Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 839

"How do you want me to cooperate?" Zhang Yue\'s heart has made a decision, or his future and life are important. After Zhang Yue\'s consideration, aunt Hong\'s words came into his heart.

Although Zhang Qiong is Zhang Yue\'s brother, she does not fulfill her brother\'s responsibility. She has been calculating Zhang Yue\'s industry. This time, the Yang family jade pendant is the best proof. Thinking that she has always been begging for mercy in front of Zhang Qiong, Zhang Yue\'s heart is full of anger.

That\'s her brother. He had to beg and take out his own industry as a reward to help her brother. Zhang Yue didn\'t know that she hated Zhang Qiong. However, at that time, Zhang Yue knew that even if she was dissatisfied with Zhang Qiong\'s way of doing things, she would be of no help. After all, Zhang Qiong was his dependence and his backer, Moreover, Zhang Yue knows that there is a business federation behind Zhang Qiong.

Now it\'s different. Zhang Yue learned that everything Zhang Qiong owned was actually helped by the merchant Federation for him. Now the merchant Federation takes the initiative to find him for cooperation. This backer is more stable and powerful than Zhang Qiong. To put it bluntly, for Zhang Yue, the merchant Federation is more valuable than Zhang Qiong, so after careful consideration, Zhang Yue finally agreed to the conditions of Huang Ying and aunt Hong.

Looking at Zhang Yue\'s promise, aunt Hong smiled: "OK! In that case, sign the contract."


"Just in case, after signing the contract, you will officially become a member of our merchant Federation. We will wholeheartedly help you achieve your ambition. However, if you betray, I\'m sorry, you will become the target of the most wanted order of the merchant Federation."

Zhang Yue was a little surprised. She didn\'t expect that a betrayal would become the most wanted target of the merchant Federation. The highest target could hardly survive. The merchant federations all over the country had to put down any task at the first time and deal with the most wanted target first. Because the merchant Federation had points all over the country, there were countless merchants or collaborators at each point, So they will be like a huge net, covering all parts of the country, and finally find out the target people.

Zhang Yue looked at the contents of the contract carefully, which was no different from what aunt Hong said. Zhang Yue signed her name without hesitation, and bited her finger and drew a pledge. Aunt Hong took the contract back into her arms with satisfaction.

Zhang Yue looked at Huang Ying and asked in a low voice, "Miss Huang Ying, I\'m already your man. I don\'t know if you will tell me your plan to deal with my brother?"

"It doesn\'t hurt to tell you. I\'m not worried that you will tell Zhang Qiong our plan. If that\'s the case, the consequences have been clearly written in the contract, and I don\'t believe you intend to betray us at the beginning!" Huang Ying smiled confidently. She knew that Zhang Yue just wanted to know how Zhang Qiong would die, not to disclose the plan to Zhang Qiong.

Aunt Hong sat next to Zhang Yue and whispered, "it\'s very simple. We want Zhang Qiong to fail this mission. The imperial court blames her. It depends on Zhang Qiong\'s life. Whether she is dismissed and left in the countryside or whether her head falls to the ground depends on how the imperial court punishes Zhang Qiong."

Zhang Yue frowned: "but what should I do if the court is angry and gives the crime to Zhang Qiong and implicates the nine families?" as we all know, implicating the nine families is the biggest punishment. As Zhang Qiong\'s biological brother, Zhang Yue will naturally be implicated. Zhang Yue naturally worried that if the court is angry and sentenced Zhang Qiong to extermination, she will have no way back.

Huang Ying said solemnly and expressionless, "don\'t worry, even if you are involved in the nine tribes, we will protect you from any mistakes. Since you are already a member of the merchant Federation, we will not stand idly by. We will contact the people in the court and let them deal with them, and we will give you a new identity. You are no longer Zhang Qiong\'s biological brother, but the business leader of Lingnan city."

Hearing what Huang Ying said, Zhang Yue realized that she had not made a wrong choice. Even there were people from the merchant Federation in the imperial court, which Zhang Yue didn\'t expect. Zhang Yue whispered with a sly smile: "since those people in Liangshanpo have rescued Huarong at this time, Zhang Qiong and Li Guo will investigate in the city. If they find it, our plan will fail."

At this time, Zhang Yue has made all preparations. Even her title to Zhang Qiong is no longer her brother, and even directly calls herself and Huang Ying and aunt Hong as us. It can be seen that Zhang Yue\'s character is really two faced.

"I\'m going to arrange people to look for them secretly in the city. If I find the people in Liangshanpo, I\'ll invite them to Yihua building. In this way, I have 100 ways to safely send them away from Lingnan City, and they can easily leave when mixed with black market businessmen. Moreover, in our merchant Federation, there is a secret road directly outside the city. This is our secret. If you can tell me, you will know that we don\'t want to leave I don\'t treat you as an outsider. "

The merchant Federation of each city will secretly excavate the channel and lead to the outside of the city, just in case, and this secret is only known by the people inside the merchant Federation. They will only know the existence of the secret Road, not the entrance of the secret road.

"What if Zhang Qiong and Li Guo find them first?"

"Do you think your brother and Li Guo\'s strength can fight them? At that time, I just need to order our people to take part in the battle and directly help the people of Liangshanpo leave. The plan will go smoothly. Even if Zhang Qiong and Li Guo want to check, they won\'t find that those people are from our merchant Federation."

"Need my people to act together?" Zhang Yue immediately showed a new person\'s positive attitude.

"You don\'t have to. Your people are too easy to be known. Besides, what strength do your people have to help them?" Huang Ying said expressionless.

Zhang Yue nodded: "well, Miss Huang Ying is right. I\'m making trouble. What do you need me to do?"

Aunt Hong thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "later, I\'ll arrange some people for you. You take these people to participate in the search in Lingnan city. However, your goal is not the people of Liangshanpo, but the people who hold the Yang family jade pendant. You are already our people. Your business is our business. Of course, you should help you get the Yang family jade pendant and become the Yang family\'s son-in-law first."

Hearing aunt Hong\'s words, Zhang Yue smiled in surprise. Compared with begging Zhang Qiong before, the efficiency of the merchant Federation was far beyond Zhang Yue\'s imagination. He didn\'t expect that Aunt Hong would be so straightforward and offered to help herself finish the big event first. Zhang Yue was glad that her decision was right again.

"Thank you, aunt Hong, and Miss Huang Ying."

Huang Ying nodded and then said, "when you get the jade pendant, we will arrange for you to become the son-in-law of the Yang family. You don\'t have to worry. The top priority is to deal with Zhang Qiong. You can come to Yihua building to find aunt Hong in the future. She will give you enough help."

Zhang Yue immediately stood up and bowed respectfully: "Zhang Yue thanked you here."