Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 836

In the overflow flower building, Zhang Yue didn\'t know that Huang Ying and aunt Hong were looking for him for his future. As soon as they entered heaven, they went to hell and refused the cooperation between Huang Ying and aunt Hong. Zhang Yue had no other way to go except death. However, he knew nothing about it. Zhang Yue was very happy when she heard aunt Hong say that Yang Jiayu Pei let him continue his plan.

It took him a lot of effort to trace the jade pendant to the present, and he also gave his last estate to his brother as a reward. If Huang Ying of the headquarters of the merchant Federation liked the jade pendant, he would have nothing.

Aunt Hong asked Zhang Yue to sit at the wooden table, just opposite Huang Ying. Huang Ying\'s mouth rose slightly and asked directly, "Zhang Yue, are you satisfied with your current life? Or what is your current life like?"

Zhang Yue looked puzzled at her aunt Hong, and then replied: "Miss Huang Ying, I Zhang Yue grew up in Lingnan city when I was a child. In my twenties, I saved the foundation of Fengyue building. Although I did, I opened the only casino in Lingnan city by virtue of my brother\'s position in the government. Of course, I know that it is your credit that my brother can have today, so my casino has slowly come to today through your light."

Zhang Yue sighed and said slowly: "I have been watching the Yang family industry for many years, not only because of the Yang family\'s daughter, but also for the intoxicating secret recipe. Therefore, when I saw that the jade pendant had left the Yang family and was in the hands of a hairy boy, I knew my chance was coming, so I desperate to find the jade pendant and even gave the casino to my brother. Now it\'s like being forced to a dead end for me Like, losing the jade pendant means losing everything. "

Huang Ying smiled: "what if I take the jade pendant for you?"

"I have discussed this matter with aunt Hong. At that time, my Fengyue building will only sell intoxicating wine in Lingnan city. Other places will be operated by your merchant Federation."

"Do you think it\'s worth it?"

Zhang Yue shook her head without hesitation: "losing money in business is equal to losing the casino in exchange for selling intoxicating wine exclusively in Lingnan city. The cake in Lingnan city is so big that even if I take it alone, I won\'t make more money than the casino, so it\'s not worth it."

Huang Ying continued to ask, "do you think most of the benefits will be occupied by our merchant Federation, and the only piece of cake given to you is Lingnan city?" The conversation between Zhang Yue and aunt Hong was clear. Huang Ying knew that according to Zhang Yue\'s plan, he could sell this kind of wine everywhere after he got the intoxicating wine. Now, due to the intervention of aunt Hong and the intervention of the merchant Federation, the market envisaged by Zhang Yue has become only one Lingnan city. The income and sales of intoxicating wine are restrained, which naturally can not reach Zhang Yue\'s initial goal My dream is that the other party is the merchant Federation. Even if Zhang Yue doesn\'t want such a result, what can he do?

Zhang Yue knew very well that once she refused aunt Hong\'s cooperation, she was likely to lose even the cake of lingnancheng. Forced, Zhang Yue had to accept aunt Hong\'s previous request for cooperation.

In the face of Huang Ying\'s problem, Zhang Yue reluctantly nodded her head: "don\'t hide from Miss Huang Ying, your words have entered my heart. I\'m difficult to ride a Tiger now. I also know that I have one day left. If I don\'t find a jade pendant within this day, I\'ll have nothing. The casino gave it to my brother, and the wind moon building without intoxicating wine is just a remnant candle in the wind."

As the head of Lingnan city merchants\' Federation, aunt Hong knows that Zhang Yue\'s Fengyue building has been in a state of loss in recent years. However, due to the existence of the casino, the losses are only some small money. The income of the casino in one day is enough for the Fengyue building to continue to lose for about a year. Zhang Yue is keeping the Fengyue building by the casino.

Now the casino has given Zhang Qiong. If Fengyue building does not exist, it will only become a loss as before. Without the casino, how can Zhang Yue keep Fengyue building going.

Zhang Yue didn\'t want to hide from Huang Ying. On the contrary, he even talked about his pain. He wanted Huang Ying to have compassion for herself and continue to cooperate in another way. He knew that he had no right to decide here. Since the headquarters came, Zhang Yue knew that the request was also for Huang Ying. As long as Huang Ying let go, her previous cooperation would naturally become invalid 。

"Zhang Yue, do you know why our merchant Federation helped your brother sit in his present position?"

"I don\'t know." Zhang Yue shook her head. He really didn\'t know why the merchant Federation wanted to help Zhang Qiong at that time. At that time, Zhang Qiong was just a small guard team leader, with no industry and no usable value. At that time, the merchant Federation spent a lot of effort to let Zhang Qiong go to the advanced position. Zhang Yue didn\'t understand what the merchant Federation was doing for.

To cultivate a guard captain, it\'s better to cooperate directly with more powerful people in the government. Why should the merchant Federation take great pains to promote a guard captain.

Huang Ying said slowly, "that\'s because of you."

"Me?" Zhang Yue was more confused.

"At that time, aunt Hong took a fancy to your intelligence and thought that your future must be unlimited. At least she thought that you should be able to be alone in the business world, so she helped your brother and let him become a powerful figure in the government. In this way, he can provide you with a good platform and opportunities. Therefore, Lingnan city merchants Federation will help Zhang Qiong sit in her current position."

Zhang Yue looked at Huang Ying in surprise. He didn\'t know that Zhang Qiong was promoted by the merchant Federation because of his own reasons: "but why don\'t you help my brother first instead of helping me directly? Wouldn\'t it be better to help me directly?"

Aunt Hong smiled: "that\'s because we couldn\'t see through you at that time, so we couldn\'t cooperate directly with you. If your character and work style are not suitable for our merchant Federation, we will not build any cooperation with you. Instead, we will establish other projects with Zhang Qiong. Frankly, this is your assessment."

Although aunt Hong\'s explanation can\'t completely eliminate Zhang Yue\'s doubts, at least he knows that Zhang Qiong can have everything today by being a brother. Thinking that Zhang Qiong has made a lot of money on herself these days and has to go to her own casino, Zhang Yue has a murderous look on her face and secretly thinks: "I gave you everything. Now you want to take everything from me. It seems that it\'s time to find a way to get everything back to me."

Looking at the killing intention in Zhang Yue\'s eyes, aunt Hong and Huang Ying smiled. They knew that the provocation plan had started smoothly, and a good start was likely to bring ideal results. Aunt Hong came to Huang Ying and quietly waited for Zhang Yue who sank into her thoughts. She had planted the bud of revenge in Zhang Yue\'s heart, so they waited for the plan to continue.