Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 837

"I don\'t know why you two told me this." Zhang Yue always didn\'t understand why aunt Hong and Huang Ying told him this. Even if she knew that everything about Zhang Qiong was because of herself, what could Zhang Yue do? Do you want to fight against the first master of the government? Zhang Yue asked herself if she didn\'t have the courage and strength. Anyway, the other party is still her brother. For Zhang Yue, Zhang Qiong\'s position at this time is still valuable.

Huang Ying smiled and whispered, "sometimes your brain is very smart, but sometimes it\'s stupid and lovely. Are your ambitions and ambitions willing to be involved in the so-called family?" Huang Ying naturally refers to Zhang Qiong\'s identity. She can see that Zhang Yue didn\'t think about getting rid of Zhang Qiong at this time.

Zhang Yue sat in front of the round table, her face full of doubts: "please give me your advice."

Aunt Hong went behind Zhang Yue and put her hands on Zhang Yue\'s shoulder: "Zhang Yue, we can provide you with a better future and a better road. Before long, you can surpass your brother and become a commendable business leader in Lingnan city."

Hearing what aunt Hong said, Zhang Yue has guessed what they want to do: "does the merchant Federation intend to cooperate with me?" aunt Hong\'s words naturally remind Zhang Yue that the merchant Federation intends to cooperate deeply with him. Only with the help of the merchant federation can Zhang Yue become the business leader in aunt Hong\'s mouth, but Zhang Yue doesn\'t know that she is only half right, The other half is the most important for Aunt Hong and Huang Ying.

Looking at the expectation and surprise on Zhang Yue\'s face, Huang Ying nodded and said slowly, "yes, we have discussed and intend to combine all the strength of Lingnan merchants Federation to make you develop well in Lingnan city."

Zhang Yue smiled: "really? Zhang Yue thanked you here."

"Don\'t be anxious to thank us first. You know our merchant Federation never does business at a loss. Cooperating with you will naturally require you to complete it. If you can complete it, I promise to make you have everything you want within a year, including the Yang family jade pendant. If you don\'t promise... Yihua building will be your burial place."

Zhang Yuemu stared at Huang Ying in a daze. He didn\'t expect such a result. If he didn\'t agree with the other party\'s conditions, he would die here. After agreeing, he could prosper. Obviously, he had no choice at all. He vaguely felt that the merchant Federation intended to firmly control himself. He had to obey them from the beginning of establishing cooperation. Before, it was only in line with the requirements, Now, Zhang Yue\'s heart is full of tangles to make him fully obey the orders.

As a partner of the merchant Federation, Zhang Yue knows what it\'s like to completely obey the merchant Federation. Although it can bring Zhang Yue a more convenient and faster way of business, obedience is like a puppet. Any decision made in the future must be agreed by the other party. Like a boss without real power, that feeling is easy to collapse.

If you don\'t cooperate with the merchant Federation, Zhang Yue will lose her life here, let alone become a member of the merchant Federation.

Zhang Yue thought in silence. Huang Ying and aunt Hong also gave him enough time. Before long, Zhang Yue looked up at Huang Ying and asked firmly, "Miss Huang Ying, can I know what the conditions are first?"

"It seems that you still don\'t want to understand. If I were you, I would promise whatever conditions, and I wouldn\'t lose my life for one condition." aunt Hong covered her face with a feather fan and said with a sharp smile.

Huang Ying stared at Zhang Yue and said slowly, "we try our best to help you. Naturally, we have no conditions to support your brother. There is no need for people with no use value to stay in the world."

Hearing Huang Ying\'s words, Zhang Yue is like being struck by thunder. Although he hates Zhang Qiong\'s selfishness, Zhang Qiong is together because of herself. Instead, Zhang Qiong doesn\'t repay her kindness and snatches the industry from her own hands many times. However, after all, Zhang Qiong is her own brother. Huang Ying\'s words have been made clear. People who have no use value naturally don\'t need to exist.

"Miss Huang Ying, how come my brother has no use value? Once Huarong is finished this time, he will certainly get a great reward from the imperial court. In addition, magistrate Liu is ready to return home, my brother will naturally have a great chance to become the magistrate of Lingnan city. At that time, he will bring great benefits to the merchant federation or me. How can we say that he has lost his use value?"

Zhang Yue seems a little worried. He is worried that the merchant Federation really plans to fight Zhang Qiong. After all, Zhang Qiong is the only dependence Zhang Yue can rely on. If Zhang Qiong is gone, Zhang Yue really doesn\'t know how to stay in Lingnan city.

"You may not know that Lingnan prison has been captured. Hua Rong and those people in Liangshanpo have left the prison successfully. As long as they leave Lingnan city next, Zhang Qiong will not be rewarded, but will be punished. They will lose the court and commit a felony again. This crime is not small. It may involve nine families. Do you and Zhang Qiong have no relatives in the world "You can\'t live even if you are a member of the nine tribes. Aren\'t you going to leave some incense for your family or go to the yellow spring with your brother?"

Zhang Yue stood up in an instant. The blood color on her face disappeared and was replaced by a white face: "Huang, Miss Huang Ying, what you said is true?"

"Didn\'t you notice that the patrolling soldiers are checking all the houses on your way here? They are looking for Hua Rong and liangshanbo people who fled. However, I can tell you clearly that the other party is well prepared and can retreat from the prison. It is enough to see that there are scheming experts in the other party\'s team and have made a perfect plan, so they must also evacuate Lingnan city Method, at that time, you know what the consequences will be. "

Zhang Yue sat down on the stool with a surprised look on her face: "it\'s amazing that someone will successfully rescue Hua Rong. Captain Li Guo\'s subordinates have a snare, and there is only one exit from the prison. How did they do it?" Zhang Yue talked to Zhang Qiong before. He knew that Lingnan attached importance to Hua Rong and that Li Guo\'s subordinates had almost perfect defense measures, It\'s the only natural exit from prison. As long as you hold it, you can be safe. But I didn\'t expect the other party to evacuate smoothly and retreat all over. This completely exceeded Zhang Yue\'s expectation.

Thinking of Zhang Qiong\'s confidence before, Zhang Yue suddenly panicked. If, as Huang Ying said, the people of Liangshanpo leave Lingnan city smoothly, Zhang Qiong will be punished. The nine families will certainly implicate herself. The only backer has fallen. Naturally, Zhang Yue is not wrong. His only hope is that Zhang Qiong can find them before the people of Liangshanpo leave Lingnan city, And to catch them.

But the other party obviously has a resourceful person, so she has formulated such a perfect prison robbery plan. Zhang Yue knows that her brother can\'t be the other party\'s opponent at all. As for Li Guo, Zhang Yue knows that Li Guo is also a part of Zhang Qiong\'s plan, but now it seems that Zhang Qiong can\'t protect herself.