Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 840

In front of a tea stall in Lingnan City, Li Guo didn\'t search in the city with other soldiers. He leisurely sat on the tea stall and drank tea. When he learned that Li Luoyang was among the Liangshanpo people who rescued Huarong, he gave up tracking the Liangshanpo people. The reason is very simple. He can\'t fight Li Luoyang, And he knew that the reason why Li Luoyang came to Lingnan with the people of Liangshanpo must be that Li Luoyang had his own arrangement.

At this time, there was another soldier sitting in front of the tea stall with Li Guo. Naturally, he was Li Luoyang. Both brothers did not seem to be worried about the chaos in Lingnan City, but both felt relaxed.

"Luoyang, why did you promise to save Hua Rong with the people of Liangshanpo? You know it\'s very dangerous. This time you met me. If I didn\'t lead the soldiers in lingnancheng barracks, how would you deal with it?" Li Guo knows that his current identity can help Li Luoyang leave lingnancheng smoothly, but he doesn\'t understand what plans Li Luoyang has, Why help the people of Liangshanpo like this.

When Li Guo and Li Luoyang were separated, Li Luoyang once told Li Guo not to risk himself anyway. He had to save his life anyway. Only if he lived could he have the chance to save his mother. At this time, Li Luoyang was at risk in Lingnan. Li Guo didn\'t know what big plan he had, so he was willing to take risks.

Li Luoyang, carrying coarse tea and smiling, looked at the barracks soldiers running by: "brother, you\'ve trained well. Those soldiers seem to be able to fight one by one." when he met Li Guo, Li Luoyang naturally felt a lot easier. The pressure in recent days seemed to disappear in an instant. He didn\'t even have to worry about making a way to leave Lingnan city.

Originally, this was the most troublesome thing for Li Luoyang. The four city gates were blocked. At this time, no one could leave smoothly. Li Luoyang originally planned to find a way to leave Lingnan City, but now it\'s no longer needed. There is a brother of the camp captain here, and he is still the general person in charge. Li Luoyang believes that Li Guo has countless ways to help him leave. If he is selfish, Li Luoyang fully believes that at least he and Wu Xinyi have no problem leaving Lingnan safely.

"In fact, my purpose of helping Liangshanpo is very simple. That\'s because I think they owe me a favor. When they can use Liangshanpo in the future, they can do their best to help."

Li Guo frowned and whispered, "Luoyang, I know you want to win over your own forces at this time, but although Liangshanpo people have many capable strong people, their strength can only be regarded as the middle class among many green forest people. Why do you take such a big risk for them?"

In Li Guo\'s opinion, he knows that Li Luoyang wants to gather forces, but although the people of Liangshanpo have strength, they are not the best choice. There are many organizations with more strength than Liangshanpo. Those should be Li Luoyang\'s goals. Moreover, Liangshanpo\'s mission is too dangerous and unnecessary.

Li Luoyang said with a smile, "don\'t worry, brother. I believe the future growth of Liangshanpo will be impressive, and the imperial court is expected to be worried about the growth of Liangshanpo." from another era, Li Luoyang naturally knows the future of Liangshanpo. Now the real strength of Liangshanpo has not been formed, so it can\'t be regarded as a thorn in the eye of the imperial court, but in this era, except him, It is estimated that no one knows the terrible degree of Liangshanpo in the future.

Li Guo was still puzzled and said, "Luoyang, to tell you the truth, the imperial court did not pay attention to Liangshanpo. Do you know what this means? It means that even if Liangshanpo is any better, it is impossible to form a force that the imperial court fears. If they really have such a future, the imperial court would have ordered general Zhou Xiangong to go to Liangshan."

"I know that they have not yet become a thorn in the eye of the imperial court, but the people of the six gates in Luoyang City have been watching every move of Liangshanpo. Don\'t forget that many people who betrayed the imperial court have entered Liangshanpo, which means that a general trend has been formed in the whole country. In the future, if someone leaves the imperial court, they will naturally go to Liangshan and force them to Liangshan. That\'s how they come."

"Forced to go up Liangshan?"

"Forget it, you don\'t understand. Anyway, you have to believe me. Liangshanpo owes me this time. I will need them in the future. Their strength will certainly impress you in the future. It\'s estimated that you will never think of how far they will develop... As long as they don\'t make the wrong choice."

"Who? What choice?"

Li Luoyang naturally refers to Song Jiang\'s decision to surrender: "nothing. By the way, brother, you haven\'t told me how you became the captain so quickly?" Li Luoyang is curious about how Li Guo took the position of captain in such a short time. Zhou Xiangong\'s competitiveness in the army is not small, and there are many people with better abilities than Li Guo, Li Luoyang really can\'t figure out how Li Guo did it. Li Luoyang himself has no advantage in hard power, although he has a three inch tongue.

Li Guo took tea and chatted with Li Luoyang: "at that time, our team fought with foreigners. General Zhou Xiangong ordered that whoever killed the more enemies would become the captain of the newly established team. In that battle, I killed the most enemies, just one better than the second. According to the order, I became the captain, and the one who was less than me became the vice captain."

"So you\'ve seen Zhou Xiangong?"

"No, general Zhou Xiangong won\'t come to the new barracks. He just came by order."

Li Luoyang was disappointed: "well, I thought you Zhou Xiangong promoted you personally. If so, it means that Zhou Xiangong has recognized your strength. Now it seems that you still have a long way to go in the barracks." originally, Li Luoyang thought Zhou Xiangong recognized Li Guo\'s strength, so Li Guo was promoted to be the captain, In this way, Li Guo will have more opportunities to contact Zhou Xiangong in the future, and the opportunities for promotion will naturally become more. Li Luoyang needs Li Guo to reach a real power position in the military camp. In this way, once Zhou Xiangong loses his current power and position, at least one Li Guo will frighten the Lin family.

Li Guo glanced at Li Luoyang, who was in deep thought. He knew what his brother was thinking: "don\'t worry, the new barracks will soon meet general Zhou Xiangong\'s team. At that time, I have plenty of opportunities to show in front of him. I will try my best to climb in the barracks to a valuable position."

Li Luoyang smiled and took the tea cup: "brother, I believe you have this strength. It\'s hard for you."

Li Guo shook his head reluctantly: "hard work? What is it compared with you? I\'m in the military camp. Naturally, no one plans on me, but you are different. Only you can dissolve the evil. Without me and my mother around, you\'d better take care of yourself."

Li Guo looked at his only brother and felt a little guilty. He should have shouldered the task of saving his mother. Unexpectedly, all these plans were arranged by Li Luoyang, which made Li Guo ashamed all the time.