Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 814

"Uncle Fu, uncle Shou, you come in with me."

After returning from the roof, Mo Jiao called Mo Fu and Mo Shou, who were waiting outside the bedroom door, into the room. Mo Fu followed Mo Jiao with a puzzled face: "Miss, what\'s the matter? You don\'t look very well." since seeing Zhang Qiong, Mo Fu and Mo Shou have been paying attention to Mo Jiao\'s every move all the time. They were afraid that Mo Jiao\'s temper would come up to Zhang Qiong to settle accounts. After all, this is not Luoyang City, It\'s not their territory. If it were Luoyang, Mo Yuntian would have killed Zhang Qiong long ago.

Mo Jiao sat in front of the round table and motioned Mo Fu and Mo Shou to sit down. They rarely saw the seriousness at this time from Mo Jiao\'s face. Mo Jiao, who has always been straightforward and heroic, never showed the momentum and seriousness like a general at this time, which filled Mo Fu\'s hearts with exclamation: the girl has finally grown up.

"Uncle Fu and uncle Shou, things have changed. The people of Liangshanpo have appeared in the direction of the prison. They killed the guard at the door and entered the prison to rescue Hua Rong."

Mo Fu looked at Mo Jiao in surprise: "so soon? The door guard was killed so soon? Those are all Li Guo\'s people. They are soldiers from the barracks. How many people have come to Liangshanpo?" Mo Fu couldn\'t believe his ears. He has lived most of his life. Naturally, he knows that the soldiers in the barracks are strong, which is not comparable to the soldiers of the government, He didn\'t expect that the people of Liangshanpo killed the soldiers outside the prison so quickly and entered the prison smoothly.

Mo Fu even thought that Liangshanpo must have sent a lot of people, which made such a strange speed.

Mo Jiao\'s cold voice sounded slowly: "six, to be exact... Only five people shot at the prison gate guard. According to Zhang Qiong\'s analysis, they should be Lin Chong, Wu Song, Lu Zhishen, Chai Jin and Li Kui. As for the sixth person, I haven\'t mastered his information so far."

Mo Fu and Mo Shou took a breath at the same time. The names of these five people have long been like thunder. Although they didn\'t directly fight with these people, it\'s hard for Mo Fu to imagine how these five people could quickly kill guards. In fact, the gap of hard strength created all this.

Mo Jiao frowned and continued: "Originally, according to brother Li Guo\'s plan, after the people in Liangshanpo appeared, Zhang Qiong, who stayed behind the government, immediately took people to the prison for support and gathered the two forces of barracks soldiers and government soldiers to trap the people in Liangshanpo in prison. But now Zhang Qiong is selfish. He wants to complete the operation alone and strive for the first merit, so he plans to delay the support and plans to get rid of him Thanks to brother Li Guo. "

Mofu punched the round table, and his angry eyes were covered with blood: "Is that Zhang Qiong still a fucking person? Li Guo was ordered by the imperial court to help them Lingnan officials. This guy is actually worried that credit will be divided. Is he qualified to receive credit? If it weren\'t for Li Guo, he Zhang Qiong is just a headless fly now. There will be a guard position in Lingnan and a trap there."

Mo Shou bit his teeth, nodded and said, "yes, now the people in Liangshanpo haven\'t died and the task hasn\'t been completed. He began to think about credit. It\'s blind for the court to use such people!"

Mo Jiao sat aside and said calmly, "you two don\'t have to complain here. Now the top priority is to report Zhang Qiong\'s plan to brother Li Guo. Originally, sister Ye Yu could complete such a thing, but sister Ye Yu still has the confidential task assigned by Li Guo. Therefore, without exposing her existence, she can only entrust me to invite you to come."

Mo Jiao knew what Mo Fu and Mo Shou would ask. Before they spoke, Mo Jiao whispered: "Sister Ye Yu\'s task is that the imperial court has discovered Zhang Qiong\'s activities with mountain bandits in recent years and secretly ordered Li Guo\'s team to take advantage of this opportunity to come to Lingnan city to collect Zhang Qiong\'s criminal evidence. As long as they have the evidence, Li Guo has the right to directly arrest Zhang Qiong and even directly bring Zhang Qiong to justice."

Hearing Mo Jiao\'s words, Mo Fu and Mo Shou were inexplicably happy. Thinking about the result that Zhang Qiong was put in the right place, they were happy.

"I\'ll go!" Mofu stood up. "Miss, I\'ll inform Li Guo and let him prepare for it."

Mo Shou stood up, looked at Mo Fu and said slowly, "I\'d better go. Your martial arts are above me. Stay here to protect the young lady. I\'ll take this trip." leaving Mo Jiao, whether Mo Fu or Mo Shou, they were worried that Zhang Qiong would take the opportunity to do other things.

But Mo Jiao doesn\'t worry, because she knows that Zhang Qiong\'s plan for herself will wait until the celebration party tomorrow night.

"Uncle Mo Shoushu, you go. We\'ll wait for you here. Sister Ye Yu has explained that this news doesn\'t need to be brought directly to brother Li Guo. Tell their soldiers that the soldiers will naturally convey Zhang Qiong\'s plan to Li Guo. They trust each other." when she said the last sentence, Mo Jiao had a little helplessness on her face and was seen by Mo Fu.

After Mo Shou left, Mo Fu sat in front of Mo Jiao: "Miss, you frown because of envy."


"I envy the mutual trust and tacit understanding between Li Guo and his men."

Mo Jiao nodded subconsciously: "Uncle Fu, most of our six doors are intrigues. Everyone has to face a lot of temptations for the tasks and orders they accept. I also know that there were many traitors and even traitors in the other six doors in early summer. But why did Li Guocai trust his men so soon after he went to the military camp, and his men never let Li Guo down? They are very loyal. They show Li Guocai\'s loyalty The only thing is that we have never owned these six doors. "

Mo Fu smiled and said, "Miss, you can think of these shows that you really began to think about the six doors. Alas, the six doors are different from the military camp. The military camp only needs to fight and fight constantly, and our six doors have to deal with all kinds of trivial things. In the face of different temptations, if people are unstable, they are easy to be bought by others, so traitors are more likely to appear in our team than in the military camp."

Mo Fu took tea for Mo Jiao and continued: "Coupled with the fact that the soldiers in the barracks killed the enemy on the battlefield, they have established a very deep relationship. It is the friendship of comrades in arms. They killed the first and drank the enemy\'s blood together. Their relationship is as solid as a rock as a hero in Liangshan. They know that Lingnan city is doomed to death and want to rescue Huarong. These fetters are not owned by our six doors."

Looking down at Mo Jiao, Mo Fu shook his head and said slowly, "among our six doors, people are more complex. If you can, some people will even use their brothers, relatives or children for the task."

Hearing this, Mo Jiao looked up at Mo Fu: "can father use it?"

Mofu trembled and drank the water from the teacup: "the master loves you so much and you are his only child. Naturally, he will not treat you like this."

Mo Jiao smiled. However, she didn\'t know that Mo Yuntian was making use of her by asking her to secretly look for Li Luoyang. Mo Yuntian even asked Mo Jiao to report the news of Li Luoyang at the first time in order to kill Li Luoyang secretly with Sima Yingming and complete the big plan between them.