Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 791

At the black market gate of Yihua building, two guards carried the body away. Li Guo immediately stopped them and turned to ask the bartender, "why don\'t you report someone dead?" the two guards obviously planned to carry the body out of Yihua building and dispose of it at will. They didn\'t report to the official at all. This attracted Li Guo\'s attention, especially the attention of six doors.

Mo Jiao came to the guard, looked at the body and said slowly, "your face is purple, and there are pinch marks on your throat. It seems that you were strangled alive." at this time, two more people carried a body out of the door. Mo Jiao asked seriously, "is there anything else?"

The guard shook his head and replied, "no, no, two died. They are all black market businessmen."

After inspection, one died of suffocation and the other\'s neck was broken. Mo Jiao turned and looked at the bartender and said sternly, "why don\'t you report to the official?"

The bartender is used to answering: "We are brothels here. We are never responsible for the safety of the black market, not only businessmen, but also customers. They all know this, so it is normal for people to die here. Many businessmen are too black hearted and killed by customers, or businessmen are greedy for what customers carry with them, so it is also normal for them to start, so we didn\'t report to the official."

Mo Jiao grabbed the bartender\'s collar and said fiercely, "it\'s a matter of human life. You\'ve concealed it like this!"

The bartender looked at Mo Jiao carefully and then asked, "Sir, I\'ve never seen a woman in the six doors of Lingnan city. Are you..."

Li Guo said with a gloomy face, "this is Lord Mo Jiao of the six gates in Luoyang."

The bartender smiled: "it\'s from Luoyang City. If Mr. Mo doesn\'t agree with the way the shop is handled, he can go to Lingnan six doors for inquiry. However, they have been working outside for a while and haven\'t been in Lingnan." knowing that Mo Jiao is not from the local six doors, the bartender\'s fear has eased a lot.


Li Guo pulled Mo Jiao aside and then whispered, "there are black market rules in the black market. You know this better than me. We\'d better go to the black market to find clues in Luoyang."

"But after all, people died here. Besides, both of them died in the hands of experts. Don\'t you wonder what the people who killed them were for?"

"If I have to be curious about such things one by one, I spend a lot of time in the black market every day. There are dead people here almost every day. They also know that the black market is originally a dangerous place, and their lives have long been abandoned. As for the purpose of the people who kill them, it may be for money or intelligence."

Mo Jiao didn\'t want to argue with Li. She turned and looked at the bartender and asked, "have you ever known these two people?"

The bartender looked at the two bodies on the ground, pointed to the merchant who died of suffocation and said, "I know this guy. He is a famous intelligence merchant in the black market. His name is Bao. He is cruel and ruthless. Every intelligence charge is surprisingly expensive. I knew that a businessman with a black heart like him would come to no good end one day. Now I can see my expectation."

Lying in front of Mo Jiao and Li Guo is the bag strangled by Lin Chong.

"What about the other one?"

"This guy doesn\'t know. We all provide masks to businessmen or customers to ensure that their identity will not be revealed, so I rarely see their appearance. Everyone who inquires about the whole Lingnan city knows it, so I know."

Li Guo frowned and fell into deep meditation. Before, he didn\'t care about the death of people in the black market. Today, he didn\'t want to ask. After learning that Bao asked for his identity, Li Guo wondered why someone would kill an intelligence agent in this sensitive period, and he was also the most famous newspaper agent nearby. Li guogang wanted to further ask the bartender. A voice came from The bartender came from behind.

"What brings captain Li Guo this morning?"

Mo Jiao and Li Guo turned their heads and looked. A young woman was walking slowly, holding a cigarette pole in her hand. The bartender immediately retreated behind the woman and said to Li Guo and Mo Jiao, "this is our head, aunt Hong."

Li Guo looked serious and didn\'t answer. Instead, Mo Jiao directly began to accuse: "there was a homicide in your store. Are you still so calm?"

"It\'s enough for me to do what I should do. Did I break the law?"

Mo Jiao was speechless. After all, what others said was the truth. People died in the black market and had no direct relationship with Yihua building.

Aunt Hong walked over to Li Guo with a smile and turned around Li Guo: "I\'ve heard that Captain Li Guo who came to Lingnan is young and promising. Today, she really deserves her reputation. Why don\'t you sit down and have a glass of water and wine? It\'s my treat."

"Girl, I have something to do in the black market today. It\'s inconvenient to stay more." Li Guo took Mo Jiao directly to the black market.

Entering the black market, Mo Jiao was stunned. The scale of Lingnan black market was the largest she had seen. More than 200 tents were presented in front of several people. It seemed that no one had become flustered because someone had just died. Mo Jiao exclaimed, "this is Lingnan black market?" Although Mo Jiao knows the location of the black market in each city, she rarely really enters the black market. This time, the black market in Lingnan has brought her a lot of shock.

"I didn\'t expect the scale to be so large." this is also Li Guo\'s first time to the black market. He has heard that the scale of Lingnan black market is not small. He was shocked after witnessing it with his own eyes.

Even Mo Fu and Mo Shou, who have many years of experience, are surprised at the "prosperity" here. You know, it\'s morning, and many guests have come here to buy things.

"How many guests do you need a tour guide?" Yue Pengju, the little tour guide, observed the door of the black market every day. As long as someone came, he would come forward and ask. When Li Guo and Mo Jiao appeared, the little tour guide naturally felt that business was coming. Because he rarely had female customers, he decided that these people should come for the first time and needed his service, The reason why Mo Jiao with a mask is a woman is very simple. After all, there is a gap between a woman\'s body and a man.

Looking down at Yue Pengju, Mo Jiao didn\'t expect such a small child to appear in the black market: "what are you doing here if you don\'t stay at home at a young age."

"I\'m a tour guide here. I provide guidance services for people who come here for the first time. If you buy something you like, it\'s enough to pay me a little. If you return empty handed, I won\'t charge any fees." Yue Pengju\'s business is very real.

Looking at the young and mature Yue Pengju, Mo Jiao smiled and touched his head: "you\'d better go home. It\'s very dangerous here."

At this time, Li Guo said, "take us to the intelligence merchant."

"Brother Li Guo, do you really want the child to lead the way?"

"Well, the best thing is to report to the business bag to find out that he is dead. We need him to lead the way, and he is the guide here. Naturally, he knows everything that happens here."

Mo Jiao immediately understood Li Guo\'s intention. He wanted to get Bao\'s inquiry from Yue Peng. Li Guo was very concerned about who had asked Bao for information during this period, and what they got there.