Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 811


A soldier hurriedly bypassed Li Guo and went straight to the government. As soon as he entered the lobby, he knelt directly in front of Zhang Qiong.

"What?" looked at the soldier\'s panic. Zhang Qiong had already guessed what had happened. After all, the soldier was the eye liner he deliberately arranged near the prison gate. His arrival meant that the prison was making a big difference.

"Yes, someone killed the guard of the prison gate and rushed into the prison!" the soldier described what he had just seen. He witnessed the combat effectiveness of Lin Chong with his own eyes, and his heart was full of fear.

After listening to the soldier\'s description, Zhang Qiong frowned and whispered, "there are only six people on the other side? Unexpectedly, twelve guards were killed in such a short time. The twelve guards are soldiers from the barracks and their combat effectiveness is not weak... It can only be said that the strength of the other side is too strong."

Zhang Qiong looked at the soldiers kneeling on the ground and immediately asked, "do you know the six of them?"

"No, I didn\'t see it clearly. They all seemed to be camouflaged and dressed in ordinary people\'s clothes. They looked ordinary and impermanent." the soldier wiped the sweat on his forehead and watched those soldiers from the military camp fall into a pool of blood. The soldiers could imagine that they would die faster by themselves. In the hearts of the government soldiers, they admitted the gap between themselves and the soldiers in the military camp, although Zhang Qiong refused to admit it, However, they are well aware of the strength gap between themselves and the soldiers in the barracks. Therefore, when Li Guo brought the people in the barracks to Lingnan City, the soldiers in the government felt a lot easier. Before, they were afraid of being arranged in prison by Zhang Qiong. Now it seems that the soldiers are very glad that they didn\'t stand at the gate of the prison, otherwise they would be in a different place at this time.

"I don\'t know you, but I always know the weapons they use!" Zhang Qiong knows that many people\'s weapons in liangshanbo have remarkable characteristics, and in the hearts of people who know martial arts, they can judge the strength and even identity of the user from a weapon. Since the other party has camouflaged, it is impossible for the commonly used weapons to change.

"I, I remember that one of them used Zhangba snake spear, the other with two Xuanhua axes, the other with a bald head with a crescent halberd, the other with an iron fan, the other seemed to hold two sabres, and the last one didn\'t do it, so I don\'t know what weapon he used."

Zhang Qiong stood stunned and said, "Lin Chong, Li Kui, monk Hua, Chaijin and Wu Song, are all here? No wonder they can kill the soldiers in the barracks so easily with six of them. It seems that Liang shanpo has sent many experts this time, but... Who is the other? Wu Yong? Will he come in person?"

The soldier shivered and looked up at Zhang Qiong: "team leader, haven\'t we forbidden people outside to bring weapons in? How did they do it?"

Zhang Qiong clenched her teeth and said slowly, "this is no longer the point! They must have bought blacksmiths in the city and forged their weapons."

"Captain, what shall we do now?"

"Li Guo!"

"On my way to the government, I saw him rushing to the prison with people."

Zhang Qiong\'s mouth rose slightly and smiled: "ha ha, we\'ll arrange the previous plan. Didn\'t Li Guo let us stay in the government? Let\'s follow suit."

"But Captain Li Guo said to stay in the government without any alarm. Now there is an accident in the prison. We need immediate support!"

Zhang Qiong grabbed the soldier\'s collar, bit her teeth and said with a smile, "whose man are you?"

"When, of course it\'s you."

"Then do as I want, and let everyone in the government gather. No one can go out to support without my order!" Zhang Qiong thought in her heart that as long as she delayed the support time, Li Guo would be killed by the people in Liangshanpo. He didn\'t think Li Guo could face Lin Chong and others alone, even six Li Guo, Nor can we win the six Liangshan heroes who came to Lingnan city.

Zhang Qiong naturally wants to borrow the hands of Liangshan heroes to get rid of Li Guo. Once Li Guo dies, he takes his own people and the headless soldiers in the barracks to avenge Li Guo and surround the people trapped in Liangshan. In this way, all the credit will be his Zhang Qiong alone. By the way, he can also get rid of his unhappy Li Guo. The beauty of killing two birds with one stone makes Zhang Qiong laugh uncontrollably.

Two groups of soldiers in Lingnan city received the news. The soldiers of the government did not go to the prison, but returned to the government. They just got the order of Zhang Qiong and returned to the government. The soldiers of the military camp rushed to the prison at the first time. They wanted to support Li Guo.

At this time, Zhang Qiong summoned all the personnel in the government hall. The soldiers had a look of fear on their faces. Such a thing had never happened in Lingnan City, including the capture of Hua Rong last time. For the first time, the government soldiers naturally felt afraid and nervous. They had never killed the enemy, and they had never fought with real swords and guns against the enemy, And they knew in their hearts that the enemy at this time was still people from Liangshanpo. They had heard that one of the Liangshan heroes who came this time was once the leader of the 700000 forbidden army of the imperial court. This title alone made them a little desperate.

The soldiers nervously held their long guns and looked at Zhang Qiong sitting in the front seat of the lobby. They never expected Zhang Qiong to fall asleep at this time, and the order to delay support could be issued later.

"Zhang Qiong! Zhang Qiong!" prefect Liu rushed out of the inner hall in a hurry. His official clothes were not neatly dressed, showing an embarrassed look.

Zhang Qiong slowly opened her eyes: "magistrate Liu."

"I heard that the people of Liangshanpo have come, and now they have been put in prison!" magistrate Liu doesn\'t want to see all this happen. He is worried that the people of Liangshanpo will avenge Hua Rong after they rescued Hua Rong. After all, Hua Rong was arrested by the government on his territory. Timid, he naturally worried that his life would be threatened.

"Governor Liu, you can rest assured. Isn\'t there Li Guo in front? Don\'t worry. We\'ll go again when his people are finished!"

Hearing Zhang Qiong\'s words, the soldiers were almost about to cry. They thanked Zhang Qiong for her decision and asked them not to face the people in Liangshanpo as much as possible.

"When Li Guo\'s people finish fighting, they will all die. With our government\'s shrimps and crabs, we will be able to stop Liangshanpo\'s people?" magistrate Liu roared angrily. In his opinion, Zhang Qiong\'s move is to die. If Li Guo\'s people are gone, can these government soldiers win at present? Magistrate Liu knew in his heart how much combat effectiveness the soldiers raised by the government had in recent years. All the soldiers in the barracks lost, and his soldiers could only be buried with him.

Zhang Qiong slowly stood up, stretched and didn\'t answer. He picked up the tea cup on the round table, drank leisurely, and then waved to the soldiers: "don\'t stand, sit down and have a rest."

"Yes!" the soldiers had never answered in such a neat and uniform voice. Zhang Qiong\'s order contributed to their tacit understanding for the first time.