Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 790

The rain was hysterical, and the torrential rain poured down. Lingnan city was covered with a layer of rain gauze. The morning sun did not appear, but dark clouds pressed over Lingnan City, giving people a sense of doomsday. Even so, the guard soldiers still patrolled the city and were not affected by the heavy rain.

Li Guo knocked on Mo Jiao\'s door. Mo Jiao, who was already ready, followed Li to Yihua building. Mo Fu and Mo Shou naturally followed him and came to the street with an oil paper umbrella. Li Guo smiled and asked Mo Jiao, "did you sleep well last night?"

Mo Jiao nodded: "well, this is the best time to sleep these days." she naturally felt safe in Li Luoyang\'s brother\'s room.

"You know the location of Lingnan black market, but do you know where it is?"

"I, I know, in the largest brothel in Lingnan city."

"Hehe, do you want to go with us?" Li Guo was naturally worried that Mo Jiao would not be used to that occasion. Although there was no smell of red dust in the brothel in the black market, he also went through the whole brothel to the black market on the second floor. Li Guo could understand the embarrassment.

Mo Jiao was suddenly embarrassed. Although she had already made psychological preparations, she had goose bumps all over her body when she thought of strange men and women hugging each other in public. Now with Li Guo\'s reminder, he became a little hesitant.

Mo Fu hurriedly said to Mo Jiao, "Miss, let\'s go to that romantic place." Mo Fu doesn\'t want to take Mo Jiao to that place. If Mo Yuntian knows, it\'s estimated that Mo Fu and Mo Shou will be skinned.

"Don\'t worry, if there is news from Luoyang, I will tell you the truth." Li Guo said with a smile.

"But now it\'s broad daylight. Is the brothel open? Will there be customers?" in Mo Jiao\'s view, brothels are romantic places that open at night and close during the day. No one runs to such places during the day.

"If you insist on going, we won\'t stop you." Li Guo reluctantly took Mo Jiao to continue to go to the overflow flower building. When she came to the overflow flower building, Mo Jiao smiled: "how, I said it must be closed in the daytime!" Mo Jiao directly came to the closed door and knocked on the door.

A moment later, a reluctant voice came from inside: "who! Especially, I can\'t hold it early in the morning? Our girl hasn\'t started yet. Roll, roll, come back at night!" the other party didn\'t mean to open the door at all.

Mo Jiao\'s delicate voice roared at the door: "open the door for me, we want to buy something!"

"Shopping also comes at night. Businessmen don\'t rest?"

"I\'m from six doors! Go to the store to buy information. If you don\'t open the door, I\'ll lift your overflow flower building!"

Mo Jiao\'s words were of no use, but attracted a burst of ridicule: "six doors? When have women in six doors? Do you think we came to Yihua building to find our husband who hasn\'t returned all night? I advise you to get out. When your husband enjoys it, he will naturally go home. I\'ve seen many women like you."

Mo Jiao was about to kick open the door, but she was stopped by Li Guo. Li Guo went to the gate, gently knocked on the door and said slowly: "Li Guo, there is something important to buy. Please open the door."

As soon as the voice fell, several people heard the hurried footsteps coming from the door. Then the door was opened. A bartender looked at Li Guo with a smile: "it\'s captain Li. It\'s disrespectful and disrespectful. Please come inside." Li Guo can be seen everywhere in Lingnan city these days. Almost everyone knows Li Guo\'s identity. He represents the imperial court and Zhou Xiangong\'s army, A small overflow flower building naturally dare not offend.

Li Guo took Mo Jiao Wang to the store. Mo Jiao stepped into the door and was surprised to see many women in belly pockets seeing off the guests at the door of her room with charming and ruddy faces. The guests leaving the room were still sorting out their clothes, and then pretended to leave the overflow flower building as if nothing had happened. The world of mortals made Mo Jiao blush. Although she thought that no one would patronize the brothel during the day, But it ignores that guests who haven\'t returned all night have to leave in the morning. The scene is also ugly.

The bartender took Li to the second floor: "Captain Li Guo, there is something urgent so early? Is it related to Huarong?" Curiosity Kills cats and people. The bartender who has nothing to do naturally wants to inquire about why Li Guo entered the black market so early. After all, Li has been to Lingnan City for so many days. He is the first time to come to Yihua building, although he is not here for entertainment, But it can make people curious.

"Secret, do you want to know?"

When the bartender shut his mouth, he knew that if he inquired further, he could only be imprisoned like Hua Rong.

Following Li to the second floor, Mo Jiao\'s face was red and hot. A wooden door in front of her was opened. A man came out in a disheveled manner, with fatigue and dark circles under his eyes, yawning and stretching. To Mo Jiao\'s surprise, there were two women with bare upper bodies standing at the door. The woman only slightly covered the key position with her hands and said to the man with a smile: "Childe, come back tonight."

The man licked his mouth, smiled and said, "wait for me at night, baby."

Looking at the communication between two women and a man, Mo Jiao\'s hair stood up. The man closed the door and left. Turning around, he just saw Mo Jiao with a red face. The man looked at Mo Jiao in surprise, and then smiled and said, "new comer? Nice looking, but what are you wearing? What\'s your name? I\'ll order you tonight."

Mo Jiao grabbed the man and pointed to her finger, and immediately broke his anti joint. The man roared at the top of his voice, which immediately attracted many customers to open the door to watch. However, she didn\'t expect to see the man lying on the ground of the aisle on the second floor, rolling in pain, and a woman standing beside him.

People began to talk: "which family\'s man was caught? This woman looks very powerful."

"So rude, no wonder their men come here for fun. They deserve it."

Listening to the discussion in her ear, Mo Jiao stood on the fence on the second floor, took out the token of six doors from her waist and roared, "I\'m from six doors. I\'m here to deal with the task today. Get out of here immediately, or I\'ll take you to six doors!"

As soon as she finished, Mo Jiao saw that many men ran out of the room before they even put on their clothes. They stood awkwardly at the gate of the overflow flower building to wear clothes. Fortunately, there were not many people on the street because of the heavy rain, otherwise they would enjoy a rare feat. Dozens of naked men stood at the gate of the brothel to wear clothes.

The bartender helplessly looked at the situation outside the door. He really seemed to scold Mo Jiao for ruining the business of their store, but he was really a man of six doors. How dare a bartender offend him, so he forced his anger and smiled at Mo Jiao and said, "come with me, the road to the black market is here."

Several people walked to the black market under the leadership of the bartender. As soon as they came to the door of the black market, they saw a surprised scene.