Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 824

At this time, Li Luoyang was full of doubts and helplessness. He never thought he would meet Bao Zheng in this way. He remembered that Bao Zheng was indeed black and there were traces of crescent moon on his forehead, but Bao Zheng was a scholar in front of him. He was still young and looked just in his early twenties.

However, Li Luoyang ignored one point. Bao Zheng entered the imperial court at the age of 28. At this time, he had not been admitted to fame, but was just a common people.

Li Luoyang wondered why he was arrested as a prisoner, but now is not the time to think about it. At this time, everyone is still in prison and has no time to chat. Bao Zheng\'s words were whispered and not heard by other prisoners. Fortunately, his actions were not exposed. However, Li Luoyang is difficult to explain to those prisoners.

"Bao Zheng, since you already know what I mean, why don\'t you tell them directly? Those prisoners will naturally stand on the opposite side of us when they know that I will use them as cannon fodder. Maybe if they take us, you can be saved."

If these dozens of prisoners really succeed in stopping Li Luoyang and others, the government may give them a reward for committing crimes and meritorious deeds. These prisoners who have not committed major crimes will naturally get the opportunity to leave the prison.

Bao Zheng whispered again, "they are not your opponents. You waste some physical strength at most when fighting with them. The reason why I say your plan is that I don\'t want you to equate me with them. I need you to take me out of here. I believe it should not be a problem according to your strength."

After seeing Lin Chong and others fighting with the guards, Bao Zheng knew very well that it was not the dozens of prisoners who could take him out, but Li Luoyang in front of him. He could see that Li Luoyang, who had not taken action from the beginning to the end, was the leader of these people. As long as he agreed, he could get out all by himself, so he estimated that he would tell Li Luoyang the plan he analyzed, Just to prove that you are different from those prisoners.

Li Luoyang smiled and asked, "if you want me to take you away, can you tell me how you analyzed my plan?" Li Luoyang likes to deal with smart people. When he meets the famous IQ people in history, Li Luoyang naturally wants to ask for advice.

Bao Zheng looked at Li Luoyang and whispered: "In fact, it\'s very simple. According to your strength, you don\'t need to release us from the cage at all. If you really want to take so many people away, it\'s almost impossible. There are too many people and the goal is too big. Your prison robbery will naturally be exposed in broad daylight. Therefore, there is only one purpose to save us. Let those prisoners rush ahead and fight against possible accidents Soldiers. "

Li Luoyang smiled: "the analysis is half right. Since you know I regard them as cannon fodder, you should naturally think that the reason why I do this is because I know there are guards and soldiers outside the door. If there are no soldiers, how can I need cannon fodder? It seems that you only think half of things."

Bao Zheng looked at Li Luoyang in surprise: "do you know there are heavy soldiers outside the door?"

"I\'ll ask you another question. If you can analyze it, I\'ll take you away. If not, you\'d better stay and become cannon fodder like them. Don\'t worry, it\'s not difficult."

Bao Zheng swallowed his saliva, then nodded and said, "please."

"There is a serious criminal of the imperial court in the prison. It is because of them that we come to the prison of Lingnan city to rob the prison. It is also because of him that the imperial court knows that we will come, so it arranges a military camp team to come to Lingnan to help the government catch us. Then I want to ask you, what is the identity of the serious criminal detained here and why we will come? The imperial court also knows We will certainly appear. "

Li Luoyang\'s words are already obvious. After all, he doesn\'t want to leave Bao Zheng here. He doesn\'t want to change history, let alone harm Zhongliang. At least in Li Luoyang\'s eyes, Bao Zheng is an honest official and loyal. However, no one knows whether the interpretation of film and television plays is true or false. Maybe Li Luoyang can understand Bao Zheng\'s real person this time.

Bao Zheng thought for a moment, then looked at Li Luoyang and whispered: "You have to come. The imperial court also knows that you will come to save this person. I think the reason why you have to come is that that person is very important to you and you are very friendly. In this way, only the feelings between Liangshan heroes can create such a situation. The imperial court knows that you will come to save your brother, so it arranges heavy troops to guard it."

Li Luoyang smiled, patted Bao Zheng on the shoulder and whispered, "you\'re not stupid."

"Can you take me away now?"

"Yes, but I need you to do me a favor?"


"In fact, it\'s very simple. When we rescue the people we want, we\'ll give you the plan to encourage those prisoners to rush out of prison."

Bao Zheng did not hesitate. He smiled and whispered, "that\'s no problem. Please let me know when the time comes, and I will naturally make arrangements."

After nodding, Li Luoyang said to Lin Chong and others around him, "deal with those guards, and then look for Huarong in other cages."

Lin Chong and Wu Song nodded. Then they acted separately. In the intricate prison channel, they packed 20 guards who came to support. The channel was too crowded. The 20 guards seemed to be a large number, but they were all crowded together. Most of them could only walk with the crowd with long guns. There was no room to show their skills. Monk Hua had a tacit understanding with Chaijin and would have no responsibility He fought back and killed the guard in an instant.

The four men were like wolves and hungry tigers. They immediately killed all the guards who came to support them.

Returning to Li Luoyang, Lin Chong immediately said, "brother Luoyang, all the guards in the prison should have died."

"What are you waiting for? Look for Hua Rong!"

Lin Chong seems to be used to such a situation. Whenever he completes an instruction, Lin Chong has to report and ask for instructions from Li Luoyang, which makes Li Luoyang a little uncomfortable. After all, he is not Song Jiang or Wu Yong of Liangshanpo. Lin Chong is like this to him, and Li Luoyang is not used to it.

Through the corridor, Li Luoyang asked Bao Zheng to release the prisoners again. Nearly 50 prisoners followed Li Luoyang and others and began to look everywhere in the prison. Finally, in an ordinary cage in the corner, Lin Chong finally saw a familiar figure: "brother Huarong!"

Hua Rong, who was tied to the stake, was dying. He slowly raised his head and looked out of the cage. After a smile on his face, he fainted again. It seems that he was badly hurt.

After opening the cage, monk Hua came to Hua Rong with an arrow. He untied the hemp rope and put Hua Rongping on the ground. Several people looked at Li Luoyang blankly. After a simple inspection, Li Luoyang said slowly: "don\'t worry, he\'s okay, he\'s just exhausted and collapsed, and his life is OK."


Li Luoyang\'s words let the people present breathe a sigh of relief.