Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 818

Being on the blacklist of the merchants\' Federation is enough to see how much the merchants\' Federation hates Li Luoyang. No wonder Li Luoyang has mastered the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu. If any secret recipe falls into the hands of the merchants\' Federation, they can make use of local resources to make a peerless wine, but Li Luoyang doesn\'t cooperate with the merchants\' Federation, This makes them feel helpless.

With the help of one person, Li Luoyang resolved the long planned plan of the merchants\' Federation in Taiyuan and set up an ambush to capture the expert of the Taiyuan City Merchants\' Federation. The merchant Federation suffered heavy losses. All this completely angered the merchant Federation, so the merchant Federation in Luoyang began to focus only on Li Luoyang.

First, he used all the merchants in Luoyang to get the immortal drunk away from the monopoly. Then he sent killers to rob Li Luoyang\'s secret recipe, but all ended in failure. The raw materials for the immortal drunk disappeared. Li Luoyang brewed yaochi Yulu. The killers went to Wenjun\'s elegant building to get the secret recipe from Ouyang Wenjun while Li Luoyang was away, But he was stopped by Chaijin who just came to Luoyang.

In the overflow flower building, Zhang Yue was surprised to hear what aunt Hong said about Li Luoyang. Everything was unimaginable. He didn\'t expect that there were people who dared to oppose the merchant Federation in this era. In addition to the imperial court, Zhang Yue thought that the merchant Federation was the biggest force. They not only had the cooperation of merchants in the whole city, but also had countless experts among them, No one knows how powerful the merchant Federation is.

Compared with the current imperial court, perhaps the hidden strength of the merchant Federation has already exceeded that of the imperial court. There is only one imperial court, Zhou Xiangong, who barely supports it.

"Who is Li Luoyang? I\'ve never heard of it before. Didn\'t Lin Luoshui marry a Li family?" people with some strength know this history. After all, the influence of the Lin family was among the best at that time. Some women in the family disobeyed the arrangement and the topic of eloping with the Li family still lingered in my ears. For the sudden emergence of Li Luoyang, Zhang Yue knows nothing.

Aunt Hong looked dignified and said slowly, "you haven\'t heard of him. It\'s not strange that this guy was born in the sky. After entering Wenjun\'s elegant building, the whole Luoyang City was famous overnight because the immortals were drunk, and Mo Yuntian of the six doors seemed to be protecting him all the time. There was Sima Yingming, who was not a climate. They all made friends with Li Luoyang because the immortals were drunk."

Zhang Yue echoed and whispered: "These guys must have taken a fancy to the secret recipe in Li Luoyang\'s hand and the Lin family behind him. Sima Yingming, I have dealt with him. That guy is a very thoughtful man, and Mo Yuntian. Who doesn\'t know how many tricks he played when he was sitting in his current position? They are not good people. They deliberately please Li Luoyang. They must have their own purpose."

Aunt Hong nodded and agreed with Zhang Yue\'s analysis: "recently, there was a news from the headquarters of the merchant Federation that Li Luoyang was missing."


"Well, the headquarters ordered us to pay close attention to the news of Li Luoyang. After seeing him, they kidnapped him and forced him to tell the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu. But now no one has found the news of Li Luoyang. He is like the evaporation of the world. Luoyang City has been in disorder because of Li Luoyang\'s disappearance. The merchant Federation of Luoyang City has taken action to rob Wenjun Yazhu She took the secret recipe, but she missed it. "

Aunt Hong, drunk with intoxicating wine, continued: "Sima Yingming and Mo Yuntian are walking more and more frequently. No one from the six doors goes to Gu Wenjun\'s elegant building, while Lin Luoshui has not acted. No one knows the whereabouts of Li Luoyang."

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Yue whispered, "I didn\'t expect that this Li Luoyang has such a great influence. His disappearance makes Luoyang City chaotic. It\'s like looking at what this guy looks like?"

"He is still a child."

Zhang Yuemu stared at Aunt Hong: "child, child?"

"Well, according to the feedback from Luoyang City merchants Federation, Li Luoyang has just turned 16."

"It\'s impossible! It\'s impossible. A 16-year-old child can brew immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu? It\'s not used to deal with Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming. A child can\'t have such a mind."

Aunt Hong doesn\'t believe such a fact, but the report of Luoyang City merchants Federation is like this. No one knows that Li Luoyang\'s mind is over half a hundred years old, but he is only 16 years old in this life.

"This is a true fact. Do you doubt that our Luoyang merchants Federation is making up facts?"

"Aunt Hong, I don\'t mean that. I mean, it\'s ridiculous. Can a 16-year-old child lead Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming by the nose? By the way! Mo Jiao, Mo Yuntian\'s daughter, is now in Lingnan city. Aunt Hong, do you think she will come here to look for Li Luoyang."

Aunt Hong said with a smile: "When Mo Jiao first came to Lingnan City, I received news. According to the news from Luoyang, the relationship between Mo Jiao and Li Luoyang is not ordinary. Nine times out of ten she appeared here to look for Li Luoyang, so I secretly sent many people to hide in Lingnan city to see if that guy would really appear here. If so, heaven would help me 。”

Zhang Yue said slowly, "aunt Hong, since the whole merchant Federation is looking for this Li Luoyang, why don\'t you give me a picture of him and I\'ll send my people to find it for you."

Aunt Hong shook her hand and refused Zhang Yue\'s assistance: "you\'d better concentrate on finding the person you\'re looking for. There are still two days left. I hope you don\'t return empty handed."

Hearing what aunt Hong said, Zhang Yue smiled excitedly: "thank you, thank aunt Hong for her success." aunt Hong just said for two days, indicating that she had promised Zhang Yue\'s request. The original time of one day has been delayed by another day. This is also the purpose of Zhang Yue\'s coming to Yihua building this time. Finally, it has been achieved.

"Go back and tell your brother to run the casino well. Since you have given him the casino, don\'t let him screw it up. When you established the casino, our merchant Federation didn\'t do less. If his supervision is not in place, I can take the casino back from him at any time."

"I know, thank you, aunt Hong. Thank you, aunt Hong." Zhang Yue smiled, thanked and retreated from Aunt Hong\'s room. As soon as Zhang Yue left, aunt Hong whispered to the curtain behind her: "come out, why hide from these businessmen? Even if they know you\'re here, do they dare to divulge your whereabouts?"

"Just in case." a slim figure came out from behind the curtain. If the people of Luoyang six doors were here, they would recognize the woman in front of them. She was Huang Ying, the landlady of Luoyang City who asked to open a brothel.

Huang Ying went to the window and looked down at Zhang Yue. Then she returned to the round table and sat down.