Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 838

In Yihua building, the plan is changing along the decision of Huang Ying and aunt Hong. From the moment she decides to abandon Zhang Qiong, Zhang Qiong\'s fate is no longer in her own hands. Even if they can successfully trap the people of Liangshanpo at the prison gate, they will be ambushed by experts arranged by Aunt Hong. The people of the merchant Federation will help the people of Liangshanpo leave the prison, The purpose is to completely destroy Zhang Qiong.

She decided to abandon Zhang Qiong because Aunt Hong felt that Zhang Qiong had begun to expand and did not pay attention to the people of the merchant Federation. After all, if people could really complete the task of Huarong, Zhang Qiong would probably become the magistrate. Even without the help of the merchant Federation at that time, he would be qualified to take this position. At that time, based on Aunt Hong\'s understanding of Zhang Qiong, Zhang Qiong is likely to completely break away from the merchant Federation.

This is the outcome that neither aunt Hong nor the merchant Federation want to see. After cultivating people for so many years, they abandoned their cooperation with the merchant Federation after becoming famous. Such betrayal is absolutely not allowed by them. Therefore, aunt Hong and Huang Ying plan to help Zhang Yue after getting rid of Zhang Qiong. After all, Zhang Yue is easier to control and has more obvious weaknesses than Zhang Qiong\'s expansion.

After so many years of contact, aunt Hong knows that Zhang Yue is an ambitious person, but there is no better platform. Moreover, Zhang Yue is much smarter than Zhang Qiong, which brings more valuable interests to the merchant Federation. It is also very simple to control Zhang Yue. Banning Zhang Qiong has become Zhang Yue\'s only dependence, which can make Zhang Yue completely obey their orders.

"Zhang Yue, we\'re here to inform you, not to discuss with you. Zhang Qiong, we\'re going to give up, and he can\'t continue to exist. The reason is very simple. We won\'t give anyone a chance to attack us. Zhang Qiong is a member of the imperial court. Maybe by chance, he will climb to a higher position one day, which will be a trouble for us at that time, so we must Get rid of it first. As for you, whether to go down with your brother or stand with us is the choice we give you. "

In the face of Huang Ying\'s words, Zhang Yue fell into silence.

Aunt Hong smiled and said: "Do you need to think about it? You know better than anyone how Zhang Qiong treats you at ordinary times. If he cares about the friendship between your brothers, he won\'t ask you to give him the Fengyue building and the casino again and again. This time, the jade pendant of the Yang family is the best proof. He is fully capable of helping you without any reward. As your own brother, he actually fell into a well and took advantage of the Yang family The jade pendant forced you to hand over the casino. As for whether you can succeed in getting the jade pendant in the end, do you think he will care? "

Zhang Yue kept her head down and didn\'t answer. Aunt Hong nodded after looking at Huang Ying and continued to persuade: "Now that the casino has arrived, according to my understanding of Zhang Qiong, he will not devote himself to helping you find the boy holding the Yang family jade pendant. Moreover, according to your agreement with him, tomorrow should be the time for him to lead the team to look for the jade pendant with you. Presumably, he has no time to go with you now, because today and tomorrow he will look for the people who fled Liangshanpo and will worry about it Do you want your jade pendant? "

Zhang Qiong was already in a mess at this time. Hua Rong fled. The people in Liangshanpo were still lurking in Lingnan city. He also took care of Zhang Yue\'s affairs. One was related to his own future and even life, and the other was that Zhang Yue wanted to become the son-in-law of the Yang family. Anyone would know which was more important.

Zhang Yue slowly raised her head and looked at Huang Ying and aunt Hong: "what are you going to do?"

Aunt Hong smiled and said, "you don\'t have to ask about this. We naturally have our own way. We just want to see your attitude. Who are you going to stand on?"

Huang Ying then continued: "Do you think you still have a choice? As soon as Zhang Qiong dies, the casino will naturally return to you. Don\'t you want the Yang family jade pendant? I\'ll arrange everyone from lingnancheng merchants Federation to help you find it, and I can promise you that you can sell it anywhere after you get the intoxicating formula. Since we intend to help you completely, you are also us As a member of the merchant Federation, you have complete control over the intoxicating secret recipe. Aunt Hong will no longer share this cake with you. "

Zhang Yue looked at Aunt Hong in surprise. Aunt Hong smiled and nodded: "if you agree to our requirements, we will naturally be a family. Naturally, your making money is also a favorite thing of our merchant Federation. Of course, I won\'t rob business with my own people."

Aunt Hong knew very well that when shenxianzui and yaochi Yulu had not come out a year ago, the merchant Federation of the intoxicating secret recipe would never give it to a small person. It was because the emergence of shenxianzui and yaochi Yulu had led to the loss of the original value of other fine wines, so it would not be any loss for them to hand over the intoxicating secret recipe to Zhang Yue , because the goal of the merchant Federation is the formula of shenxianzui and yaochi Yulu.

"But he is my brother after all. We grew up together..."

"Zhang Yue, you are a smart man. I might as well tell you that if you choose to work with Zhang Qiong today, you will never be able to leave Yihua building, and lingnancheng merchant federation can find a more suitable person to become the son-in-law of the Yang family. As long as you come to Yupei, the son-in-law of the Yang family will naturally belong to our merchant Federation, and intoxicating wine will be in our bag at that time, so Don\'t take yourself too high. Do you think it\'s important for us without you? "

Aunt Hong continued with a smile: "To kill you, the only trouble is to charge your casino. However, I believe that from our strength, there is no problem to reopen a casino. Your casino will become extremely vulnerable because of losing its master. How long do you think your casino can last in the face of the impact of the newly opened Casino? The reason we came to you is to avoid these troublesome trifles. More importantly We appreciate you. If you don\'t even cherish your life, we\'ll be wrong. "

Zhang Yue fell into silence again. He knew that Aunt Hong\'s words were not alarmist, and he also knew that what aunt Hong said was the truth. If he didn\'t agree, the two people in front of him had enough strength to kill themselves. They could find the Yang family jade pendant during that time and occupy his Fengyue building and Casino through various means. The reason why he told himself this, It shows that he is still valuable in the eyes of aunt Hong and Huang Ying. Zhang Yue is a smart man. He knows that the difference between himself and Zhang Qiong lies in obedience.

On the one hand, she lost her brother Zhang Qiong and her own life, on the other hand, she died a Zhang Qiong. She got everything she wanted, and aunt Hong promised to let Zhang Yue enjoy the secret recipe of intoxicating wine alone. As well as the daughter of the Yang family, Zhang Yue has begun to be moved. There seems to be a crack in her firm brotherhood, and Zhang Yue knows that soon after he entered aunt Hong\'s room for communication, It has already appeared, and the bud has begun to emerge.