Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 798

The plan is beautiful and the reality is cruel.

Zhang Yue and Zhang Qiong didn\'t know that the celebration banquet was destined to be just a good wish. However, Lin zhangqiong couldn\'t imagine that even if Li Luoyang failed this mission, they still held a celebration banquet, and Zhang Yue\'s plan could not succeed.

Because when they were planning, they had been heard, and they were still two.

One is Ye Yu who lives in Li Guo\'s room. Zhang Qiong knows that Li Guo has returned to Mo Jiao and others at this time. He didn\'t expect that there should be no one in Li Guo\'s room and Ye Yu\'s existence.

In the firewood room on the other side of Zhang Qiong\'s room, after a pile of waste firewood, the one eyed dragon hidden by Li Guo also heard the dialogue between the two brothers. The walls of this era have no good sound insulation effect. The two brothers\' plans were really heard by them.

"No, that woman named Mo Jiao is in danger. According to Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue, that woman looks like Captain Li Guo\'s wife? I must tell captain Li Guo about it." the one eyed dragon thought to himself that he was completely on Li Guo\'s side at this time. He knew that only Li Guo could ensure his safety, but now he was trapped in the firewood house, There was no chance to leave the room to find Li Guo.

However, on the other side, Ye Yu stood at the root of the wall with a frown and muttered: "is mo Jiao Li Guo\'s wife? I have never heard Li Guo mention that they still have such a relationship. Li Guo should not deceive me. Mo Jiao must not be his wife, but he smiled at her just now, and he never smiled at me... Is there really a relationship between them? But Li Guo doesn\'t want to mention it to me?"

The woman\'s heart thought more, but she didn\'t hesitate at all. She wouldn\'t let any plan to hurt Li Guo succeed, so she stayed in the room. He knew that Li Guo would go back to the room before going to prison. At least he had to be ordered by Ye Yu.

At this time, the door of the firewood room was slowly pushed open. A servant of the government came and went to the wood with a basket on his back. The one eyed dragon behind the firewood pile saw the right time and jumped on the servant. The servant didn\'t have time to respond. There was a gap in martial arts between the two. In addition, he didn\'t expect that there were other people in the firewood room, so he didn\'t make any preparations and didn\'t even shout, The servant was knocked to the ground.

Put on the servant\'s clothes, put on the round hat and pull down the brim. The one eyed dragon tried to cover his most striking features and put the servant in the position he had avoided before. In order to prevent the servant from being exposed after waking up, the one eyed dragon specially blocked the servant\'s mouth and tied him up. After everything was determined, the one eyed dragon picked up some wood and put it into the basket, He left the wood house with a basket on his back.

This was the first time he went out alone after he came to the government. Before, Li Guo secretly took the Cyclops from his room to the firewood room.


At the same time, Li Guo had returned to the wooden table where Mo Jiao and others were. Looking at Li Guo\'s disappointed expression, Mo Jiao had guessed the result. She smiled and said: "Brother Li Guo, you and uncle Fu will stay here and wait for you to triumph. Are you still worried about my safety? This is the government. With Uncle Fu and them, I have my own strength. Even Zhang Qiong doesn\'t dare take me."

Li nodded. He knew that although Zhang Qiong was the first expert in the government, the odds of winning against Mo Jiao were only half and half. He just didn\'t know why Zhang Qiong cared so much about leaving Mo Jiao in the government: "Zhang Qiong seems to want to keep you in the government anyway, so I\'m worried that he wants to attack you, but there should be no contradiction between you. Why is he so targeted?"

Mo Jiao bowed her head and said helplessly, "I didn\'t know until I came to Lingnan. Uncle Fu told me that Zhang Qiong once went to my father to propose marriage and was rejected. It\'s estimated that she still has a grudge now." even if Mo Yuntian didn\'t refuse at that time, Mo Jiao wouldn\'t agree to Zhang Qiong. After all, Zhang Qiong\'s appearance is not her type.

Li Guo looked at Mo Jiao in surprise: "I see. I didn\'t expect that guy once had ideas about you. He didn\'t see if he was worthy? Can he compare with my brother Luoyang?"

"Brother Li Guo, what are you talking about? How can you compare with Luoyang?"

"Yes, there is no comparability."

"I don\'t mean that!" Mo Jiao blushed. "I, I mean, I have no, no feelings for Luoyang and Zhang Qiong."

That red face had betrayed Mo Jiao, and everyone present could see it.

After laughing for a while, Li Guo said in a serious low voice: "in that case, you should be more careful. Zhang Qiong will revenge if he has revenge. His heart is like a needle. In addition, he strongly wants to keep you in the government this time. I\'m afraid he must take action. After all, the government is his territory, so you\'d better be careful."

Mofu frowned and nodded: "thank captain Li Guo for reminding, but this time is to deal with Hua Rong. Zhang Qiong is also the person in charge of this task, and he still has time for us?" Mofu doesn\'t think Zhang Qiong can take time to deal with them. After all, the primary task of Lingnan city is to deal with Hua Rong, not the personal gratitude and resentment of children and women.

"You don\'t know. I arranged this operation. When Hua Rong was executed, all the people who were responsible for escorting Hua Rong to the execution ground were soldiers in the military camp, because I only trusted my own people, and Zhang Qiong was responsible for staying at the government for support at any time. It was close to the prison, and he could support at the first time. If something unexpected happened, the government was also the center of Lingnan City, which could be the fastest The speed of support to different locations, so after I leave, he will still stay in the government and will not take people to patrol the city. He is also an ambush team. "

"So if there were no accident, Zhang Qiong would stay in the government and his soldiers?"

"Yes, that\'s why I\'m worried. The strength of the three of you can fight Zhang Qiong, but not so many soldiers."

Mo Shou slapped on the wooden table: "can he brazenly attack us?"

"After I left, all the people left here are Zhang Qiong\'s people. Even if he did it to you, he only needs to explain to the court that someone from Liangshanpo entered the government to do it to you. It\'s not his plan. The court will believe him. After all, there are his people here, and no one else can refute his report."

Mo Jiao frowned and asked in a low voice, "will he be so shameless?"

"When your father decided against Zhang Qiong, this guy must have changed his hatred. Up to now, the situation in Lingnan city is changeable and you have thrown yourself into the net. I believe he will retaliate. As for the degree of retaliation, I can infer wildly, so I decided to stay in my room after I left, Mo Jiao. Ye Yu will protect your safety there, and uncle Mo Fu and uncle Mo Shou will watch outside the door Shou, in this way, Mo Jiao\'s comprehensiveness can be guaranteed to the greatest extent. What do you think? "

The three looked at each other, then nodded in unison and said, "we all listen to your arrangement."