Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 809

The noon sun shines in Lingnan city. The hot temperature makes people feel more nervous. Li Luoyang and others sitting at the tea stall near the prison gate are ready to take action.

"Twelve guards at the door." Li Luoyang whispered to several people around him. After a shift change, the previous guards have entered the prison, and the new guards have just returned twelve people, which is the first obstacle they face. However, Li Luoyang didn\'t know that Li Guo was coming to the prison at this time.

According to Li Luoyang\'s plan, he just wanted to raid the prison and rescue Hua Rong when the camp captain was away. However, the reality has changed. I don\'t know what will be waiting for these people next.

"Rush into the prison and go straight to the ordinary cell." Li Kui stood up and Lin Chong pulled him down: "don\'t worry."

The crowd turned and looked at Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang drank tea leisurely, and then whispered, "don\'t stop Li Kui. He\'s been holding it for a long time. Go on." put the silver on the table, Li Luoyang got up and walked to the prison gate. Lin Chong had held the disguised weapons in his hands and was ready to attack.

There were few people in the street at the prison gate. No one would stay here, but a few people strode straight to the gate. A dozen guards noticed the abnormality at the first time.

The head guard pointed a long gun at Li Luoyang and shouted, "go away, this is not a place you can get close to." looking at Li Luoyang, the guard didn\'t think so. Just looking at the people\'s dress, the guard didn\'t make any return under their own warning, and the guard warned loudly again: "stop! If you get close to here, shoot to death."

As soon as the voice fell, the guard was surprised to find that Lin Chong rushed up with an arrow. The shoulder pole in his hand was crushed and the sawdust fell off, revealing the silver body of Zhangba snake spear. The spear tip ran straight through the guard\'s throat. More than a dozen guards rushed up immediately. Wu Song, monk Hua, Li Kui and Chaijin immediately welcomed him up. There was a lot of noise at the prison gate, and the people on the street fled everywhere.

Wu Song, holding a knife in both hands, instantly killed two guards. The crescent halberd in monk Hua\'s hand had already cut off the guard\'s neck. The guard\'s long gun attack under Chaijin\'s Iron Fan killed the other party in the counterattack. Li Kui was the most irritable. He might have been killing his heart for too long. He was the first to rush into the crowd of more than a dozen guards. Two Xuanhua axes swung open and cut, Coupled with the strength like an ox, most of the long guns in the hands of the guards were split in half, even guarding their own heads.

The killing came immediately and fleeting. In the face of the main forces of Liangshan, more than a dozen guards had no strength to fight back and had no chance to fight back. The strength difference was too great.

Lin Chong killed several people in front and Li Luoyang walked slowly behind. This is not his modeling, but Li Luoyang will check every time a body falls. He wants to find the key to open the door. After observation, when the guard was on shift just now, only the first guard held the key to open the door, that is, only when he found the key can he enter the prison, However, Li Luoyang was very worried.

He was worried that such a loud noise had caused the guards in the prison to notice. At that time, they sealed the door. Li Luoyang really couldn\'t find a way to enter the door, so he accelerated his speed and continued to look for it. Finally, he found the key to open the door in the pile of corpses.

"Li Kui! Then!" he threw the key to Li Kui, who was closest to the gate. Li Kui immediately understood what he needed to do. All the guards at the gate had been killed. They wanted to enter the prison at the first time, open the gate with the key and just opened the iron gate.

Lin Chong grabbed Li Kui and pulled back. A whole row of arrows were shot out of the iron gate. Fortunately, Lin Chong responded in time, otherwise Li Kui had been injured at this time. The guards in the iron gate were ready. When the scream of the guards outside the gate came into their ears, they opened the bow and arrow array in the gate according to the previous plan, and ten archers squatted at the entrance of the prison passage, Aim at the iron gate, and anything entering the iron gate will become their target.

Leaning against the iron gate, Li Kui was terrified: "shit, I almost got caught. What should we do now! Rush or not rush?" before Li Luoyang and his party entered the iron gate, they were lying at their feet with more than a dozen guards\' bodies. Behind the iron gate was the bow and arrow array. Everyone had no intention for a time. Who dared to face the bow and arrow array and charge directly, unless they didn\'t die.

However, they also know that they can\'t stay in front of the door for a long time. The news of the prison accident will soon spread all over Lingnan city. At that time, all the soldiers in Lingnan city will arrive here, and they will have no way back.

Lin Chong\'s eyes habitually fell on Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "there are so many shields on the ground. What are you afraid of?" Li Luoyang picked up a corpse in front of him. Lin Chong and others immediately understood Li Luoyang\'s plan.

Several people held the corpse in front of their chest, and the other hand was holding weapons to prepare for the charge. Lin Chong was the first to enter the iron gate. The corpse in front of him was immediately filled with bows and arrows, followed by Li Kui. After Li Luoyang finally entered, Lin Chong led his team to the front of the bow and arrow array and screamed everywhere when the gun started. It is well known that the close body ability of archers is almost zero, Only by pulling away can the power of bows and arrows be brought into play. At this time, ten archers were rushed in front of Lin Chong. They also knew that they would die.

The people of Liangshanpo were furious when their swords fell. First, they killed 12 guards in a very short time. Now they used the guard\'s body as a shield to successfully avoid the protection of the bow and arrow array. After being close to them, ten archers lost any strength to fight back and died in the hands of Liangshan heroes.

Li Luoyang didn\'t do it from beginning to end, because his task didn\'t need to do it himself. After all, there are so many experts around him. Why should he try to be strong? In a sense, Li Luoyang\'s task has been completed. Lin Chong and others know the prison layout, troops and even the specific location of Hua Rong, The rest that needs to be done by force will naturally be handed over to Lin Chong and them.

After all, the reason why Wu Yong arranged such a strong team is to make the action go more smoothly. These people around Li Luoyang can be regarded as one of the strongest combinations in Liangshan. In this way, Wu Yong can not only ensure the progress of the task, but also want to keep Li Luoyang safe.

When he rushed into the passage, there were bursts of wails in the dark passage, and voices of grievances came from inside. Li Luoyang knew that there were many other prisoners in the prison.

The footsteps gradually sounded, and the guards in the prison naturally heard the movement outside the door. They immediately came to the entrance and opened the defense formation. Their task was to delay time until all the soldiers in Lingnan City heard the news, but in front of these Liangshan heroes, they didn\'t know how long they could support, especially when they saw the iconic Zhangba snake spear, After Xuanhua axe and crescent halberd, the guards\' hearts were cold.