Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 823

The situation is becoming more and more fierce. Li Luoyang and Liangshan heroes have rushed into the prison at this time. The entrance to the prison is guarded by Li Kui. In order to convince Li Kui, Li Luoyang has spent a lot of words. After all, in Li Kui\'s view, breaking into the prison and facing the guards is the best way to meet his desire to fight.

Li Luoyang told him that many soldiers would rush into the prison gate and pass through the channel, where the war was the most intense. Li Kui promised not to follow Li Luoyang and others into the prison.

There are two reasons why Li Kui is arranged to guard the passage. First, Li Kui\'s strength is not bad. One person is brave enough to be a Guan Wanfu. The two Xuanhua axes can be waved heartily in the narrow passage. Lin Chong\'s Zhangba snake spear has no such advantage.

Another reason is that Li Luoyang does not intend to let Li Kui enter the prison. This guy\'s character is careless. Li Luoyang is worried that there will still be traps set by the other party in the prison, so he let Li Kui guard the passage.

Even when he came to the prison, Li Luoyang still did not relax his vigilance. The other party could arrange such intensive patrol guards and advance Hua Rong\'s execution time. Li Luoyang was worried that with the other party\'s talent and wisdom, he might be buried in other traps in the prison.

However, Li Luoyang was worried too much. It was not because Li Guo was confident that he did not arrange traps and ambushes in prison, but after coming to Lingnan City, Li Guo devoted himself to Hua Rong\'s actions, arranged patrol routes and personnel, secretly arranged Hua Rong\'s execution time, and also considered Zhang Qiong\'s task, so he couldn\'t find time to arrange traps in prison, With the arrival of Mo Jiao and others, Li Guo took them to the black market, which delayed a lot of time. Therefore, there were no hidden traps in the prison except dozens of guards.

More than a dozen guards rushed to the entrance of the passage with long guns. Lin Chong and Wu Song were already ready to fight. The sabre ring seemed to be waved casually, but each Sabre would leave traces on the enemy. Zhang Ba snake spear ran through the two guards, and there was a scream in the prison.

Li Luoyang asked them to remember clearly and move quickly when entering the prison. It\'s best to defeat the enemy with one move to avoid delay. Lin Chong, Wu Song, Hua monk and Na Chaijin showed their housekeeping skills and killed everywhere. Blood can be smelled everywhere in the prison.

The prisoners in the cage began to cheer when they saw that the guard died in a pool of blood. They had begun to beg Lin Chong and others to save them. This is an ordinary prison, and almost all the prisoners are petty thieves and curfews.

More than a dozen guards were killed in an instant. Lin Chong turned to look at Li Luoyang at the plea of the prisoners in the ordinary cell. They were used to letting Li Luoyang arrange all the plans.

The corners of Li Luoyang\'s mouth rose slightly. He picked up the key from the body of the guard captain on duty and threw it into the cage. The prisoners cheered and opened the chain on the cage. When he left, he didn\'t forget to hug Li Luoyang and thank him.

The nearby cages were opened. Dozens of prisoners picked up the long guns of the guards on the ground. They stood next to Li Luoyang. Naturally, they wanted Li Luoyang and others to take them away safely. Just now they also saw the strength of Lin Chong and others. Weak and incompetent people always have the idea of holding their thighs. Lin Chong is their thighs.

However, these prisoners who have been in prison for a period of time do not know the situation of Lingnan city at this time. They do not know that Hua Rong is detained in the cage not far away, let alone that there are heavy soldiers outside the prison. They thought that these people robbed the prison just on a whim, and they were lucky to meet this opportunity.

Chaijin stood next to Li Luoyang and whispered, "are you sure you want to leave with so many people?" Liang shanpo sent them because he wanted to be fast and convenient in action. A large number of people would make the action slow and complex under such circumstances. Moreover, these ordinary prisoners have no fighting strength, Chaijin thinks that taking them can only delay the progress of their task.

Wu Song nodded and agreed with Chai Jin. He whispered to Li Luoyang, "Luoyang brothers, we have to evacuate after rescuing Hua Rong. How can we escape safely with such a big goal?" according to Li Luoyang\'s plan, after rescuing Hua Rong, we will return to the blacksmith\'s house at the first time and make a plan to leave Lingnan city, After all, what happened in the prison is now well known. The gate of Lingnan city has been completely sealed. They have no chance to leave the gate immediately after saving Hua Rong.

But if you take so many people, how can you quietly return to the blacksmith\'s house.

Li Luoyang smiled and explained to them in a low voice: "anyway, we need some cannon fodder. Now there must be many soldiers gathered outside the prison gate, and I need a group of people to take the lead for us." there is no need to guess the situation outside. We also know that the gate has been guarded by soldiers. After all, the noise is so loud that Lingnan government and military camp team can\'t have arrived.

Li Luoyang was wrong. Although there were soldiers guarding the door, it was not all the strength of Lingnan city. The government soldiers led by Zhang Qiong were still resting in the government. There were only Li Guo and his men outside the door.

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, Chai Jin and Wu Song laughed. They wanted to say something. One of the dozens of prisoners came to Li Luoyang. The man looked handsome and looked like a reasonable scholar, which seemed out of tune with other prisoners.

The man bowed politely, but Li Luoyang felt that the man in front of him looked familiar, with dark skin and a scar on his forehead. Li Luoyang always felt that this guy had seen him there.

"This hero, thank you for saving your life, but... It seems that the hero wants us to be your chess pieces."

Li Luoyang didn\'t answer with a smile, while Wu Song and Chai Jin on one side had already started to play drums. They knew that the conversation with Li Luoyang had not been heard. Was this guy speculating or listening? The most important thing is that they don\'t want dozens of prisoners to know that they are being used as cannon fodder. If these guys know, they are expected to turn against each other. At that time, Liangshan heroes will spare their physical strength to deal with these dozens of prisoners.

Chaijin stood beside Li Luoyang and asked in a low voice, "brother Luoyang, what should we do now? We can\'t let those prisoners know our plan. Other guards in the prison are coming. We don\'t have time to waste."

The rapid footsteps echoed in the prison. Li Luoyang knew that there were more than 30 guards in the prison, killed more than a dozen, and 20 guards would come soon.

Li Luoyang calmly came to the man: "your surname is Bao?" Li Luoyang seems to know who the man in front of him is. The main reason is that his characteristics are too obvious, but he is a lot younger when he looks at the mountain.

A flash of surprise flashed across the man\'s face: "I really have a surname of Bao and a single name of Zheng."