Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 792

In the overflow flower building, Li Guo took Mo Jiao into the black market. With a smiling face, aunt Hong turned and returned to her room. In the room, Zhang yuezheng sat helplessly at the wooden table: "aunt Hong, what happened outside?"

"It\'s all right. Li went to the black market."

"Li Guo? What\'s that guy doing on the black market?"

"Do you know him?"

"He had a holiday with my brother." Zhang Yue knew that her brother didn\'t like Li Guo, and Zhang Qiong was even thinking about how to take Li Guo\'s life.

"Hum, I don\'t want to ask about your brothers."

Zhang Yue stared at her beautiful red aunt and said with a smile, "since you don\'t want to ask our brothers, why did you stop me yesterday?"

"You took someone secretly to squat outside my Yihua building. I naturally want to know what you\'re going to do!" originally, Zhang Yue took several soldiers of Zhang Qiong outside the Yihua building to wait for Li Luoyang to come out, but unexpectedly, she didn\'t wait for Li Luoyang, but waited for someone from aunt Hong, and "invited" Zhang Yue to Aunt Hong\'s room, which led to Li Luoyang\'s departure, There was no obstruction.

"Aunt Hong, I\'ve explained to you many times. I\'m just following someone, not against your Yihua building. You know I don\'t have any disrespect for you." Zhang Yue said, staring at Aunt Hong\'s spectacular chest and the greed in her eyes.

Aunt Hong knocked Zhang Yue on the head with a cigarette stick, then smiled and said: "Respect? Do your eyes respect you? I tell you, Zhang Yue, I don\'t know your boy\'s character yet? Go out to follow a stranger in person? Do you think I\'m a three-year-old? Say, what do you want to do? It\'s better to tell the merchant Federation. You know my Yihua building is their industry."

Like those in charge of brothels in Luoyang City, aunt Hong comes from the merchant Federation. As a member of the merchant Federation, Zhang Yue naturally knows that he can\'t offend aunt Hong, otherwise he will face the target of the merchant Federation.

"I said, I said, I\'m not really aiming at Yihua building. I\'m tracking a boy who got the jade pendant handed down by the ancestors of the Yang family."

A surprised expression appeared on Aunt Hong\'s face: "did Yang\'s jade pendant get into the hands of others? Does Yang Zhen know that guy?"

"Of course I know. At first I thought it was this guy who stole it, so I asked someone to inform Yang Zhen. Unexpectedly, Yang Zhen acquiesced after seeing the jade pendant."

"So Yang Zhen thinks that boy is suitable to be the son-in-law of his family? This is big news. There are countless people who want to be the son-in-law of the Yang family in Lingnan City, not only because the Yang family\'s daughter is lost, but also because they all want to get an intoxicating formula. The Yang family has no children. The industry that will come to the Yang family is naturally the son-in-law\'s."

Zhang Yue nodded with a smile and said, "as long as I get the jade pendant, I will naturally have the opportunity to become the son-in-law of the Yang family. So far, only me and my people know this news. If it is spread, it is estimated that many people will want to find the boy to rob the jade pendant, so I hide it from Aunt Hong."

"Are you worried that I will bring this news to the merchant Federation? If they learn this news, they will naturally send someone to rob the jade pendant. The merchant Federation has been thinking about the secret recipe of Yang\'s drunkenness for many years!"

Hearing what aunt Hong said, Zhang Yue began to regret that she had truthfully explained: "Aunt Hong, you\'d better save me some life. In order to rob the jade pendant, I borrowed some soldiers from my brother. Therefore, I gave my Fengyue building to my brother. If you take this news back, how can I rob you? You got the jade pendant, my brother got my assets, and I lost a lot."

Aunt Hong gave Zhang Yue a white look: "don\'t you still have a casino? The income there is much higher than your Fengyue building. Don\'t pretend to be poor in front of me." aunt Hong is from the merchant Federation. Naturally, she knows how many industries Zhang Yue has.

Zhang Yue wanted to cry without tears and said, "aunt Hong, I beg you. How about this? After I rob the jade pendant and become the son-in-law of the Yang family, I will give the fascinating secret recipe to the merchant Federation."

"Would you be so kind? The value of that thing is much higher than that of the Yang family? Do you just want to get the Yang family\'s daughter?"

"No, no, no, beauty, I naturally want to. The reason why I give you the secret recipe is to make you give up competing with me, and I want to be the only restaurant in Lingnan that produces intoxicating wine."

Aunt Hong immediately understood Zhang Yue\'s intention: "hahaha, your boy\'s abacus is good. You give us the secret recipe, but don\'t let the intoxicating wine be sold in Lingnan, right?"

Zhang Yue smiled: "there are many cities where you can sell. Don\'t you care about a small Lingnan? It\'s better to leave it to me for development. When I earn money, I will naturally hand over some to the merchant Federation. This is an agreement between us. I\'ve been under the agreement in recent years?"

"If you dare to breach the contract, you know the consequences. Is your business worse because of your good performance in recent years?"

"Of course it\'s the credit of the merchants\' Federation. I\'ll keep these in mind. For the sake of my loyalty to you, please help me this time."

Aunt Hong took a sip of the cigarette rod, then spit out thick smoke and said slowly, "it\'s all right. I promise you to keep your secret for the time being, but I also have requirements. I\'ll give you three days. If you don\'t grab the jade pendant in three days, it\'s our turn."

"Three days? Aunt Hong, can you make it longer? I don\'t have enough hands now. I borrowed those people from my brother, and I don\'t have anyone to use now. Aunt Hong invited me here and lost the boy. Lingnan city is so big, where can I start?"

"I promise to keep it a secret for you and promise that you will be the only one to sell the intoxicating wine in Lingnan in the future. Is that enough? Are you still going to bargain with me?"

"I remember aunt Hong\'s care. It\'s only three days..."

"As I said, there are only three days. If you think the time is too short, I can go to the merchant Federation now and don\'t embarrass you any more."

"No, no, no, three days!"

Aunt Hong smiled and said, "Zhang Yue, Zhang Yue, don\'t blame your sister. This is business. Your brother understands better than you. If it weren\'t for us, he could establish cooperation with those mountain strongholds? If it weren\'t for our merchant Federation, he is really a small guard captain now. How can he climb to the position of the first expert of Lingnan government?"

Zhang Yue nodded again and again with a smile: "yes, yes, my brother often. He can make today\'s achievements thanks to the merchant Federation."

"Your brothers got a lot of benefits from us, and I made concessions. Is it reasonable for you to spend three days?"

"It\'s natural and reasonable. Don\'t worry, aunt Hong. If I don\'t grab the jade pendant within three days, I\'ll give up naturally."

Aunt Hong smiled with satisfaction: "that\'s right. Listen to us, you have today."

Looking at the smiling red aunt, Zhang Yue didn\'t know how many times she cursed, but he didn\'t dare to show any displeasure at all. Even if Zhang Qiong was here, she could only be a man with her tail.