Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 796

Zhang Qiong is one of us. Zhang Yue, who came back from Yihua building, found Zhang Qiong at the first time. He lost the trace of Li Luoyang. Naturally, he wanted Zhang Qiong to help him find it. He knew that Lingnan had a lot to deal with these two days. He knew better that in terms of Zhang Qiong\'s character, it was difficult to promise him to help find Li Luoyang, but he spent so much money and only had three days, Apart from Zhang Qiong, he can\'t think of anyone else who can help himself.

Zhang Yue didn\'t want to look at her Fengyue building and gave it to Zhang Qiong for no reason. Zhang Qiong just lent several soldiers to Zhang Yue, and these soldiers were found by the red aunt of Yihua building before they played any role. It was given to Zhang Qiong Fengyue building for nothing. Zhang Yue was naturally unwilling.

Zhang Qiong pushed the door in and sat directly opposite Zhang Yue. She picked up the tea on the table and asked impatiently, "what else do you want to come to me? I\'ve given it to you, and you should finish it. When will you give me the title deed of Fengyue building?"

Zhang Qiong\'s soldiers returned to Zhang Qiong after Zhang Yue was brought into the overflow flower building and told Zhang Qiong everything. Zhang Qiong knew that Zhang Yue\'s action had failed and even lost people. How could he grab the jade pendant handed down by Yang\'s ancestors? These are not what he cares about. Anyway, their agreement is to lend Zhang Yue several soldiers, Zhang Yue gave the Fengyue building to herself. Now that she has done it, he naturally wants Zhang Yue to fulfill his promise.

Zhang Yue licked her face and smiled: "brother, we are close brothers. I failed this mission. I was misunderstood by the red aunt of Yihua building, resulting in me being locked up in Yihua building. I lost the guy this time. I haven\'t finished this matter yet. Fengyue building naturally can\'t give it to you for the time being."

Zhang Qiong stared at Zhang Yue fiercely and said impolitely, "my brother needs to settle the account clearly. I believe you should remember our previous agreement. I give people and you give the building, but you didn\'t say that my people must help you rob the jade pendant? Now you make this trouble for me, are you going to default?"

Zhang Yue quickly shakes her head. He knows that Zhang Qiong loves money more than herself. For money, this guy can not break his hand. Zhang Yue firmly believes that Zhang Qiong would have done it to him if she hadn\'t worried about the relationship between her brothers. In addition, Zhang Qiong is Zhang Yue\'s main dependence in Lingnan city. Naturally, she doesn\'t want to offend him completely.

"Brother, you don\'t know. After I was brought into the Yihua building by Aunt Hong, she asked me to explain my actions. I had no choice but to tell the truth, but I didn\'t expect that guy also had an eye on the Yang family\'s jade pendant. I tried my best to make her agree to let me rob the jade pendant first. If I succeed, she will help me become the Yang family\'s son-in-law and give them the intoxicating secret recipe at that time People\'s Federation, but they promised that in Lingnan City, only my restaurant can sell intoxicating wine, but the premise is that I only have three days. If I can\'t grab the jade pendant within three days, the businessmen\'s Federation will do it. "

Zhang Qiong glared at Zhang Yue: "Are you out of your mind? Aunt Hong, you dare to talk to her about conditions? You know I rely on the help of the merchant Federation to get here. If I don\'t have aunt Hong, I won\'t be here today. Besides, magistrate Liu will return home after Huarong. I have to rely on them to help me become the magistrate of Lingnan City, so I can\'t offend!"

"I know, I know. That\'s why I whispered to her four times before she agreed to my request. Brother, I only have three days. If I don\'t grab the jade pendant in these three days, I\'ll lose my life. The Fengyue building is yours, and the most red jade pendant has entered the pocket of the merchant Federation. I don\'t have anything."

"You deserve it! If you take people to squat outside the Yihua building, aunt Hong will naturally ask you what you want to do. What\'s the mind of the spirit when you do business? When the target enters the Yihua building, why should you hide away and wait outside the gate of the Yihua building? You deserve to attract aunt Hong\'s attention."

Zhang Yue sighed helplessly. At that time, he only followed Li Luoyang and completely forgot the strength of Yihua building.

"Brother, you have to help me."

"How can I help you? You\'re even more lost. Can you let me find him in Lingnan city? You\'d better not forget that now is the most critical time. A little mistake will ruin my future and even my life. If I make a mistake at this juncture, let alone when I\'m the magistrate, my life will be taken in."

"But I can\'t find anyone to help me except you. Brother, for the sake of our brothers for so many years, please."

Zhang Qiong stood up, opened the door, looked around and returned to Zhang Yue after confirming that there was no one. He lowered his voice and slowly said, "I tell you the truth, tonight is the day of Hua Rong\'s execution. Do you say I will help you today?"

Zhang Yue looked at Zhang Qiong in surprise: "execute tonight!"

"Why don\'t you speak louder? Believe it or not, I\'ll kill you now!"

Because he was too surprised, Zhang Yue had ignored these details: "yes, yes, but brother, doesn\'t it mean that noon is the execution time?"

"This is to confuse those Liangshanpo people who may come to save Hua Rong. I tell you this just to let you understand that I can never help you today and tomorrow. Don\'t you have three days? When Hua Rong\'s affairs are completed today and tomorrow, I\'ll take all the soldiers to help you find him and rob the jade pendant on the last day. It\'s no problem."

Hearing Zhang Qiong say this, Zhang Yue laughed. The whole Lingnan City soldiers helped him find Li Luoyang. The effect was naturally imaginable, but Zhang Yue was happy too early. Zhang Qiong\'s next words embarrassed him.

"I\'ll send all the soldiers to help you. You must give me some benefits. Well, I\'ll give you back the Fengyue building. I want your gambling house."

Zhang Yue hesitated for a moment and shook her head: "brother, I\'d like to give you Fengyue building, but the casino can\'t, that\'s my lifeblood." the daily income of the casino is dozens of times that of Fengyue building, which is Zhang Yue\'s biggest trump card in Lingnan city. After so many years of painstaking management, it has become the largest and only casino in Lingnan city, Zhang Qiong\'s request is difficult for Zhang Yue to agree.

Losing a Fengyue building, Zhang Yue loses an arm at most. If the gambling house is gone, Zhang Yue doesn\'t know how to stay in Lingnan city.

"Think about it for yourself. Anyway, you still have two days to think about it." Zhang Qiong naturally hopes that Zhang Yue can agree to his request. In this way, he can get a huge source of money for free. He has long thought about Zhang Yue\'s casino. The government master can return to the government with so much money every time. How can he escape Zhang Qiong\'s eyes and ears? He doesn\'t want temporary silver, It\'s a steady stream of money. Zhang Yue\'s gambling house is what he yearns for. If Zhang Yue hadn\'t been running, Zhang Qiong would have secretly sent people to make trouble and forcibly robbed the casino by means of violence. Now is the best opportunity, and Zhang Qiong will not give up.

He had to get the casino.