Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 819

Zhang Yue is really not smart. When she came to Aunt Hong\'s room, there were two wine glasses on the round table, but there was only aunt Hong in the room. These details did not arouse Zhang Yue\'s suspicion at all.

Raising her glass, Huang Ying asked in a low voice, "why did you tell him about Li Luoyang?"

"This guy is still a little valuable and has a better grasp than his brother. In fact, I want to push Zhang Yueyi instead of his brother."

"Have you forgotten the order of the headquarters? Zhang Qiong is the one you should cooperate with. After all, he is a member of the imperial court. Governor Liu also wants to return home after Huarong. He is the only person qualified to replace him." Huang Ying still looks as if her face is always frozen for thousands of years.

"I know."

"Since you know, why didn\'t you just refuse him directly? Fengyue building and Casino are given to Zhang Qiong. As long as you grab the Yang family jade pendant, Zhang Yue is a waste. It\'s enough to abandon it. Why do you give him a day!" Huang Ying\'s tone is full of blame. It seems to her that Aunt Hong had a plan to transfer all Zhang Yue\'s resources to the merchant Federation just now, And can more concentrate on cooperation with Zhang Qiong, there is no need to deal with between the two brothers, which is extremely good for the development of Lingnan merchant Federation.

Aunt Hong smiled at the wine: "Miss, you can\'t worry about everything. As I said, the partner we want is someone who can be completely controlled by us. Zhang Yue is obviously such a person. He has bowed to us, but Zhang Qiong is different. This guy has a high self-esteem and expands lawlessness with a little power."

Aunt Hong looked at Huang Ying and whispered: "Do you remember before? He was still a useless loser, just the leader of the guard team of the government. After cooperating with us, with our help, he climbed to his current position. After he became the first expert of Lingnan government, he gradually reduced his contact with us. I even had to make an appointment with him. He was just a leader, so I let him go With so much expansion, if we help him become a magistrate, maybe he will cross the river and tear down the bridge. After all, the magistrate is a stable position in the imperial court. He doesn\'t need to cooperate with us anymore. "

There was no change of expression on Huang Ying\'s face: "you mean you want to develop Zhang Yue, not Zhang Qiong?"

"Miss, we don\'t want the position of governor Zhang Qiong? We don\'t want to cooperate with the imperial court? The current imperial court has no use value. Our strength has already surpassed them. What we want now is people who are loyal to us, only those who are completely controlled by us, and only those who obey our orders, which is our most stable strength, so as to help us complete our grand plan."

Huang Ying\'s mouth rose. This was her first smile after she came here: "it seems that you think very far?"

"I know Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue very well. As you saw just now, Zhang Yue is easy to be controlled and controlled by us. As long as we give him some sweets, he will obey us. And I have a plan to make Zhang Yue completely our man and bow to us from now on."

"Oh? Really? Tell me."

"Hehe, Zhang Yue\'s only dependence in Lingnan city is Zhang Qiong. If Zhang Qiong is finished, who else can he rely on? He can only rely on us. If he wants to live and continue to make money and develop, he can\'t leave us."

"That\'s right."

"And Zhang Qiong is not a business material. You let a Wufu to run Fengyue building and Casino. I believe that Fengyue building and casino will close in less than a month. Miss, you can see that the only casino and the only black market in Lingnan city are now under our control. Zhang Qiong has climbed to the position of magistrate. If we break our cooperation, we will lose It\'s a great loss to the Lingnan businessmen\'s Federation to take the initiative in the casino. "

Huang Ying frowned and fell into thinking. A moment later, she looked at Aunt Hong and whispered, "follow your plan."

"Miss, don\'t you report to that?"

"No, I decided for him. I believe I should have this right?"

"Of course."

"I heard your conversation with Zhang Yue just now. At present, the casino has fallen into Zhang Qiong\'s hands. What are you going to do? Do you really want to kill him?" Huang Ying continued to ask aunt Hong. It can be seen that she is very concerned about Aunt Hong\'s planning and development of Lingnan merchant Federation.

"Miss, I\'m just going to let Zhang Qiong disappear completely. Since he doesn\'t need his position in the imperial court, he\'s naturally useless. Kill him, the casino will naturally return to Zhang Yue\'s hands, and we will regain control of the casino."

"Hum, if Zhang Yue knows, maybe your so-called complete loyalty won\'t hold? After all, we killed his only family in the world. If he knows, will he still obey us?"

The corner of aunt Hong\'s mouth rose slightly and showed a sly smile: "please rest assured, miss. I guarantee that Zhang Yue will never know about his brother\'s death in our life."

"You know my character, tell me your plan!" in front of Huang Ying, any guarantee is useless. What she wants is the result of the plan and the facts.

"Believe miss, you also know the major events of Lingnan city during this period?"

"Are you worthy of Huarong?"

"Yes, you\'ve been in contact with the people of Liangshanpo. Hua Rong is locked up in Lingnan prison. They will find a way to save Hua Rong. Although Zhang Qiong has government soldiers, his strength can\'t match that of the Liangshan expert. Therefore, if someone from Liangshanpo comes to rob the prison, I can take the opportunity to send someone to attack Zhang Qiong, or directly help the people of Liangshanpo to save Hua Rong Ting will certainly blame Zhang Qiong for her poor work. Even if we don\'t have to do it, Zhang Qiong will fall into hell. "

"The people who helped Liangshanpo? Hehe, there is no intersection between us and them. There is no hatred or grace. Helping them save Hua Rong will not cause us any loss. Helping them save Hua Rong can weaken Zhang Qiong\'s power from the side. Maybe the court will kill Zhang Qiong. You save a lot of trouble."

With Huang Ying\'s affirmation, aunt Hong smiled and said, "in this way, Zhang Yue can\'t find any flaws at all. He will put Zhang Qiong\'s death on our merchant Federation. If he wants to hate, he will only hate the people in Liangshanpo who saved Hua Rong. If he wants to hate, he can only hate the court for giving the crime to his brother."

Huang Ying smiled again: "unexpectedly, I haven\'t seen you for only a year. Your city is getting deeper and deeper."

"This is not your credit." aunt Hong sat directly in front of the wooden table and looked at Huang Ying with a smile.

Huang Ying always has a smile on her face. It looks much better than her previous indifference. She is happy to see that her people do their best to develop the merchant Federation in Lingnan city. The reason why aunt Hong knows so much about the two brothers Zhang Qiong is naturally the experience of many years of exploration. Aunt Hong has worked hard for the merchant Federation.