\'s looking for me?"

"Well, since you disappeared, she has been looking for you everywhere. Except Lingnan City, she has gone all possible places. It\'s really silly for Mo Jiao to wear a girl. She\'s very interested in you."

Li Luoyang smiled: "your brother\'s charm is so powerful."

"It\'s nonsense again. Let\'s go back to the Yamen with me and see her. If she sees that you\'re safe now, she\'ll be very happy."

Li Luoyang shook his head and the smile on his face disappeared: "brother, don\'t you think it\'s strange?"

"Strange? What\'s strange?"

"Before I left Liangshan for Lingnan, I asked Chaijin to send a letter to my mother. I believe my mother can see the meaning of my letter and prevent the six doors from looking for me again. Along the way from Liangshan to Lingnan, the checkpoints originally arranged by the six doors have been evacuated, indicating that Mo Yuntian has been asked by his mother to withdraw those checkpoints looking for me and has stopped Why hasn\'t Mo Jiao stopped looking for me? "

Li Guo smiled: "why do you become stupid when you meet such a thing? What\'s your intelligence? It\'s not because Mo Jiao is worried about you, so despite Mo Yuntian\'s opposition, he took Mo Fu and Mo Shou around looking for you."

"Mo Fu and Mo Shou are also here?"


"That\'s even more wrong!"

Looking at Li Luoyang\'s serious expression, Li Guo immediately felt as if something was going to happen.

Li Luoyang drank a cup of tea and slowly said, "my missing is sure to stir up chaos in Luoyang. I am not arrogant because Sima needs my goods. If perfume is not handed in on time, Sima will bear the crime of deceit, and the six doors of Moyun will worry that my disappearance will make my mother angry, and they can not afford to offend, so they will look for me everywhere."

Li Luoyang continued: "after receiving my letter, my mother naturally knew that I was safe. My mother looked for Mo Yuntian, and Mo Yuntian withdrew all the search for me. At this time, he should investigate the people who attacked Wenjun\'s elegant buildings." Li Luoyang naturally knew the experience of Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er from the firewood import. He knew that he had to deal with the immediate emergency anyway, Wait until you get back.

"The most powerful people around Mo Yuntian are mo Fu and Mo Shou. Even if Mo Jiao willfully wants to find me alone, Mo Yuntian won\'t arrange the strongest strength of the six doors around Mo Jiao. That\'s overqualified, but why Mo Jiao is followed by Mo Fu and Mo Shou, except for what task they have."

"What can they do?"

Li Luoyang frowned and whispered: "I always feel that something is wrong. When Chai moved away from Luoyang, she did not find what Sima Yingming had to say. If Chai Jin left, it would not take him three days to deliver Mrs. Sima to Mrs. white. Sima Ying seemed not to be in a hurry. He seemed to have collected all the goods. No! Fuck, he really collected three hundred bottles of perfume."

Li Luoyang suddenly thought of something: "Damn, since Mojiao can leave six doors and go out to look for me, then she must have completed the agreement between me and her. Her perfume has been finished. Or she has no intention to continue to make perfume, who will give the secret of perfume to others, so that others can help her finish, and this person may be Sima Ying Ming, otherwise Sima Ying Ming will not be so calm."

Li Luoyang made a correct analysis based on his understanding of the people around him. He knew that according to Mo Jiao\'s character, if she learned that Li Luoyang was missing, she would not be able to do it. This was not Li Luoyang\'s arrogance, but that he knew Mo Jiao\'s feelings for him.

"What the hell do you mean?" Li Jingen asked suspiciously, not understanding Li Luoyang\'s analysis.

"Brother, I\'m worried that Mo Jiao will be used by Sima Yingming or Mo Yuntian."

"Mo Yuntian? He is mo Jiao\'s father."

"Hum, Mo Yuntian is old and cunning. It\'s in the face of the Lin family and his mother to make friends with me. Do you really think he will treat me sincerely?" Li Luoyang can\'t see Mo Yuntian\'s face: "Mo Jiao is his daughter. He is easier to control. Why can Mo Jiao still appear here with Mo Fu and Mo Shou after she has stopped looking for my task? Is it really because Mo Jiao has a forced attitude?"

"What do you mean?"

"Special code, I\'m worried that the fragrance formula has been given to Sima Ying Ming."

"What\'s the impact?"

Li Luoyang smiled: "brother, what is my greatest value in front of Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian?"

"Immortal drunk? Jade dew in yaochi?"

"You said only a little bit, and perfume and even herbs. Perfume is the most important thing for Sima Ying Ming, because that is the value of helping him return to the court, so Sima does not care if I am missing. As long as he can get perfume formula, my existence means little to him. He even prefers to go back to Luoyang for life. Because the perfume formula he owns can become the only existence in this world, and he can firmly cooperate with the court. "

Li Luoyang\'s canthus muscles are trembling: "My disappearance means that Wenjun Yazhu doesn\'t have an umbrella. I haven\'t given Ouyang Wenjun the formula of yaochi Yulu, but Ouyang Wenjun really has the secret recipe for immortality intoxication. If I can\'t go back forever, Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming will have all kinds of means to get the secret recipe for immortality intoxication from Ouyang Wenjun\'s hand. In this way, they will take away my value. I\'ll give it to them Not long after I left, Wenjun Yazhu was attacked by a mysterious man. This is the best proof that someone wants to start while I\'m not here. "

"You mean they want you to disappear forever? Because your value is already in their hands."

"It\'s very likely."

"But do they dare? One is the old king without any real power, and the other is the person in charge of six doors. Do they dare to offend their mother and the Lin family?"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "what if they do it secretly? Let Mo Jiao find me first and try to kill me on my way back and make me disappear forever."

"That\'s right!" Li Guo suddenly thought of Mo Jiao\'s previous dialogue with himself: "Mo Jiao once said that Mo Yuntian once explained to Mo Jiao. If he finds out your news, he will report to Mo Yuntian at the first time."

Li Luoyang smiled and said: "It seems that Mo Yun Tian should start working with Sima Ying Ming, otherwise he would not dare to block my hand, and Sima Ying Ming probably got the perfume formula and wanted to establish his own cooperation with the court. Mo Jiao was not a fool. Even if she wanted to give up perfume production and go out to look for me, she would not give the secret recipe to Sima Ying, but to give her the most trusted Moyun day. I gave this secret recipe to Sima Yingming. I don\'t know what cooperation they have reached. There\'s only one thing I can be sure of now. Mo Jiao, I can\'t see it. "