Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 794

Mo Jiao grabbed the corner of Li Guo\'s clothes. She got up and looked at Li Guo: "brother Li Guo, forget it. Uncle Fu and I will stay in the Yamen. You\'re worried that someone will dare to eat us!"

Li Guo frowned and whispered: "Even so, I\'ll accompany this guy for a while. I can\'t follow his arrogance. I\'ll communicate with the magistrate. It\'s also a good thing to take you into prison. I just don\'t know whether you can succeed. If you don\'t succeed, you\'ll stay here. No matter what happens outside, don\'t come out. If you have something wrong, I can\'t explain it in Luoyang."

Obviously, Li Guo has regarded Mo Jiao as his sister-in-law and took care of her. Mo Jiao also felt Li Guo\'s intention. She blushed and nodded: "I see."

Looking at the behavior between Li Guo and Mo Jiao, Zhang Qiong bit her teeth and her eyes were red. In his opinion, the two people were more like lovers, which stimulated Zhang Qiong even more.

"Let\'s go! Captain Li Guo." a voice full of unsharpness came from Zhang Qiong\'s mouth. Then he took his people to the depths of the government.

Li Guo followed him, and soon they came to the magistrate\'s room. The people in Lingnan City knew that the magistrate here was a timid person. After Hua Rong was put in Lingnan prison, this guy almost didn\'t go out of the gate. He was afraid that he would do something when he went out, so he gave almost all his power to Zhang Qiong, which encouraged Zhang Qiong\'s arrogance during this period.

Knocking on the governor\'s door, the governor in cloth stood anxiously at the door and looked at Li Guo and Zhang Qiong: "what\'s the matter? What\'s the matter? Is there an accident? Is there an accident?" the governor didn\'t listen to their explanation at all. He turned and ran into the room. He wanted to run outside the government with his prepared luggage. Zhang Qiong stopped in front of the governor and said with a smile: "Governor Liu, don\'t worry. I\'ll resist even if the sky falls."

With Zhang Qiong\'s assurance, magistrate Liu breathed a sigh of relief. He threw his luggage into the house, sorted out his cloth clothes, and looked at Li Guo with a smile: "Captain Li Guo, are you all right? What\'s the habit of living in Lingnan city these days?"

Li Guo bowed politely: "thank you for the hospitality of magistrate Liu. Today is the most critical moment of our action, so I\'ll report my plan to you."

Magistrate Liu licked and smiled and invited Li Guo into the house. There was almost no place to stay in the messy house. There were books and paintings everywhere on the ground. It seems that this guy has been spending his time here these days.

"I wonder if captain Li Guo has any plans."

"In fact, although enough guards have been arranged in the city, if these soldiers really meet the people in Liangshanpo, they may not have the strength to deal with it. In addition to some martial arts skills of Captain Zhang Qiong and I, it is almost difficult to have people with excellent ability. Therefore, I want Mo Jiao, Mo Fu and Mo Shou of the six gates of Luoyang to participate in this operation."

Magistrate Liu looked at Li Guo suspiciously: "Mo Jiao in Luoyang City? But the daughter of Mo Yuntian?"

"Yes, it\'s her."

Magistrate Liu glanced at Zhang Qiong awkwardly. Everyone knows that Zhang Qiong had a holiday with Mo Jiao. For this reason, Zhang Qiong was laughed at for a while.

"Why did she come to Lingnan?"

"She came with the task of six doors. Now the task has been completed, so it\'s okay. I think it\'s better to let them join us. You can directly improve our combat effectiveness."

"OK, OK." I was worried that I couldn\'t cope with the rescue troops that might come from Liangshanpo. Now Mo Jiao and others have joined in, which can better ensure my own safety. Magistrate Liu is very willing to agree to Li Guo\'s plan.

Zhang Qiong smiled and said: "Governor Liu, you have to think about it. Although Mo Jiao is from six doors, who can be sure if she has a problem? After all, the people of six doors are very mysterious. If she is involved with Liangshanpo, Captain Li Guo will directly bring the sinner\'s companions into prison. If Hua Rong is rescued and blamed by the court, you won\'t lose your life alone, that\'s great It is a great sin to destroy the nine families. "

Magistrate Liu suddenly twitched: "yes, Captain Li Guo, the imperial court has already stipulated that you two should be responsible for this action. The six gates are not involved. Moreover, they are still the people of the six gates in Luoyang City. We don\'t know the details of Mo Jiao. If it\'s true as captain Zhang Qiong said, we\'ll all die in Lingnan city."

"Governor, you can rest assured. I can guarantee the details of Mo Jiao and others."

Hearing Li Guo\'s words, magistrate Liu was relieved: "if captain Li Guo can guarantee, he can naturally believe it."

At this time, Zhang Qiong began to say: "Magistrate, Captain Li Guo\'s guarantee is really reliable? I don\'t doubt captain Li Guo\'s integrity and identity, but his behavior is really risky. If there is no trouble, it would be good. But if Hua Rong has a problem, it is the three of us who will be punished by the court. One is his team. He will naturally bear the guarantee, but you and I are not the same Have you been sacrificed for nothing? "

Magistrate Liu suddenly realized: "yes, Captain Zhang Qiong is right. It\'s too risky. Captain Li Guo, I think we should do it according to the above meaning. After all, any decision of the imperial court will not go wrong. We must listen to the imperial court. Don\'t let others participate."

Looking at the magistrate without any independent opinions, Li Guo said slowly: "the general will not be subject to the orders of the foreign monarch. Does general Zhou Xiangong have to wait for the order of the imperial court when fighting against the foreign enemy? He may have been defeated by then!"

Zhang Qiong laughed wildly: "this is Lingnan city. It\'s not a battlefield against foreign enemies. It can\'t be generalized. Captain Li Guo, don\'t use the way in the barracks to deal with us. Listen to you, you mean you don\'t intend to follow the orders of the imperial court? You Zhou Xiangong dare not do this. You a little captain dare to speak wildly?"

Magistrate Liu nodded: "Yes, Captain Li Guo, that\'s not very good. Anyway, we are always the people of the imperial court, so we should obey the imperial court\'s orders. It lets you two take charge of the operation, so you can only be the two of you. You haven\'t asked about the operation when you look at the six doors in Lingnan City, right? They know that this operation doesn\'t matter to them, if it doesn\'t matter to them They will be responsible for the accident if they participate without authorization, so I think you\'d better listen to captain Zhang Qiong\'s arrangement and let the people from the six gates of Luoyang leave. "

At this time, Zhang Qiong smiled and said, "magistrate, this night is the day to execute Hua Rong. I have ordered all the city gates to be closed and no one can be put in until Hua Rong\'s head falls to the ground. Therefore, if you want to leave, you have to wait until tomorrow."

"Well, let Mr. Mo rest in the Yamen and entertain them with good wine and food. After the city gate opens tomorrow, he will see them off. It\'s finally over. As long as tonight is over, everything will return to normal." magistrate Liu smiled and yearned for the relaxed and comfortable life before. As long as he waited another night, he can be at ease.