Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 799

With Mo Jiao, they went to the backyard of the government. When they came to the front, Zhang Qiong and his brothers came face to face. Their eyes were opposite and they had their own ideas. At this time, Zhang Qiong\'s eyes had been falling on Mo Jiao\'s chest. It was difficult for him to control his inner impulse. They were eager to arrive early tomorrow night.

"This is Lord Mo Jiao. I\'ve been looking up to you for a long time." Zhang Yue greeted her with a smile and put her hands in front of Mo Jiao. Mo Jiao ignored her. She leaned her hands behind her and said coldly, "are you Zhang Yue? Zhang Qiong\'s brother."

Zhang Yue awkwardly took her hand back, then smiled and said, "I saw you in front of the wooden table when I entered the backyard. I didn\'t recognize Lord Mo Jiao at that time, so I didn\'t dare to say hello to Lord Mo Jiao. Don\'t be surprised." Zhang Yue, who originally opened a restaurant, has rich reception experience and wants to complete their plan, Naturally, he knew that he should first narrow the distance between the two sides and at least avoid the toast at the celebration banquet.

"Childe Zhang Yue is worried too much. I\'m not a careful person." when Mo Jiao said this, she looked at Zhang Qiong from the corner of her eye and found that Zhang Qiong\'s squint eyes were staring at herself, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Zhang Yue continued with a smile: "in those years, our two families almost became in laws. It\'s only my brother\'s failure. At that time, he was in a low position and didn\'t deserve Lord Mo Jiao. Otherwise, our relationship should be more cordial now."

Zhang Qiong won\'t blame Zhang Yue for her ridicule at this time. He heard that Zhang Yue\'s words were narrowing the relationship with Mo Jiao, and he liked Zhang Yue\'s words: his status was low in those years. Now I am the first master of Lingnan government, and my identity is very different from that in the past.

Li Guo smiled and said, "almost? I think it\'s a lot worse? Lord Mo Yuntian probably refused your brother without any hesitation. After all, he looked at people very accurately. Now it is confirmed that his old man made a very correct choice to avoid letting his daughter fall into the fire."

Zhang Qiong clenched her teeth and stared at Li Guo: "this is what happened between me and Lord Mo in those years. I can\'t get you to interrupt. The military camp also has the right to manage the affairs between the government and liumen?"

"Hahaha, this matter can only be regarded as your private affair at most. How can it be called the affair of the government and the six doors? You can\'t afford to open yourself!" Mo Fu laughed recklessly. What he said is the truth. The intersection between the two was completely private affair. How can Zhang Qiong represent the government, and Mo Jiao can\'t represent the whole six doors.

The corners of Zhang Qiong\'s mouth rose slightly. In his eyes, the happier Mo Jiao and others laughed, the happier he was. He believed that after tomorrow night, the three people in front of him would be speechless, let alone laugh. They should not breathe in front of him. Zhang Qiong turned to Li Guo to avoid Mo Fu\'s ridicule: "Captain Li Guo, it\'s almost noon now. Don\'t you plan to go to prison? I believe you know the order of Governor Liu. Don\'t worry. I will be responsible for the safety of Lord Mo and his party."

"Magistrate Liu\'s order? You\'d better not make a mistake. Only general Zhou Xiangong can order me."

"So you don\'t intend to obey the imperial court\'s orders?"

"Will the imperial court give me orders directly? They will only give orders to general Zhou Xiangong. As the first expert of Lingnan government, does the imperial court give you orders specifically? Hum, if one day the imperial court needs to give me orders directly, I should be a powerful person and need to follow the advice of a magistrate?"

"You!" Zhang Qiong was speechless again. Li Guo was right. Governor Liu\'s suggestion was that he had no right to order Li Guo from the military camp.

Zhang Yue laughed: "Captain Li Guo is serious. In any case, whether it\'s the imperial court or general Zhou Xiangong, it\'s for the emperor. This Lingnan city operation, you and my brother are both responsible and deserve each other. My brother also wants to ensure that the task is safe, and you want Lord Mo to go to prison with you in order to better complete the task. Frankly, everyone is for the imperial court , there\'s no need to talk fast here. "

Mo Jiao looked at Zhang Yue and said slowly, "don\'t forget that the patrol and guard of Lingnan city are arranged by Li Guo. Your brother has the ability to deploy such a perfect police force? Compared with you as an outsider, you can see the difference of Lingnan city during this period of time?"

Mo Jiao raised her mouth slightly and continued: "The guards in the city, the defense of the city gate and the holding of the prison are all taken into account and accurately arranged by Li Guo. If it were your brother, he would? Hum, when I entered Lingnan City, I could recognize at a glance which soldiers were patrolled by your Lingnan government and which were barracks soldiers who had received professional training. The gap is not a bit."

"This operation is said to be cooperation between the two sides, but in the end, I only saw captain Li Guo\'s deployment plan and careful preparation. On the contrary, as your brother in Lingnan City, it\'s a lot easier these days. What have you done? It seems that your brother is lazy rather than cooperating. No, he doesn\'t have this ability at all. If he arranges this operation, it\'s estimated that Hua Rong would be early He was saved. "

Zhang Yue stopped Zhang Qiong, who was about to rush to Mo Jiao, and then said slowly: "Since captain Li Guo comes from the military camp, he naturally knows more tactics than my brother. There is no doubt that without the cooperation of my brother, there are so many alleys and corners in Lingnan city. You can\'t find out by relying on captain Li Guo. Although the inspectors you see now are arranged by captain Li Guo, you just see the surface, not my brother\'s familiarity with Lingnan city, Captain Li Guo can perfectly arrange defense? Lord Mo, what you say means that the credit is that Captain Li Guo is alone. I feel unfair for my brother. "

"Unfair? Hahaha, ridiculous!" Li Guo stood in front of Mo Jiao. He knew that Zhang Qiong had just killed her. If Zhang Yue hadn\'t stopped him, he would have jumped at Mo Jiao, so Li Guo blocked Mo Jiao with his own body just in case.

"Ask your brother what he cooperated with me? The reason why I knew the location in Lingnan for the first time was not provided by your brother, but that I had looked for the map of Lingnan city for research before I came. This is our requirement for the soldiers in the army. We should be well prepared for every battle. It seems that you don\'t know your brother."

Zhang Yue reluctantly turned around and looked at Zhang Qiong. He really didn\'t expect that Zhang Qiong was not helped at all in this operation. She originally wanted to win some face for Zhang Qiong, but she lost it all at this time. Zhang Yue hurriedly pulled Zhang Qiong\'s clothes, said goodbye to Mo Jiao and Li Guo, and left quickly. He knew that if he stayed any longer, Zhang Qiong\'s face would collapse completely.

The whole layout of Lingnan city is Li Guo\'s so-called, which has nothing to do with Zhang Qiong. To put it bluntly, he just cooperates with Li Guo. It\'s not that he doesn\'t want to assume the title of person in charge, but that he doesn\'t have the ability to be lazy. Naturally, he won\'t work hard.