Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 800

Seeing the two brothers Zhang Qiong leave, Li Guo took Mo Jiao and others back to the hospital again. Just a few steps later, Li Guo found that the servant coming up looked very mysterious. He kept his head down for fear that someone might see his face. He looked at the ground with the rest of his eyes and walked slowly.

"Stop!" Li Guo scolded, and the servant in front of him immediately stopped. He was looking for the one eyed dragon who Li Guo reported the plans of Zhang Qiong and his brothers. He kept his head down and didn\'t know that he was looking for Li Guo. He clenched his hands and kept a sweat in his heart. He was planning how to explain.

Li Guo looked at the servant\'s figure and outline carefully. Then he frowned and said to Mo Jiao: "Mo Jiao, you have been to my room and know the specific location. You take uncle Fu and they go first. I have something to deal with." Li Guo has recognized that the servant in front of him is a one eyed dragon, so he asked Mo Jiao and others to take a step first, although he trusts Mo Jiao very much, However, Zhang Qiong\'s mission is a military secret after all. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Li Guo didn\'t want to tell Mo Jiao about it.

Mo Jiao looked at Li Guo with a puzzled look on her face, and then looked at the servant. She knew that Li Guo seemed to have something else to do with the servant in front of her, so she nodded and walked back to the hospital with Mo Fu and Mo Shou.

"Why did you come out?" Li Guo asked in a low voice as soon as Mo Jiao left.

The one eyed dragon raised his head in surprise. Before, he didn\'t understand why these people were sent away. When he saw that the person in front of him was Li, the one eyed dragon knew that it was deliberately arranged by Li Guo. He quickly explained: "Captain Li Guo, I don\'t want to escape, but I have important information."

Hearing what the one eyed Dragon said, Li Guo\'s face was as heavy as water. He knew that the one eyed dragon knew the current situation very well. He risked being discovered by Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue to leave the firewood house to find himself. There must be something very important. Otherwise, the one eyed Dragon could not do such a ridiculous thing. Both Li Guo and the one eyed dragon knew that if Zhang Qiong found out, Li Guo\'s task would directly fail, The one eyed dragon\'s life will also remain in the government. Under such serious consequences, the one eyed dragon still risks going out, which makes Li Guo realize that things must be very difficult.

"Go." Li Guo pulled the Cyclops to the bush. Although this is not the best place, it can at least hide for a while.

Squatting in the Bush, Li Guo immediately asked, "what\'s the matter? So that you don\'t even want your life?"

"Captain Li Guo, just now I hid in the firewood room and heard someone talking in Zhang Qiong\'s house next door, so I put up a wall to eavesdrop and overheard Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue\'s plan."

"What are their plans?"

The one eyed dragon looked at the gate of the backyard and whispered, "the woman who just entered the gate of the backyard is mo Jiao?" this name is naturally the name that the one eyed dragon overheard from Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue, and it is also the name that the one eyed dragon mistook for Li Guo\'s wife.

"How do you know?" the one eyed dragon is just a hawk dog in Zhang Yue\'s hand. He has never been to Luoyang, nor has he been on the basis of the six gates of Luoyang City. It is reasonable that the one eyed dragon can\'t know the name Mo Jiao.

"I heard from the conversation between Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue."

"Are they going to attack Mo Jiao?"

"Yes, Zhang Yue proposed a plan for Zhang Qiong. After you deal with Hua Rong, a celebration banquet will be held tomorrow night. At that time, Zhang Qiong will invite the cook of Fengyue building to cook in the government. Zhang Yue will arrange someone to put medicine in Mo Jiao\'s glass. After the banquet, Mo Jiao will be sent to Zhang Qiong\'s room..."

Next, even if Li Guo didn\'t listen, he knew what Zhang Qiong would do. But when Li Guo heard that Zhang Qiong wanted to enjoy Yanfu forever, Li Guo unconsciously clenched his fists. He didn\'t expect that he would work with such a shameless person. If it weren\'t for Huarong and receiving a secret task to investigate Zhang Qiong, Li Guo would have rushed into Zhang Qiong\'s room at this time, Kill this shameless man who wants to attack his sister-in-law.

Looking at Li Guo\'s face, the one eyed dragon tentatively asked, "Li, Captain Li Guo, is mo Jiao really his sister-in-law?"

Li Guo\'s killing intention disappeared in an instant. He stared at the one eyed Dragon: "sister-in-law?"

"Well, I heard the conversation between Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue. They said that Mo Jiao was probably your wife. In order to revenge you and satisfy Zhang Qiong\'s desire, they decided to attack Mo Jiao." one eyed dragon told Li Guo in detail.

Li Guo smiled helplessly: "how can Mo Jiao be my wife? She\'s just a friend of my brother. Forget it, it\'s no use explaining to you, but you\'re so anxious to leave the wood house and risk looking for me, just thinking they\'ll hurt my wife?"

Li Guo didn\'t expect the one eyed dragon to care so much about the safety of the people around him. He told himself that the one eyed dragon might do this just to please himself. After all, only he could kill the one eyed dragon at this time.

The Cyclops nodded and whispered: "Captain Li Guo, to tell you the truth, I know you are biased against me. You think I\'m just a running dog in Zhang Yue\'s hands and doing things that are not done by people, but I can\'t help it. I lost one eye since I was a child. I joined the army countless times because of this eye. In order to survive, I can only join Fengyue building. When I realized that Zhang Yue wanted to use us to get rid of my eyes When I was young, I decided to leave Lingnan. "


"I followed Zhang Yue\'s orders, but I never fought against the military camp. That\'s where I yearned. I knew the situation of Lingnan city during this period and didn\'t want to cause trouble to the people in the military camp, so I decided to leave Lingnan city with people. During my stay in the firewood house, I always wanted to tell you these things, but I was worried that you wouldn\'t care about my stories, so I planned to give up, but I didn\'t I thought I overheard Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue\'s plan, so I decided to report to you and confide my heart. "

Li Guo smiled. He patted the one eyed dragon on the shoulder and said sincerely: "forthright, hahaha, I never deny that I don\'t like you very much. Your betrayal of Zhang Yue is already a sign of infidelity, but I\'m very pleased with the reason for your betrayal. I understand what you mean and know what you want to express."

Li Guo slowly stood up: "after Hua Rong\'s affairs are handled, deal with Zhang Qiong according to our plan. After these things are completed, will you return to the barracks with me?"

Hearing Li Guo say so, the one eyed dragon eyes stared and squatted in place. Then he knelt down on his knees and kowtowed heavily: "I swear, I will obey captain Li Guo all my life. If there is any violation, God forbids!"

Li Guo helped the one eyed Dragon up: "well, you will meet the firewood room first. You must hide your identity during this period."

"But there is a servant in the firewood room."

Looking at the one eyed dragon\'s clothes, Li Guo knew how he came out: "kill him for the task, so as to ensure your safety."

The one eyed Dragon nodded and said without hesitation, "I understand!"