Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 793

There were not many people in the street on a bright day. Li Luoyang took Lin Chong and others along the street. A group of people wearing ordinary people\'s clothes and trousers hid their weapons. Even the Zhangba snake spear used by Lin Chong had been carefully disguised. At this time, it looked like a shoulder pole.

The same is true of the flower monk. They carry a shoulder pole, fresh vegetables in the basket and wear a hat, so that people can\'t see the killing intention on their face.

Passing by Yihua building, Li Luoyang was surprised to find that several guards were dealing with the bodies of Bao inquired. In the box next to Yihua building, the guards were loading the bodies of Bao inquired and mice into the barrel. It seemed that they intended to treat them directly as fertilizer. No wonder, after all, no one would find out whether the barrel was swill or the body.

Li Luoyang smiled. He was very satisfied with the way yihualou handled the body. After all, it saved them a lot of trouble.

Not far away is the location of the prison gate. Li Luoyang took several people to sit on the roadside tea stall. At this time, Li Luoyang didn\'t know that the captain from the military camp was not in the prison, so he still had to wait until noon to start action. During this time, Li Luoyang could also observe the situation of the prison gate.

"There are many more guards than before." Chaijin carefully looked at the situation at the prison gate. Compared with the number of guards he knew before, the number of guards at the prison gate almost doubled. The closer it was to Huarong\'s execution time, the more dangerous the situation in Lingnan was. The number of guards suddenly increased in the streets and at the prison gate.

It was precisely because the number of guards increased significantly that Li Luoyang had a definite answer in his mind. At the beginning, he got the time for Hua Rong\'s execution from Bao\'s inquiry. Li Luoyang only believed half. First, he thought that no one in Lingnan government or military camp would be so foresight and take so many complex and effective defense measures, To put it bluntly, Li Luoyang thinks there are no high IQ people in Lingnan city.

Another reason why Li Luoyang didn\'t want to believe it was that the early execution of Hua Rong would lead to a decline in the role of setting an example to others. Without the crowd, Hua Rong\'s death would be shown to anyone. Therefore, Li Luoyang didn\'t fully believe Bao\'s information at first. Until now, seeing the increase in the number of guards, Li Luoyang determined that Bao\'s inquiry was credible.

The closer to the time of Hua Rong\'s execution, the tighter the guard will be.

Sitting on the stall, time passed. Li Guo and Mo Jiao continued to look for news about Li Luoyang in the black market. They didn\'t return to the prison. Li Guo returned to the government with Mo Jiao and was delayed in the black market all morning. Li Guo decided to go to the prison to guard after lunch. This time point has exceeded Li Luoyang\'s budget.

Any action is accompanied by unimaginable emergencies. Some can be prevented in advance by virtue of observation and analysis, but some are unexpected. For example, Li Luoyang never thought that the captain of the military camp in Lingnan this time was Li Guo.

"Don\'t be disappointed." sitting at the wooden table, Li Guo comforted Mo Jiao, who was dazed with chopsticks.

"No, it\'s all right. Maybe Luoyang has gone back now." Mo Jiao comforted herself and began to eat. She just felt that any food seemed insipid.

Mo Fu and Mo Shou are sad to see Mo Jiao, but they have seen Mo Jiao grow up and have already regarded Mo Jiao as their own daughter. Although they have never seen Mo Jiao\'s mood at this time, they know that the reason why Mo Jiao has become like this is entirely because of Li Luoyang.

I don\'t know how to comfort her. It\'s better to let her calm down and say nothing at a meal.

"Oh, I didn\'t expect that Lord mo of the six doors had dinner in our yamen? Captain Li Guo, you can\'t give a good reception. There are gourmet restaurants everywhere in Lingnan city. Why don\'t you take Lord Mo to have a taste? How can the humble meals of the Yamen be used to entertain such distinguished guests." Zhang Qiong won\'t make fun of when several people are in a good mood, Zhang Qiong, who was returning from the outside, saw the sad color on the face of a table and naturally wanted to fall into a well. After all, he was such a person in his bones.

Mo Jiao was not in the mood to talk to Zhang Qiong at this time. She bowed her head and didn\'t answer.

Li Guo stood up and looked at Zhang Qiong and several guards behind him with a cold face: "if captain Zhang Qiong is so idle, he should take your people to prison. Tonight is the most critical time."

Zhang Qiong chose whether or not. She put her little thumb into her ear and took it out. She looked indifferent: "prison? That\'s where you\'re mainly responsible. Aren\'t you all right now? If I were you, what lunch would I have at such a critical time? I\'d stay in prison all day just in case."

"If anything happens to Hua Rong, we both have to shoulder the responsibility together, regardless of primary and secondary. Since captain Zhang Qiong doesn\'t go, I\'ll go to prison later, but I\'ll take Lord Mo with them." Li Guo doesn\'t want to leave Mo Jiao and others in the government. Zhang Qiong may want to play some means against Mo Jiao and others, So Li Guo decided to take Mo Jiao and others to the prison to guard in the afternoon.

"Captain Li Guo, it\'s my biggest concession to take them into Lingnan with weapons as a guarantee. Now you\'re going to take them to Huarong\'s prison. Hehe, does captain Li Guo take this task as a joke?"

Before Li spoke, Zhang Qiong continued forcefully: "I\'ve just checked. The imperial court didn\'t let the people from the six gates of Luoyang City to assist in this operation. It was entirely up to you. I promised them to enter the city for your face. Prison is the core of Lingnan\'s operation at this time. No one can get close except you and me, even if the emperor comes!"

"Captain Zhang Qiong, did you deliberately embarrass me?" Li passed by. Zhang Qiong took a step and clenched her fist at any time.

Zhang Qiong, unwilling to show weakness, took a step and then said with a smile: "Who is deliberately making trouble? As one of the leaders of this operation, you can shoulder this responsibility? Don\'t forget that if something goes wrong, the whole soldiers in Lingnan will be buried with you! If your people die, they can only blame them for talking to the wrong person. Who can I talk to when my people die? Should you ask captain Li Guo to apologize to my people on huangquan road?"

Li Guo laughed wildly: "I took the people I trust into prison to consolidate the prison guard. To tell you the truth, I really don\'t trust your people in the prison. At least in my opinion, the people in the six gates of Luoyang City are much better than your Lingnan government soldiers. Compared with your idiot men, I\'m afraid I don\'t need to explain the combat effectiveness of Mo Jiao and others."

"Since captain Li Guo\'s attitude is so tough, it seems that we have to consult the magistrate!"

Li Guo put his hands on his back and held his head high: "please!"