Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 825

Hua Rong\'s state just now is really worrying. His whole body is full of blood. He is dying. There are traces of whipping everywhere on his body. Some healed wounds are opened again. He has tenacious vitality. Otherwise, if he dies, Liangshan hero and Li Luoyang can only be said to have thrown themselves into the net.

Li Luoyang took out the herbs he carried with him. Since he was going to rob the prison, Li Luoyang naturally knew that it was essential to take herbs with him.

"What\'s this?" Chaijin asked curiously. Li Luoyang poured the viscous object in the bottle into the palm of his hand. They couldn\'t recognize what it was.

"It\'s called herbal medicine. It\'s similar to the Jinchuang medicine you use, but its curative effect is much better than Jinchuang medicine. Because it\'s liquid, it\'s easier to be absorbed by the wound and promote the recovery of the wound." Li Luoyang explained and applied the herbal medicine to Huarong\'s wound. Li Luoyang knew that when he began to develop herbal medicine, He set the target of herbal medicine sales as green people. Liangshanpo is one of the best customers, so he did not hide the existence of herbal medicine, but patiently explained.

"Herbal medicine? Jinchuang medicine made of grass?"

"Well, even if the medicine stone is grinded, it will have particles. Those particles are not easy to be absorbed, and the efficacy will not be very good. However, herbal medicine is different. It can be used repeatedly and the medicine can be completely accepted by the wound, so herbal medicine will be easier to heal."

Lin Chong asked in a low voice, "brother Luoyang, there are countless weeds in the world. How can you determine which grass can be used as medicine?"

Like a salesman, Li Luoyang smiled and said: "There are thousands of herbs in the world. Some can kill people, but some can cure and save people. I have tried some, so I know which can be used as medicine, but I also know a small part. The key of herbal medicine is the proportion. If there are too many herbs, it will affect the results. The good medicine that originally saved people\'s lives may eventually become a poison that killed people, so herbal medicine has both advantages and disadvantages. Use it well It can save countless people. If you don\'t use it well, you\'ll be a murderer. "

Wu Song swallowed his saliva and his eyes were full of surprise: "you, you just said you developed this herb?"

Li Luoyang nodded slightly and didn\'t answer.

As everyone knows, Li Luoyang made the gods drunk, Yao Chi Yu Lu, even made perfume with flowers, and invented the luxurious carriage. They didn\'t expect Li Luoyang to have developed such a good thing.

For those who walk in the green forest, Jinchuang medicine can be regarded as a necessary thing. However, although the superior Jinchuang medicine can be used, the price is too expensive. The efficacy of ordinary Jinchuang medicine can only be regarded as reluctantly. Many injured people need a long time to recover after using ordinary Jinchuang medicine, and herbal medicine avoids such an embarrassing situation.

High officials and noble lords, who are the Liangshan pods in the Greenwood, know the value of herbs in Li Luoyang\'s hands. The officials in Luoyang city enjoy the gods and the Jade Pool, the women buy perfume, and the rich buy luxurious wagons. These things are essential to them. Medicine is the most important thing that Greenwood people care about most. So when Li Luoyang explains the nature of herbal medicine, it is also a side of the world. Chaijin asked impatiently, "brother Luoyang, do you want one hundred liang of silver for this bottle of herbal medicine?"

Monk Hua said proudly, "one hundred liang? Hum, I think three hundred Liang is about the same. Those top-grade Jinchuang drugs are two hundred Liang at will. The curative effect of this herbal medicine should be as the Luoyang brothers said. It should be worth at least three hundred Liang."

Lin Chong nodded his head and whispered, "this time I\'m standing on the side of monk Hua. It\'s about three hundred Liang."

Li Luoyang threw the herbal medicine bottle to Lin Chong: "you can keep it. There\'s not much left. As for how much a bottle of herbal medicine is..." Li Luoyang turned and looked at Bao Zheng and smiled: "how much do you think a bottle is?"

Bao Zheng shook his head and said slowly, "Bao Zheng can\'t lift his hands or pick his shoulders. He\'s not practicing martial arts and doesn\'t understand the way of business, so he doesn\'t dare to speculate."

"It\'s all right. Just say what you think."

Bao Zheng bowed down, hugged his fist and then whispered to Lin Chong and others, "in my opinion, the value of this bottle of herbal medicine is... Between ten Liang silver and fifteen Liang silver."

Lin Chong and others stared at Bao Zheng in amazement: "ten or fifteen liang of silver? Hahaha, are you kidding? It seems that you have never bought Jinchuang medicine. The cheapest Jinchuang medicine on the market costs twenty Liang. The curative effect of this herbal medicine is better than that of the first-class Jinchuang medicine, only fifteen liang of silver?"

"Yes, you guy is really talking nonsense."

Bao Zheng said slowly: "In my opinion, fifteen liang of silver is enough. In fact, the reason is very simple. Herbal medicine is a new variety. The world may not be able to accept it quickly. If you want to occupy the market, its price will not be high. And just now, Luoyang brothers have said that this herbal medicine is made of grass, and the cost is almost zero, or it has no cost at all. Since there is no cost, why worry Eat into a fat man in one breath? "

Bao Zheng continued, "how many green forest people can afford a bottle of three hundred liang? Are you willing to buy it?"

Lin Chong shook his head helplessly. It\'s really too expensive.

"You can\'t afford to buy it, and so can others. If Luoyang brothers only sell more than ten liang of silver, once the market is opened, an endless stream of people will buy it. If people in the whole city know it, they will enter many herbal medicine stores at all costs. Herbal medicine will rob all the markets of Jinchuang medicine. At that time, they will raise the price a little, or Those who withdraw from other herbs with better curative effects can make a lot of money. "

"Pa Pa......" Li Luoyang clapped his hands and came to Bao Zheng: "that\'s right. It seems that you really have the ability to be called Qingtian."

"Blue sky?" Bao Zheng looked puzzled.

"Nothing, you\'ll know later." Li Luoyang turned to look at Lin Chong and others, smiled and said: "To do business, first of all, there must be a market. This herbal medicine has not been available for a long time, and few people know it. I buy a bottle of three hundred Liang. I guess no fool is willing to spend three hundred Liang to try. Those rich people will not buy medicine with curiosity. So my plan is almost the same as what Bao Zheng said, but the price is still high. Li\'s herbal medicine store in Luoyang City sells it Herbal medicine, a bottle of eight Liang silver. "

"Eight Liang! Fuck, it\'s so cheap?" Lin Chong and others said in surprise.

"Yes, in this way, we can quickly occupy the market and rob customers who buy Jinchuang medicine. With more and more customers, herbal medicine stores will launch other drugs with different curative effects, so as to stabilize the source of customers and absorb money. Therefore, you just think too simple."

Monk Hua came directly to Li Luoyang and whispered, "brother Luoyang, our friendship is good. How about booking ten bottles for me?"

Chaijin also came to Li Luoyang: "I want a hundred bottles!"

At this time, the prison actually became the scene of the sales promotion meeting. This is what Li Luoyang wants to achieve. As long as the people of Liangshanpo are willing to give him free publicity, it\'s also a piece of cake for him to give them some herbs.