Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 801

Mo Jiao takes Mo Fu and Mo Shou to Li Guo\'s room. They all know that there is another Ye Yu in the room that the Lingnan government doesn\'t know about. After all, this is also a woman\'s boudoir. Mo Fu and Mo Shou can only wait outside. In addition, Li Guo once suggested that they guard outside the door, so Mo Fu and Mo Shou don\'t intend to enter the room.

When she opened the door, Mo Jiao saw Ye Yu sitting at the round table waiting.

"Mo Jiao? Where\'s captain Li Guo?" Ye Yu thought Li Guo would come back alone, but he didn\'t expect to see Li Guo, but Mo Jiao came back.

"He said he had something to deal with alone."

Ye Yu looked at Mo Jiao and then thought to himself: "He never let a woman come to his room alone. Maybe they are really husband and wife... Since captain Li Guo didn\'t want to tell me this, I don\'t need to expose it. When Li Guo comes back, I\'ll tell him Zhang Qiong\'s plan so that Mo Jiao won\'t worry about it. Anyway, she is also a woman and Li Guo\'s lover, so she should be protected by Li Guo."

Mo Jiao sat at the table bored and looked at Ye Yu. She suddenly thought of something. She took out a porcelain vase from her arms and put it on the table: "sister Ye Yu, this is a gift for you." Mo Jiao produced something that Li Luoyang developed perfume, rose, Mo Jiao helped Li Luoyang to extract perfume, let jade give her several bottles as his own reward, since Li Luoyang disappeared, she has been but on the body.

As like as two peas were seen, the rain on the round table was a smile. She also took out a bottle that was exactly the same from her arms. This was Li Li\'s sent to her. It didn\'t mean anything. Only when Li was led into the barracks, she found herself carrying a bottle of Li Luoyang\'s perfume. The whole barracks were all big men. Besides giving the only female leaf rain, Li could not think of anyone to give it to, and could not throw it away. After all, it\'s worth a lot. Li Guo couldn\'t bear to give it to his vice captain, so Ye Yu also used a bottle.

"How do you have this?" asked Mo Jiao, who was curious. But she soon understood that it must have been given by Li, but Li\'s brother was not as normal as Li Luoyang\'s brother.

"He gave it to me." Ye Yu said slowly. Then he seemed to realize something and quickly explained: "I, I\'m the only woman in our barracks. He gave it to me. There\'s no other meaning."

Looking at the red leaf rain, Mo Jiao smiled: "a man must have feelings for you when he gives a woman this thing. This thing is very rare, which means he cares about you."

Ye Yu looked at Mo Jiao in surprise and was puzzled: "she, doesn\'t she mind? Doesn\'t she mind Li Guo\'s three wives and four concubines? But, I\'ve never expressed my mind to captain Li Guo. Do you really want what Mo Jiao said, Captain Li Guo to me..."

Ye Yu has never been so nervous. Even if she went to the battle to kill the enemy, she didn\'t have such a fast heartbeat. She bit her teeth and asked in a low voice, "Mo Jiao, we are all women. Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"If you get married, would you like to see your man have three wives and four concubines?"

Mo Jiao said without hesitation, "it\'s impossible! Unless he doesn\'t want to live, my man can only love me, and he can\'t be as playful as other men." thinking about Li Luoyang, Mo Jiao couldn\'t help laughing: "he\'s not such a person, I know him, he must be single-minded and treat his wife very well."

Hearing Mo Jiao\'s answer, Ye Yu lost his face: "yes, isn\'t it?"

Mo Jiao looked at the bottle held by Ye Yu on her chest, then smiled and said, "sister Ye Yu, what about you? If you get married in the future, will you allow him to have three wives and four concubines?"

"I, I don\'t know."

Mo Jiao knew that Ye Yu was so concerned about the reason for the bottle of perfume that she could see that she was concerned about the man who gave her this bottle of perfume. She wondered curiously, "what is the perfume of the perfume in your hand, Ye Yu sister?"

"This, this is the fragrance of rose."

"Oh, this is the smell of roses. It smells better than roses. I don\'t believe you try it." Mo Jiao opened the bottle cap and the smell of roses filled the whole room. Ye Yu smelled it and then said, "well, it really smells better than roses."

Mo Jiao blushed and said with a smile, "he said that roses represent love."

Looking at Mo Jiao in front of her, Ye Yu lost her smile. She thought that Mo Jiao was showing off the romance with Li Guo in front of her.

Mo Jiao continued to ask, "sister Ye Yu, since you like him, why don\'t you confess to him? Or you are already a couple?"

Ye Yu\'s body trembled slightly, then shook his head and sighed helplessly: "there is no chance. He has a wife."

This time it was mo Jiao\'s turn to be surprised. She had never heard of Li\'s wife, and she would not know that Li\'s wife in Ye Yu\'s mouth was mo Jiao herself.

"He has a wife? It\'s impossible. Why haven\'t I heard of it? It\'s impossible. If he gets married, he will inform me." Mo Jiao\'s notice naturally invites them to drink wedding wine. In Ye Yu\'s ear, the notice in Mo Jiao\'s mouth is the husband\'s report to his wife.

"You, don\'t get me wrong. He didn\'t find a concubine. He only has your beloved wife."

"Poof!" Mo Jiao ejected a mouthful of tea. "Who! Who loves his wife? You say me? Sister Ye Yu, stop fooling around. How can I be with brother Li Guo? Aren\'t you fooling around?"

Ye Yu looked at Mo Jiao in surprise. "Well, why do you have perfume? Li can say that this thing is very rare except for his family."

Mo Jiao looked at the perfume bottle in his hand and laughed. Polygynous brother, brother, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, Ye Yu sister, this thing is called perfume. Compared with Li Guo, it has been told to you, but Li Chao Ge said that only Li Jiacai had them, because that was made by his brother, Li Luoyang, and this bottle was given to me by Luoyang. It\'s not brother Li. "

Ye Yu\'s face was ruddy. The truth found the underground hole and drilled into it: "yes, yes, it seems that I misunderstood."

"Brother Li Guo can give you this, enough to treat you as a family. If you really like him, you can tell him directly."

Ye Yu is a clever girl. She pointed to the perfume bottle in Mojiao\'s hands. "Then you confessed to Lee\'s younger brother?"

Mo Jiao was stunned and didn\'t answer.

"You came to Lingnan to find Li Luoyang."

"HMM." Mo Jiao nodded coyly. Maybe in front of Ye Yu, who was also a woman, she could put down her guard and admit her feelings.

After resolving the misunderstanding, Ye Yu was very happy, and his previous helplessness disappeared: "we are all the same people, but we don\'t dare to speak when we love him, but I believe that one day, we will have the courage to tell them."

Cling to the bottle, Mo Jiao nodded with force: "well."