Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 808

At the gate of Liangshanpo mountain stronghold, where Li Luoyang appeared not long ago, Wu Yong also said goodbye to Li Luoyang. Now he is explaining to Li Luoyang\'s two disciples.

After listening to Wu Yong\'s explanation, Xiao Hui sighed and said slowly, "you shouldn\'t, shouldn\'t tell me this."

"You are a smart man. You know you shouldn\'t come here after Ruan Xiaowu told you that Luoyang brothers had been to Liangshan."

"Yes, that\'s why Ruan Xiaowu asked me to say the purpose here."

"Now that you know, please come inside."

Xiao Si helplessly looked at Xiao Hui who followed Wu Yong into the stronghold: "well, master\'s two disciples have become hostages. I don\'t know what master will think when he sees such a situation when he comes back."

Come to the room where Li Luoyang used to live. At present, Xiao Si lives alone. Xiao Hui\'s arrival makes Xiao Si have company at last.

Wu Yong came to Xiao Hui with a jar of wine and said with a smile, "before Luoyang brothers come back, please stay here. Your martial brothers are not lonely. There is also immortal wine brewed by your master. Enjoy it."

Xiao Hui was still in the mood of drinking: "do you think I will snitch when I go back?"

"No, it\'s just in case. I did it to protect your master\'s safety. Any news about Luoyang now in Luoyang City may directly affect the progress of Luoyang brothers and even the whole Liangshan Mountain."

After closing the door, Xiao Hui knows that his search for Li Luoyang is barely successful. At present, he already knows that Li Luoyang is in Lingnan, but he has been left in Liangshan stronghold.

He poured a cup of immortal drunk, and Xiao Hui drank it all: "Xiao Si, how many days has master left?"

"Today is the sixth day. Xiao Hui, is Lingnan really so dangerous now?"

Xiao Hui nodded without hesitation: "They caught Hua Rong. Hua Rong was once a strong general in the military camp. I don\'t know why he left the military camp and later went to Liangshan. In the court\'s view, Hua Rong, who has always been reused, betrayed them. Therefore, the court hated Liangshanpo even more. In addition to Hua Rong, Lu Junyi and Lin Chong, who were once important talents of the court, joined Liangshan. What a shame for the court Yes. "

Xiao Hui took another sip of immortal drunk, wiped the wine on his mouth and continued: "The arrest of Hua Rong is really an opportunity for the imperial court to become famous. It also happens to use the execution of Hua Rong to tell people all over the world the end of fighting against the imperial court. It is precisely because the execution of Hua Rong is so serious that the imperial court sent a team of barracks soldiers to Lingnan for assistance, which makes the originally complex Lingnan more mixed."

Xiao Hui looked up at Xiao Si and said, "who is going to Lingnan with the master?" Xiao Hui naturally knew more about the strength of Liangshan heroes than Xiao Si. He wanted to know who was protecting Li Luoyang at this time.

"I calculate... Monk Hua, Wu Song, Li Kui and Lin Chong." Xiao Si didn\'t know that there were Chaijin and Wu Xinyi around Li Luoyang.

"Just the four of them? There\'s no doubt about their strength. Just because they are so few people, they want to save Huarong? I think Shifu\'s trip is a blessing in disguise. We\'ll be able to eat and drink."


"To tell you the truth, if Shifu really has an accident and stays in Lingnan, our younger martial brothers will be buried with him."

"You, you mean Wu Yong will kill us?"

"Will he still support us? Or are you going to join them? If Shifu dies in Lingnan, the news of Liangshanpo is absolutely not allowed to be spread. Naturally, they will keep it secret. As Shifu\'s disciples, we naturally want to avenge Shifu. How can they let us go back and bring the news to Luoyang City? Don\'t forget, Shifu\'s mother, they dare not offend, If aunt Lin knew that master had died in Liangshan\'s plot, she would probably leave everything and let Zhou Xiangong come to Liangshan himself. "

"I am full of confidence in master. He will succeed."

Xiao Hui glared at Xiao Si: "if I had been with master, I would have tried to save master instead of becoming a tool to threaten master."

In the face of Xiao Hui\'s accusation, Xiao Si helplessly lowered his head: "I know I\'m useless. Without your martial arts HD, I even wanted to kill myself directly at that time so that they wouldn\'t threaten master with my life. I thought of all these, but master stopped me because he had another reason to cooperate with Liangshan."

Hearing what Xiao Si said, Xiao Hui whispered, "what are your plans, master?"

Xiao Si got up and stood by the window. After looking around, he returned to Xiao Hui: "master once told me that he promised to cooperate with Liang Shanbo, not entirely because of me, but because he wanted Liang Shanbo." recalling what Li Luoyang said to himself before he left, Xiao Si told Xiao Hui Li Luoyang\'s plans.

"The favor of Liangshanpo? These guys are just outlaws. How much can their favor be worth?"

"That\'s what I told Shifu, but Shifu said I don\'t understand. The strength of Liangshan in the future is very important to him. It\'s best to make friends now. Once the task of rescuing Huarong is completed, the whole Liangshan owes Shifu a huge favor, and Shifu believes that the people in Liangshanpo won\'t go back on their word. If Shifu really wants them to return their favor in the future, Liangshanpo will Yes. "

"Liangshan in the future? How does Shifu know what they will become? Shifu seems to know Liangshanpo better than we do."

"Shifu has only his plan, but it\'s you. Why are you here!" Xiao Si asked suspiciously.

"It\'s not Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er. They were assassinated. Chaijin of Liangshanpo appeared at the critical time and saved their lives, so they speculated that master\'s disappearance was probably related to Liangshanpo. Didn\'t you hear just now? Chaijin went to Luoyang to send a letter to Aunt Lin. it is estimated that Chaijin inadvertently saved Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er at that time."

"What!" hearing that yu\'er was assassinated, Xiao Si stood up excitedly: "is yu\'er okay? Where is she hurt? Is her life in danger!"

Little gray gave little four a look: "I know your relationship. You don\'t have to be so nervous. Don\'t worry. Yu\'er is fine. She just got a knife in the back."

"It\'s ok?" she was stabbed in the back. It\'s really not a matter for Xiao Hui, but yu\'er is a girl after all. She doesn\'t have any martial arts skills. Xiao Si doesn\'t think yu\'er can bear this knife.

"Don\'t worry, she didn\'t hurt the key. She was still in high spirits when I left. Don\'t forget that we have master\'s herbal medicine. I promise to give you a complete jade."

Xiao Si wiped the sweat on his forehead, then took up his glass and drank it all at once: "it\'s okay, it\'s okay!"

"We\'d better worry about ourselves. Master can\'t come back, and you\'ll never see yu\'er."

"I, I believe master, he can do it!"