Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 813

"No, I\'m going to inform captain Li Guo!"

Zhang Qiong shouted with the soldiers, and the dialogue between Zhang Qiong and magistrate Liu had been heard by Ye Yu on the roof.

After Li Guo left, Ye Yu began her action. He was responsible for monitoring Zhang Qiong\'s every move. As long as Hua Rong had been dealt with, she took the soldiers arranged by Li Guo to deal with Zhang Qiong. Unexpectedly, the people in Liangshanpo had rushed into the prison. Li Guo rushed to the prison to fight with other soldier cards, Ye Yu didn\'t expect that Zhang Qiong was so cruel and cruel. She planned to delay the support and make Li Guo difficult to support.

And Ye Yu also knows Zhang Qiong\'s vicious plan. Zhang Qiong plans to block the whole prison gate together with Li Guo. Zhang Qiong doesn\'t plan to let anyone go except the barracks soldiers who have life to escape from the prison. Ye Yu decides to report this information to Li Guo immediately, even if Zhang Qiong will find her presence.

Ye Yu didn\'t press on the roof alone. Naturally, she also brought Mo Jiao. Mo Jiao also heard Zhang Qiong\'s poison plan. She asked in a low voice with a frown: "this guy actually wants to target captain Li Guo! I thought he was retaliating for my behavior, but why did he do it to brother Li Guo?"

Mo Jiao doesn\'t know why Zhang Qiong did this. Whether it\'s the government or the military camp, including the six gates, they all belong to the imperial court and belong to the same camp. Zhang Qiong planned to attack herself first, and then planned to attack Li Guo from the military camp. Mo Jiao thinks this guy must be crazy.

Ye Yu whispered: "As early as when we came to Lingnan City, we received another task from the imperial court, that is to find evidence of Zhang Qiong\'s crime and capture him. Zhang Qiong is selfish and arrogant, so we expect this guy must want to take the credit on himself. Team leader Li Guo did a lot of work after he arrived in Lingnan. He Zhang Qiong almost handled it easily. Team Li Guo The imperial court will naturally count the first-class merit on captain Li Guo, so Zhang Qiong will find a way to get rid of Captain Li Guo. "

Ye Yu slowly moved his body, and the tiles under him didn\'t make a little sound: "in addition, Captain Li Guo had several conflicts with him after he came here. How could he tolerate with a strong sense of revenge? After all, this is his territory, and he lost face in front of his men. Zhang Qiong will certainly retaliate, but he didn\'t expect this guy to be so mean and delay support."

Mo Jiao looked at Ye Yu in surprise: "I didn\'t expect you to have other tasks. What should I do now? Tell captain Li Guo?"

Ye Yu nodded without hesitation. In her opinion, no task can compare with Li Guo\'s life. She would rather fail the task than let Zhang Qiong\'s plot succeed. However, at this time, she has a way to have the best of both worlds. She can not only inform Li Guo of Zhang Qiong\'s plan, but also not expose her identity.

Obviously, it is impossible for Mo Jiao to deliver the letter. After all, as soon as Mo Jiao appears in front of Zhang Qiong, she will attract Zhang Qiong\'s attention, so Ye Yu whispered to Mo Jiao: "Mo Jiao, this matter is very important, it is related to the life of Li passing captain, and countless soldiers and brothers. I leave here to prison, and I will be discovered by Zhang Qiong\'s eyeliner. I need to hide in the dark, and finally I can do something to Zhang Qiong by surprise. So I want you to send Fu uncle or Shou uncle to run."

Mo Jiao didn\'t hesitate at all: "no problem, I\'ll go to them and ask them to tell brother Li Guo what happened here." even if ye Yu didn\'t say, Mo Jiao would do so. She didn\'t want Li Guo to have three long and two short. After all, he was Li Luoyang\'s brother.

Ye Yu nodded and continued in a low voice: "remember, you don\'t have to find Li Guo himself. As long as they are soldiers in the barracks, they will bring this news to captain Li Guo. I firmly believe that our people don\'t want to see captain Li Guo have an accident."

Mo Jiao asked suspiciously, "why? Isn\'t this kind of news the safest thing to bring to brother Li? Even if you believe there will be no traitors among you, who can guarantee that this news will eventually return to brother Li?"

"I\'m worried that Li Guo has rushed into the prison at this time. Just now you heard that each of the five people discharged by Liangshan can defeat captain Li Guo, not to mention five. If captain Li Guo has entered the prison, the news can\'t be directly transmitted to Li Guo, so it can only be transmitted through the soldiers outside. Fortunately, there are no Zhang Qiong\'s people in the prison, No But everything was in vain. "

Ye Yu frowned and continued: "the people of Liangshanpo must rush into the prison to rescue Hua Rong. Captain Li Guo will certainly take people to guard the entrance and enter the prison to confront them head-on. This is the last situation I want to see." Ye Yu judged the prison situation at this time through her own experience. She was worried that Li Guo would face up to the people in Liangshanpo, because she knew the gap in the hard power of double anti. Even if ye Yu was around Li Guo at this time, they could not be Lin Chong\'s opponents at all. Even if Zhang Qiong was added, they would be cannon fodder.

Ye Yu continued to lie on the roof, and the soldiers in the lobby sat on the ground to rest. At this time, they were full of expectations for what would happen next. After all, it was lucky for them not to face Liangshanpo. Anyone could do such a small thing as lighting a fire at the gate with wood and then fanning the wind.

Zhang Qiong continued to sit in the position of Governor Liu. He felt the governor\'s feeling in advance, playing with the wooden case in his hand, and the governor\'s token was also casually thrown on the ground. From time to time, he still imitated Governor Liu\'s spoken language and expression when punishing sinners, looking addicted.

He was waiting for news and news from the prison. Since a soldier reported the presence of Liangshanpo in the prison to him, he arranged for the soldier to go to the prison again and ordered him to come back and report immediately when he saw Li Guo entering the prison channel. Therefore, he was not in a hurry. He also looked for the most appropriate opportunity and the most appropriate time point to implement the plan perfectly.

Ye Yu on the roof is also waiting. She is waiting for Mo Jiao to send someone to inform Li Guo. Both sides are racing against time. One is waiting for Li Guo to enter the prison channel, and the other is trying to report Zhang Qiong\'s plan before Li Guo enters the prison. It all depends on Li Guo himself.

However, Li Guo, who was checking the wounds of more than a dozen soldiers outside the prison gate, did not rush into the prison at this time. He was waiting for the collection of all the barracks soldiers in Lingnan city. Only by focusing on one point to impact the prison, could he confront the people in Liangshanpo head-on.

Li Guo killed countless foreign enemies and attacked his countrymen for the first time. It was the first time that he attacked the countrymen as the captain of the barracks.

Be quite different go with head high and chest out. The soldiers in the southern city of Zhang Qiong came to the prison gate, and the teams of nearly 100 people were gathered. The orderly teams were quite different from the government officials. They stood up and waited for Li to pass the battle orders. While the side of the alley, the eye liner was staring at everything before him. He was waiting for Li to lead the team into prison.