Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 807

After waiting for a while, Wu Yong slowly came out of the stronghold with a feather fan. He didn\'t expect that people from six doors would come here to look for Li Luoyang. Let him expect things as God, he didn\'t expect that Li Luoyang had this disciple from six doors besides Xiao Si.

Wu Yong once analyzed the current situation after Li Luoyang left. He didn\'t expect that Li Luoyang\'s disappearance would mess up Luoyang City. So he calmly analyzed and wanted to predict who would come to find Li Luoyang in Liangshan. He calculated Lin Luoshui, Mo Yuntian, and even Sima Yingming. He didn\'t expect Xiao Hui to come here.

Looking at Wu Yong\'s appearance, Xiao Hui is going to ask, but he is surprised to find that there is another person he knows around Wu Yong, who is Xiao Si who stayed in the stronghold and waited. Xiao Si rushed to Xiao Hui and said with a smile: "Xiao Hui! Why are you here?"

Xiao Si didn\'t expect Xiao Hui to appear here. He thought he didn\'t have anyone to trust. He was still worried about whether he would stay in Liangshanpo all his life if Li Luoyang couldn\'t come back. The answer was obvious. If Li Luoyang died in Lingnan, how could Wu Yong let Xiao Si leave? If Xiao Si returned to Luoyang, The whole city of Luoyang knows that Li Luoyang is because they killed Liangshan in Lingnan. At that time, Liangshan can only bear the disaster of destruction.

They are not afraid of the six gates and the government, but Wu Yong is very afraid of Lin Luoshui. After all, behind her is Zhou Xiangong, who is the most feared person in Liangshan. Therefore, if she really came to that step, Wu Yong Ken could not have released Xiao Si, let alone leaked the news that Li Luoyang works for Liangshan. As a result, he can\'t bear it.

Now seeing Xiaohui appear here, Wu Yi began to calculate in his heart that Xiaohui, as a man of six doors, is even more unlikely to let him go back, and Xiaohui noticed this after seeing Xiaosi.

"Xiao Si, where\'s the master?"

"Shifu has something to go out." Xiao Si motioned with his eyes. He wanted to remind Xiao Hui to leave as soon as possible and don\'t ask about Li Luoyang, so as to avoid Xiao Hui being imprisoned here like himself, but Xiao Si didn\'t know it was too late. After Ruan Xiaowu said that Li Luoyang had been here, it was too late.

Wu Yong smiled and stood in front of Xiaohui: "Xiaohui of the six doors in Luoyang City has fought many times. I didn\'t expect that we can put down our mustard and chat again today."

Xiao Hui stared at Wu Yong and said slowly, "what have you done to my master?"

"Don\'t worry, we won\'t hurt Luoyang brother. On the contrary, we are begging him. You can rest assured."

"Beg my master?"

"Bright people don\'t talk in secret. Some time ago, compared with your six doors, you heard the news. Lingnan city officials caught our Liangshan brother Hua Rong. We must send someone to save him, and I expect Hua Rong\'s mind can stumble. The other party may have someone who is good at using tricks, so there must be a smart person in the rescue team."

Xiao Hui frowned and said slowly, "among the whole Liangshan Mountain, aren\'t you the most suitable to go?" Xiao Hui also got the news from the six doors intelligence department before, but he didn\'t think it would have anything to do with Li Luoyang\'s car.

"Brother Song Jiang hasn\'t returned from his family visit. I need to stay in the stronghold, so..."

Xiao Hui stares at Wu Yong fiercely, and all his words are to this point. Xiao Hui naturally understands Wu Yong\'s intention: "so you tied up my master, let them participate in this operation, and take your stupid people to Lingnan to rescue Hua Rong, right!"

Wu Yong smiled: "yes, it seems that you have learned a lot with the Luoyang brothers. Your mind turns much faster than before."

"Wu Yong! Do you know how dangerous Lingnan city is now? Do you know this mission is a narrow escape? As far as I know, the imperial court also sent a group of barracks soldiers to Lingnan to help. You pushed my master into the fire pit!"

Xiao Si was stunned and looked at Wu Yong. Li Luoyang didn\'t tell Xiao Si what to do before he left. If Xiao Hui hadn\'t arrived, Xiao Si would still be in the dark: "Wu Yong! Unexpectedly, you asked my master to die. I, I fought with you!"

Wu Yong gently leaned over to avoid Xiao Si\'s random attack, and then slowly said, "I have nothing to do about it. Among the people I know, except the Luoyang brothers, no one can have such intelligence to lead the team to Lingnan. Here, I\'ll make a mistake to you two." Wu Yong bowed politely and apologized.

Wu Yong got up and looked at them and continued to explain: "The reason why we don\'t let you know the truth is that the fewer people know about this matter, the better we can be for Luoyang brothers. Xiao Hui, you know that Liangshan has always been at odds with the imperial court, and Luoyang brothers have nothing to do with the imperial court, so we don\'t want Luoyang brothers to bear the crime of colluding with us, so we try to hide his actions as much as possible. Of course, we also consider doing so The less people know, the more secretive the rescue operation can be. "

Wu Yong pointed to the stronghold behind him: "so far, in the whole shuiboliang mountain, except that I know this, there are only people who follow Luoyang brothers. I have done my best to ensure the identity of Luoyang brothers."

"Hum! You don\'t have to do this. If you didn\'t rob my master, you wouldn\'t have to help him hide his identity. You also know that master cooperates with you and forces him to act with you. Xiao Si is trapped in your stronghold. According to my master\'s character, in order to save Xiao Si, he will agree to your request!"

After seeing Xiao Si, the child naturally understood why Li Luoyang agreed to cooperate with Liangshan. He believed that Wu Yong must have threatened Li Luoyang with Xiao Si\'s life, and Xiao Hui only guessed half of the reason. Li Luoyang once explained the other half to Xiao Si. Xiao Si naturally wouldn\'t reveal the truth in front of Wu Yong.

Wu Yong bowed down again and apologized: "I apologize again. I blame my thoughtlessness in advance. I didn\'t expect that Luoyang brothers would have such a great influence in Luoyang City."

Xiao Hui pointed to Wu Yong\'s nose and asked, "did you force master to write that letter to Aunt Lin?"

Wu Yong immediately shook his hands and said with a smile, "that letter was put forward by the Luoyang brothers themselves. The reason is actually to make you stop looking for him."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hui and Xiao Si asked almost at the same time.

"After Luoyang brothers promised to cooperate with us, they immediately entered the state. They had to go through many checkpoints in Luoyang before going to Lingnan. These checkpoints were just established to find Luoyang brothers. In order to avoid trouble along the way, he wrote a letter to Chaijin to bring Lin Luoshui. Lin Luoshui told Mo Yuntian that Luoyang brothers were safe and asked them to withdraw their love for Luoyang brothers I didn\'t expect that it was your master\'s decision and we didn\'t impose any requirements. "

Xiao Hui and Xiao Si looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. They knew that Wu Yong couldn\'t think of such a thing, but Li Luoyang could do it.