Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 817

"So, aunt Hong, have mercy on me. If I don\'t find the person I want and get the jade pendant within the time you set, I\'ll have nothing." Zhang Yue stood up and bowed respectfully to Aunt Hong, with sincerity written on her face.

Aunt Hong slowly went to the window and opened the wooden window to enjoy the noon sunshine. She didn\'t answer Zhang Yue, but she was thinking about it. Once Zhang Yue lost the Fengyue building and Casino and couldn\'t get the ancestral jade pendant of the Yang family, Zhang Yue would be a person of no use value, but Zhang Qiong. If Hua Rong\'s affairs were handled, she would be appreciated and reused by the imperial court, With a little push, Zhang Qiong can sit in the position of prefect.

At that time, the utilization value of Zhang Qiong will far exceed that of Zhang Yue.

At this time, aunt Hong is faced with a choice, whether to invest in Zhang Qiong or save Zhang Yue. Obviously, as the person in charge of Lingnan City merchant Federation, all her decisions are for the interests of herself and the merchant Federation. In a sense, Zhang Yue is no longer valuable. It\'s better to abandon her directly.

Looking at Aunt Hong\'s thoughtful appearance, Zhang Yue knew what she was thinking, immediately knelt on the ground and said wrongfully: "Aunt Hong, please give me a day. I know you want to give me up so that you can put all your resources on my brother. He has my Fengyue building and my casino. After the Lingnan City incident is completed, he may even sit in the seat of magistrate Liu with your help. I know, I know all these. I\'m like a useless chess piece. I should have been abandoned long ago Yes, but please help me this time for the sake of my loyalty to you for so many years. "

Zhang Yue is very self-conscious. He knows that he has nothing now. The jade pendant he didn\'t get has become his last straw.

Aunt Hong sighed and asked in a low voice, "are you so persistent with the Yang family industry for the sake of that intoxicating wine? Or do you really like the Yang family daughter?" In aunt Hong\'s opinion, Zhang Yue\'s investment was a great failure. The intoxicating wine does have great business opportunities, but it always takes time to precipitate and develop slowly. Unlike the Fengyue building and casino that have been formed in Zhang Yue\'s hand, those are stable income.

Aunt Hong really didn\'t want to understand why Zhang Yue made such a decision to give up the Fengyue building and casino with stable income, just for the sake of the intoxicating wine that was once very popular and has not yet established a market.

Zhang Yue answered honestly: "At first, I wanted to become the son-in-law of the Yang family and develop intoxicating wine in the whole city, so I was willing to give everything. But after you learned about my plan, aunt Hong, didn\'t you propose that I only sell it in Lingnan city? So a large piece of cake was given to the merchant Federation. I only have a little, but the plan has begun. If I give up halfway, I will suffer more losses, and only continue to break my head Gone. "

Hearing Zhang Yue\'s words, aunt Hong smiled: "You\'re honest. If our merchant Federation doesn\'t know that the Yang family jade pendant is already in the hands of others, you can get the secret recipe of intoxicating wine alone. This value really exceeds your Fengyue building and Casino, because you can supply intoxicating wine in the whole city. Such income will be huge. Are you hating that our merchant Federation interfered in your plan and hurt you In a dilemma. "

Zhang Yue quickly shook her hands: "no, no... in fact, I thought about it carefully. Even if I got the secret recipe of intoxicating wine alone, I couldn\'t expand my development, because I didn\'t have the strength and resources, and finally asked for your help. Instead of this, I might as well promise to cooperate with aunt Hong. Although the profit is less, the success rate is high."

Aunt Hong smiled with satisfaction: "you can still think like this, which shows that you are still a businessman."

"As for the Yang\'s daughter, I have been coveting her beauty. Who doesn\'t want to marry her among the men in Lingnan city? Even without the Yang\'s industry, everyone is willing to have a beautiful confidant."

Aunt Hong laughed wildly: "the Yang\'s daughter is really beautiful. Many men are fascinated by her. But have you ever thought about how the jade pendant handed down by the Yang\'s ancestors got into the hands of outsiders?"

Zhang Yue said slowly, "I saw the jade pendant in the boy\'s hand that day and sent someone to invite Yang Zhen. After seeing the jade pendant, he didn\'t take it back. We all know that the jade pendant has been on the Yang\'s daughter. The boy didn\'t steal it. Naturally, it was given to him by the Yang\'s daughter, and Yang Zhen\'s old stubborn seems to have accepted his daughter\'s decision and acquiesced in the fact that the boy got the jade pendant."

"So the boy is probably the sweetheart of the Yang family\'s daughter. You are so eager to find the boy, not only to become the Yang family\'s son-in-law, but also to deal with the rival as soon as possible, so as not to let the Yang family\'s daughter fall into the hands of others. You kill two birds with one stone is really good."

"Aunt Hong flattered me. I just did everything I wanted."

Aunt Hong returned to the round table and sat down. Then she continued to drink intoxicating wine: "To tell you the truth, even if you get the secret recipe of intoxicating intoxication, even if our merchant Federation promotes it in the whole city, the income is extremely low and will not have the effect you expect. And I can tell you clearly that although you are the only one in Lingnan city at that time, once the good wine in Luoyang comes here, your intoxication will be a complete failure."

Zhang Yue looked at Aunt Hong in surprise: "aunt Hong, what do you mean?"

"Luoyang immortals are drunk, yaochi jade dew, have you ever heard?"

"I\'ve heard it before. I\'ve heard those businessmen say that the immortal Zui and yaochi Yulu in Luoyang City are comparable to the beautiful wine in the sky, but can they really compare with the intoxicating wine? The intoxicating wine was once a royal wine. If Luoyang wine was so famous, its achievements should have surpassed the intoxicating wine."

Aunt Hong shook her hands and said with a smile: "You\'re wrong. It\'s less than a year since immortal drunk came out, and yaochi Yulu is a new product. It\'s only a matter of time whether they become Royal Wine, so you\'d better prepare for the worst. Luoyang City merchants Federation told me that fortunately, the guy who brewed immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu didn\'t have the strength to develop everywhere, otherwise these two wines would have appeared in Lingnan city."

"Who in the end brewed such good wine."

Aunt Hong frowned and whispered, "listen to the report of Luoyang City merchants Federation. His name is Li Luoyang and his mother is Lin Luoshui of Luoyang Lin family."

"Hiss." Zhang Yue took a cold breath: "Lin Luoshui? The woman loved by the military God?"

"Yes, Lin Luoshui was detained in the Lin family. The Lin family was afraid to execute Lin Luoshui for fear of Zhou Xiangong\'s reputation. Since Li Luoyang came to Luoyang City, he has brewed immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu successively. The merchant Federation has repeatedly proposed to cooperate with him. This guy was soft and hard, so he became the enemy of our merchant Federation. After all, this guy was still in Taiyuan to help the government capture me An expert of the merchants\' Federation destroyed the plan to make money from famine. At this time, he was already on the blacklist of the merchants\' Federation. "