Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 815

Leaving Mo Jiao\'s room, Mo Shou looked up at the roof, nodded after the intersection of jade leaves and rain, and then walked to the lobby. The lobby is the only way to leave the government and go to prison.

It is difficult for the thin Mo Shou to attract other people\'s attention, but Zhang Qiong found Mo Shou walking to the gate at a glance. Everyone was waiting for orders in place. Mo Shou moving to the gate alone is really easy to be found.

"Stop!" Zhang Qiong got up from the magistrate\'s position and went straight to Mo Shou standing at the door. Mo Shou waited in place with a smile. When Zhang Qiong came to his face, Mo Shou smiled and said, "Captain Zhang Qiong, you need me?" after working in liumen for so many years, Mo Shou naturally mastered the skill of managing expressions. No matter what circumstances, Mo Shou can perfectly cover up the emotion on his face, so as to better confuse each other.

"I have nothing to do with you. I just want to ask you. Are you going out?" when Zhang Qiong came to propose marriage, Mo Yuntian was surrounded by Mo Fu and Mo Shou. They didn\'t say good words for him. Instead, they looked down on him like Mo Yuntian. He naturally kept it in mind. Now that Mo Shou is going out alone, Zhang Qiong won\'t miss the opportunity to deliberately make trouble for him.


"Go there?" Zhang Qiong crossed her hands in front of her chest, and her tall body stood in front of Mo Shou directly.

"Go out and buy something to eat. The food in the government is not very good these days. Maybe the cook doesn\'t have the mind to cook." Mo Shou prevaricates Zhang Qiong at will. Even if he doesn\'t have a task at this time, he will treat Zhang Qiong like this.

Mo Shou\'s words didn\'t arouse Zhang Qiong\'s doubt. In his opinion, Mo Shou\'s randomness to himself is reasonable in front of him. On the contrary, if Mo Shou is slightly if, it will attract Zhang Qiong\'s attention.

"It\'s not peaceful outside now. For your safety, you\'d better stay in the government. How can I tell Mo Yuntian if you have any problems? Besides, you belong to the imperial power of Luoyang City. You are guests here. If you are not satisfied with the food, I\'ll ask the cook to cook some delicious food for you immediately." Zhang Qiong ostentatiously pointed to the magistrate Liu in the corner and shouted, "Hey, hey, magistrate Liu, don\'t you hear that our guests are not satisfied? What are you doing there? Go and inform the cook behind and get some delicious food for them."

In front of so many people, Zhang Qiong also got out of the sky. Magistrate Liu blushed, bit his teeth and walked back to the kitchen. Mo Shou smiled and said to magistrate Liu, "don\'t bother magistrate Liu. The cook\'s skill is not good. It\'s still not good. I\'ll go to Fengyue building to buy some."

Hearing what Mo Shou said, Zhang Qiong had an idea: "Fengyue building, hahaha, yes, the food in Fengyue building is good. If you want to go, try it. Our celebration banquet is going to invite the cook of Fengyue building to cook. If you are satisfied, you and Lord Mo will stay and participate in the celebration banquet."

Zhang Qiong naturally wants to push the boat with the current to bring out these words. His purpose is very simple, that is, to invite Mo Jiao to the celebration banquet. Since Mo Shou wants to go to Fengyue building to buy food at this time, Zhang Qiong just takes this opportunity to send out the invitation. With a simple mind, he knows that Mo Shou will not go to Fengyue building at all, nor will he inform Mo Jiao of Zhang Qiong\'s invitation, At this time, neither Mo Shou nor Mo Fu knew Zhang Qiong\'s plan. If they knew, it was estimated that Mo Jiao could not lose her temper. Both of them would rush back to Luoyang overnight and invite Mo Yuntian to come.

Watching Mo Shou step out of the door, Zhang Qiong said with a smile, "wait."

Mo Shou turned and looked at Zhang Qiong: "Captain Zhang Qiong has something else to do?"

"As I said just now, it\'s very dangerous outside. I don\'t trust you to go to Fengyue building alone. Well, I\'ll send someone to go with you."

Before Mo Shou refused, Zhang Qiong called two soldiers at will: "you two, take good care of Mo Shou. He\'s a man of six doors. Don\'t offend him. Escort adult Mo Shou to the Fengyue building."


Mo Shou shook his hand and said with a smile, "it\'s not necessary. It\'s not much away from the Fengyue building. Captain Zhang Qiong is still afraid that my old bone will meet any accidents?"

"I\'m not worried about you?" Zhang Qiong smiled slightly.

Mo Shou snorted softly and said slowly, "Captain Zhang Qiong, if there is an accident, you think your two soldiers will be useful. At that time, they can only be my drag bottles."

Said by Mo Shou, the two soldiers tried to resist their anger. In their view, Mo Shou had white hair and weak figure. He didn\'t want to be an expert at all, but after all, he was from six doors. They naturally didn\'t dare to offend, so they had to resist their anger.

However, Zhang Qiong knows that Mo Shou\'s words are not groundless. Compared with Mo Shou\'s strength, his two soldiers are completely worthless. He just wants his own people to follow him. At this juncture, Zhang Qiong doesn\'t want any accident.

"Naturally, the strength of these two people is not as good as you. It\'s good to have them around to give you something and fight. You can be two servants."

"I appreciate captain Zhang Qiong\'s kindness. I\'m a servant. I can\'t stand being served. You\'d better let you go back." Mo Shou served Mo Yuntian since childhood. After Mo Yuntian had Mo Jiao, Mo Shou and Mo Fu always served Mo Jiao. They didn\'t feel anything about it. On the contrary, they were happy to accompany Mo Jiao to grow up. They just got used to serving others for so many years, Mo Fu and Mo Shou really don\'t like being served by others.

"Lord Moshou said so, but he saw it outside."

"Captain Zhang Qiong, there is no relationship between us. There is no need to send two people to follow me. Mo Shou directly exposed Zhang Qiong\'s plot. He knew that Zhang Qiong arranged two wastes around him. Would there be any other intention besides surveillance? How can Zhang Qiong, who has a simple mind, calculate to lead an experienced Mo Shou.

Zhang Qiong didn\'t feel embarrassed because the plot was exposed. He often met such things. His mind seemed to be easily seen through, so he had long been used to such an embarrassing situation, which also made him develop a cheeky character and didn\'t put this embarrassment in his heart at all.

"In that case, please help yourself, Lord Moshou." Zhang Qiong doesn\'t want to entangle with Moshou. Anyway, he has reminded Moshou of the danger outside. If he goes out and meets an accident at this time, he won\'t bear any responsibility.

Mo Shou left the gate of the government smoothly. He went straight to the alley on one side, then leaned out his head and stared at the position of the gate. He was determining whether Zhang Qiong sent someone to follow him secretly. As he expected, as soon as he entered the alley to observe the gate of the government, two soldiers rushed to the street. After looking left and right, they seemed to have lost their target, I had to run separately.

Mo Shou raised his mouth slightly, turned and entered the deep alley, and began to approach the prison gate by using the path between the alleys.