Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 810

After walking out of the government, Li Guo took several soldiers to the prison. Usually, he stayed in the prison until noon and then returned to the government to rest. Today, because of Mo Jiao\'s business, all the time was reversed. If he didn\'t go to the prison in the morning, he was going to guard at noon.

On the way, the soldiers around Li Guo smiled and said to Li Guo, "Captain Li Guo, after tonight, our task is over." although the alert life these days can\'t defeat the professional soldiers from the military camp, these soldiers haven\'t had a good rest since they came to Lingnan city. They pass by the door of Fengyue building and Yihua building every day and want to go in and enjoy it, But they all know the current situation. They don\'t have this time at all. This is also Li Guo\'s requirement. If you want to enjoy it, you must finish the task.

Li Guo shook his head and said seriously, "tonight is only the execution of Hua Rong, and the task is only half done. As far as I know, people from Liangshanpo have infiltrated Lingnan city so far. They should have done the death of Bao inquiry. So far, they should only know that tomorrow noon is the time to execute Hua Rong, so they will act tomorrow at the latest."

Li Guo continued: "if the execution tonight is carried out smoothly, our task will be more severe tomorrow, because we are likely to face the people who come to Huarong in Liangshan, and the prison will have prepared traps for them."

The soldiers nodded. They never doubted Li Guo\'s decision. After all, Li Guo was the captain. In addition, Li Guo never let them down, whether in battle or training.

"Captain Li Guo, vice captain Ye Yu disappeared after we came to Lingnan. Does she have any other arrangements?" the soldiers all know that Ye Yu came to Lingnan city with them, and Li Guo asked them to keep Ye Yu\'s arrival secret, so the soldiers don\'t know where ye Yu is going. Tonight is the key time to execute Hua Rong, The soldiers naturally think that both Li Guo and Ye Yu are around, at least this can give them enough sense of security.

The soldiers Li Guo often brings with him are his confidants. From the beginning, these soldiers have been following him. Li Guo is very familiar with these people. He knows that these guys are loyal to himself, and he still needs the help of these people for Zhang Qiong\'s secret task, so he decides to tell them another task to Lingnan this time.

"Ye Yu has been staying in the Lingnan government. Her task is to collect criminal evidence about Zhang Qiong."

"Zhang Qiong? Captain, is that Zhang Qiong from Lingnan government?"

"Who else but him!"

The corners of the soldiers\' mouths Rose: "hahaha, I deserve it. I\'ve been unhappy with that guy for a long time. Before, I deliberately targeted the people of six doors and despised the soldiers in our barracks. I looked arrogant all day. Unexpectedly, the imperial court asked the captain to secretly investigate Zhang Qiong."

Li Guo smiled and said, "it\'s not an investigation, but a direct arrest after collecting evidence, or just follow the law!"

"It\'s very gratifying. When I catch him, I\'ll invite everyone to drink."

Since they came to Lingnan City, these soldiers have been bullied by Zhang Qiong. Taking advantage of his status as one of the persons in charge of the operation, they randomly mobilize the soldiers in the barracks. These things are all kept in mind by the soldiers. In particular, they also feel Zhang Qiong\'s hostility to Li Guo, so they hate Zhang Qiong even more. But after all, they are people of Lingnan government, so the soldiers can only bear their anger, Now, don\'t mention how happy these soldiers are when they hear what Li said.

Li Guo whispered to the soldiers around him: "After Hua Rong\'s execution tonight, I\'ll let Ye Yu take you on a secret operation. I already have some evidence about Zhang Qiong\'s cooperation with mountain bandits near Lingnan. After Hua Rong\'s head falls, it\'s the action to arrest Zhang Qiong tonight. The government is all his people, so you must succeed in catching him. Don\'t worry. Lord mo of six doors will naturally help."

Li Guo didn\'t mention this to Mo Jiao, but he understood that Ye Yu would tell Mo Jiao. Even if ye Yu still kept it secret, it was clear at a glance who Mo Jiao would help after Ye Yu\'s action began. Therefore, Li Guo didn\'t worry about the safety of Ye Yu and Mo Jiao.

"Captain, after the execution of Hua Rong, we returned to the government for secret operations. What about you?"

"I want to stay in prison and wait for the arrival of Liangshanpo people."

"By the way, Captain, since you already know that there are Liangshan people in Lingnan City, why don\'t you arrange for us to investigate?"

Li Guo turned to look at the soldier and asked with a smile, "just the five of you? How big is Lingnan city? Do you know? I\'ll give you ten days. Can you turn over the whole Lingnan city? Since they dare to come, they are naturally fully prepared. Otherwise, why haven\'t they been found under our close guard!"

But for Mo Jiao\'s unintentional arrival this time, Li Guo would not have found Bao\'s death. Without the death of the intelligence businessman, how could Li Guo guess that the people in Liangshan had mixed into the reality of Lingnan? After analyzing such results, Li Guo was very worried because he didn\'t know who he was facing! Wu Yong never left in Liangshan, but the other party\'s actions were secret, obviously in anticipation In the whole Liangshan Mountain, except Wu Yong, Li Guo really can\'t think of anyone who can have such intelligence, so he has been uneasy.

The soldier smiled awkwardly: "Yes, yes, I forgot about it. Lingnan is so big that how can we find it? Besides, we can\'t have ten days at all. I\'ve had enough of this broken place and it\'s hard to stay for another day. Hehe, so it\'s better to leave early. On the contrary, after tonight, our action task should be much easier."

"What I\'m worried about is that I can\'t get through tonight."

"Captain, what do you mean?"

"We don\'t know what level of information Bao has. Does the other party know that Hua Rong will be executed in advance? Does he know that Hua Rong is actually imprisoned in an ordinary prison? I don\'t know... No, if Bao doesn\'t provide valuable information, he won\'t be killed. Obviously, the other party has got what they want, and I was worried that Bao would want us to report, so I wanted to kill him! "

Li Guo suddenly realized that the death of Bao inquiry was not so simple. If Bao inquiry did not master important information, he would not be killed, because it would easily attract other people\'s attention, unless those people had obtained the information they wanted from Bao inquiry.

"Go! Go!" Li Guo walked to the prison. Just a few steps away, he saw that the people in the street were in disorder and fled one after another. Li Guo grabbed one person at will: "what happened!"

"Front, front prison gate, killing!"

Li Guo looked at the end of the street in surprise. More than a dozen bodies were lying outside the prison gate. He just saw Li Luoyang enter the iron gate last. Due to the distance and Li Luoyang\'s back, Li Guo recognized Li Luoyang\'s identity at this time.