Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 812

The government hall was originally an open space to avenge the people. At this time, it was full of soldiers. At the closed door, they didn\'t care whether the battle had happened. All the soldiers looked at Zhang Qiong and were expecting Zhang Qiong to delay the support time. Some soldiers even prayed silently in their hearts that Li Guo could stop the people in Liangshanpo, So they don\'t have to go to dangerous battlefields.

The government soldiers who were afraid of death had no strength to fight against Liangshan heroes. In front of Lin Chong, they could not even call cannon fodder. Before they had a positive contest, their mentality had collapsed. Letting these government soldiers go to the battlefield was tantamount to throwing the lamb into a tiger cage that had been hungry for more than ten days and being slaughtered.

Magistrate Liu looked at all the soldiers sitting in front of him and hurriedly ran to Zhang Qiong. He grabbed Zhang Qiong\'s shoulder and asked seriously, "what are you doing! Why did you order them to rest here? Didn\'t you hear me? If they are finished, you will be finished!"

Li Guo was defeated in the war. Magistrate Liu didn\'t think that Zhang Qiong and these soldiers could resist Liangshanpo alone. They were professional soldiers from the military camp. They all lost. Can the government garbage soldiers win? Obviously, the answer is clear at a glance.

Zhang Qiong pushed away the hand of magistrate Liu, patted the dust on her shoulder and said without cutting: "I told you not to worry. Don\'t worry. As a magistrate of Lingnan, can\'t you sit still? As far as I know, there are only six people in Liangshanpo who rushed into prison. Li Guo took so many barracks soldiers there. Even if it is containment, those Liangshanpo\'s human strength will consume a lot."

Zhang Qiong returned to the upright chair and sat down with a plaque hanging on her head. This is the location of magistrate Liu: "When the time comes, I will take people to the cage. Can those Liangshan people who are physically overdrawn still insist? Besides, I designed the prison in the east of Lingnan city. There is only one gate exit. When Li Guo\'s people rush in to fight with Liangshan people, I immediately let everyone guard the gate. It\'s hard for them to fly."

Zhang Qiong had a plan for a long time. He was waiting for Li Guo to enter the prison and fight head-on with the people in Liangshan. Then he took his own people to block the gate. Even if the people in Liangshanpo still had combat effectiveness, Zhang Qiong was otherwise prepared.

"Close the gate? Where\'s captain Li Guo inside?" magistrate Liu asked in a low voice.

"In order to achieve great things, sacrifice is inevitable. I will arrange people to burn wood at the gate and bring cigarettes into the prison. In this way, the people inside can\'t get out."

Magistrate Liu frowned and said slowly, "Captain Li Guo can\'t come out if you do this!"

"Yes, but in addition to Hua Rong, there are six more bodies of Liangshan heroes in the prison. Do you know who they are? Leopard head Lin Chong, small whirlwind Chaijin, flower monk Lu Zhishen, Black Whirlwind Li Kui, there are many Walker Wu Song. How much reward will the imperial court give us for the bodies of these five people? Have you calculated it!"

Magistrate Liu stared at Zhang Qiong dumbfounded: "here, these people are coming?"

"Nonsense! So I say that some people\'s sacrifice is to achieve the imperial court and our Lingnan government. He killed a small barracks captain in exchange for so many court wanted criminals. Do you think it\'s cost-effective?"

Magistrate Liu thought for a moment and then said, "what are you still doing here? If you don\'t drive the wood for burning, get more cigarettes so that they won\'t run out of the prison." If you can kill five Liangshan people besides Hua Rong, as Zhang Qiong said, and these five people are the most important criminals in the imperial court, maybe you can get more rewards when you return home. Anyway, with Zhang Qiong here, magistrate Liu naturally wants to fight. Maybe after success, you can be promoted to the rank and return to your hometown.

Faced with the order of magistrate Liu, Zhang Qiong suddenly stood up, grabbed the collar of magistrate Liu, and then said fiercely: "I don\'t need you to order me. This matter is over. All the credit is mine. You don\'t want to get a little. I guarantee that you will have done your utmost to you as the magistrate of Lingnan. If you want to take my credit, I\'ll let you die and enjoy happiness."

Prefect Liu is biting his teeth and staring at Zhang Qiong. He knows that his power in the government has long been illusory. Since Zhang Qiong became the leader of the government soldiers, Zhang Qiong has mastered all the forces of Lingnan government. How can a scholar of prefect Liu fight against it? In addition, prefect Liu knows that there is a merchant Federation behind Zhang Qiong to help, so he can\'t fight alone, so it\'s impossible I silently accepted such a fact.

In the opinion of magistrate Liu, it is enough to return home as the current Lingnan magistrate.

"Let me go!" prefect Liu tried hard to break Zhang Qiong\'s wrist, but in front of Zhang Qiong, he was like a three-year-old child, there was no threat at all, and it was impossible to move Zhang Qiong.

Holding magistrate Liu in the air, Zhang Qiong said with a wild smile: "If it hadn\'t been for me, you would have been killed all these years. How could you still hold the position of Lingnan magistrate? I would have been very kind to you if I didn\'t kill you, so you\'d better be your magistrate honestly. After this matter is handled, you\'ll put forward the decision to return to your hometown to the imperial court at the first time. I\'ll take your place and become a new magistrate. We\'ll take what we need. If you want more, we\'ll go again , think for yourself! "

Zhang Qiong still put magistrate Liu on the ground. The plan began to be implemented immediately. He no longer had to act in front of magistrate Liu. Naturally, he showed his true face. He knew that magistrate Liu should not go against his meaning now. Zhang Qiong wanted to kill him as simple as killing an ant. In addition, magistrate Liu was afraid of death, so he would not disobey Zhang Qiong.

When he got up from the ground, magistrate Liu reluctantly retreated to one side and squatted in the corner. There was a bit of the magistrate\'s appearance, which seemed to be extremely depressed.

Zhang Qiong came to the soldiers again and said with a wild smile: "brothers, if this thing is done, Zhang Qiong will be popular and spicy with me from now on. It\'s a hundred times better than now. It\'s natural for everyone to benefit when I become the magistrate. Next, we\'ll wait for the spies to come back. As long as Li Guo enters the prison, we\'ll rush up and kill everyone in the prison!"

Encouraged by Zhang Qiong, the soldiers stood up one after another and beat the ground with their long guns: "kill them! Kill them!"

Looking at the soldiers with a little morale, Zhang Qiong nodded with satisfaction. He began to deploy: "you guys, take back your brothers with oil and wood. After they put the wood at the door, you immediately point around the wood. Others bring me banana fans, send me cigarettes into the prison and suffocate everyone in the prison."

Zhang Qiong raised her mouth slightly and said with a smile, "if you find someone from the barracks coming out, let it go! Lest the court know that I deliberately engage in friction. If you see the people in Liangshanpo forced out, the archers will kill me!"