Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 797

"Are you stupid? This account won\'t count?" Zhang Qiong continued to bewitch Zhang Yue: "think about it, the business of Fengyue building is not good now. Compared with your gambling house, it\'s only a drop in the bucket. However, when you get the jade pendant, you are the son-in-law of the Yang family. You can not only get the largest restaurant belonging to the Yang family in Lingnan City, but also get the intoxicating secret recipe."

Zhang Qiong walked behind Zhang Yue and said with a smile, "didn\'t Aunt Hong promise you that only your restaurants can sell intoxicating wine in Lingnan city? As long as you get those, your restaurant will become the only existence in Lingnan city. At that time, you won\'t make less money than the gambling market."

Zhang Yue nodded: "I know these, but I use the visible assets in Western Zhejiang to gamble on the invisible future? If I promise, you take it from the casino. If I don\'t get the jade pendant in the end, I\'ll die."

"Look what you said, I dispatched all the troops in Lingnan, but I can\'t find a hairy boy? The city gate is closed these days. He can\'t enter or leave. As long as he is still in Lingnan City, he can\'t run out of my Wuzhi Mountain. What are you hesitating about?"

Zhang Yue lowered her head and wondered whether the transaction was cost-effective. He was still wondering whether he could find other conditions to cooperate with Zhang Qiong. At this time, a figure flashed in his mind. Then he smiled and said to Zhang Qiong, "brother, I can\'t give you anything the casino says, but I can help you get another thing you want."

Zhang qiongbai glanced at Zhang Yue: "there is nothing to talk about except the casino."

"Listen to me first. When I came to your room just now, I saw Mo Jiao of the six doors of Luoyang City. Is that woman the one who was rejected when my brother proposed marriage?" Zhang Yue, as Zhang Qiong\'s brother, naturally knew Zhang Qiong\'s history. When he passed the government hall just now, he saw Mo Jiao and others waiting for Li Guo\'s return at the wooden table.

"Hum! Don\'t mention that guy, that woman seems to be Li Guo\'s woman now!" Zhang Qiong mistakenly thinks that Mo Jiao and Li Guo are lovers. After all, they do seem to have such an affair. He knows that Mo Jiao just regards Li Guo as her brother, after all, Li Luoyang\'s brother, and Li Guo just regards Mo Jiao as his sister-in-law, The family didn\'t care so much about their behavior, which led to Zhang Qiong\'s misunderstanding.

Zhang Yue said with a smile, "isn\'t that just right? Brother, I have a plan to let you get the woman and revenge Li Guo. Since she is living with Li now, why don\'t you sleep with her? Let Li put more color on his head. Ha ha, isn\'t Li Guo going crazy then?"

This is another kind of cooperation Zhang Yue thought of. He knows that Zhang Qiong has been thinking about Mo Jiao for so many years. After all, what she can\'t get is the best. Zhang Qiong hasn\'t married for so many years. It\'s not his infatuation, but that he always wants Mo Jiao. Zhang Yue knows this very well, more than anyone else.

Zhang Qiong hesitated. On the one hand, she was a gambling house that could bring her money, and on the other hand, she was thinking about Mo Jiao. Zhang Qiong was hard to choose, but she wanted to get Mo Jiao and revenge Li Guo. Zhang Qiong finally made a choice: "do you have a way for me to get Mo Jiao?"

Seeing Zhang Qiong\'s heart, Zhang Yue smiled: "brother, you forgot how I helped you catch Huarong?"

"Hum, you\'d better be careful of the people of six doors. They are different from Liangshanpo. They poison and calculate concealed weapons. These means are not your specialty. You can deceive Hua Rong. They don\'t know your relationship with me. Those guys Mo Jiao know our relationship very well. They must be very alert to you." Zhang Qiong knows that Zhang Yue plans to copy the action of calculating Huarong, but he doesn\'t think Zhang Yue can take advantage of liumen.

"Brother, just trust me. In this way, how about I send Mo Jiao to your bed tomorrow night?"

"Are you sure?" thinking about Mo Jiao\'s figure and appearance and fantasizing about Mo Jiao\'s feeling under herself, Zhang Qiong has reacted and is restless in her heart.

Zhang Yue smiled and nodded: "give it to me."

"Yes! As long as you can send her to my bed, our cooperation will be reached, but only if you tell me how you plan to act." Zhang Qiong wants to know Zhang Yue\'s plan and puts forward suggestions. He just wants to ensure the success of the plan. He wants Mo Jiao so much that he wants to put pressure on her now.

"Tomorrow night, Hua Rong\'s action has come to an end? The government will certainly hold a celebration banquet. At that time, you will invite the cook of Fengyue building to cook here. Mo Jiao will certainly attend the celebration banquet. At that time, I will secretly order the people of Fengyue building to poison Mo Jiao\'s cup, and after the banquet, someone will naturally take Mo Jiao to your room. How about it?"

Zhang Qiong thought for a moment and then smiled: "it\'s good. You\'ve done a lot of such things. I believe you can succeed. Even the people at six doors will relax their vigilance at the celebration banquet. It\'s very good."

"You\'ll enjoy it then. When you wake up the next day, you can seize Mo Jiao\'s handle. You must have great luck in the future."

"What do you say?"

"Think about it, did Mo Jiao choose to tell Li about it the next day? Obviously, for the sake of her husband and reputation, she will choose to hide it, so you will seize her handle. If you want to enjoy it again in the future, just contact Mo Jiao and tell her not to accompany you and make it public. She has to obey and come to your room automatically Serve you, it will last forever. "

Looking at Zhang Yue\'s funny smile, Zhang Qiong also laughed wildly. He patted Zhang Yue on the shoulder and said slowly: "no wonder your boy can make a fortune and your mind turns quickly. Even if Mo Jiao\'s mother won\'t spread this matter to the outside in order to protect his father Mo Yuntian\'s face, as long as she conceals it, I can control her unlimited. At that time, I just need to lie in bed and be on call!"

"That Mo Jiao\'s figure is first-class. I congratulate you in advance. How many people miss that Mo Jiao. In the end, she can\'t escape your Wuzhishan."

Zhang Qiong became more and more excited. He clenched his fists and whispered, "I\'ll let her know what enjoyment is. At that time, I don\'t think Mo Yuntian will dare to show me the face. When I\'m anxious, I tell him the truth, and he can only bear it for me, unless he doesn\'t want his daughter\'s reputation."

"Isn\'t this more attractive than that casino? The casino can only give you money. You don\'t lack money now. My plan can make you enjoy erotic happiness all your life. It\'s still a first-class thing."

"Cough, you\'d better succeed. When I return to my room tomorrow, I hope I can see her. If this operation fails, you don\'t want to find the boy. You don\'t want to find the Yang family jade pendant. If it succeeds, I get Mo Jiao and you can also get the Yang family daughter. That girl is also a goblin of all countries and cities. Our brothers take what they need."

Zhang Yue put a teacup in front of Zhang Qiong. They drank tea instead of wine: "each takes what he needs."