Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 789

Mo Jiao lay in bed and closed her eyes slightly. She never thought that Li Luoyang she was thinking about was in the blacksmith\'s house two streets away from her.

With the information obtained from Bao, she returned to the assembly point and opened the door of the blacksmith\'s house. Wu Xinyi greeted her at the first time: "you\'re finally back. I\'m afraid we\'ll all go to the brothel to find you later."

The flower monk on one side smiled and said, "this girl has been worried about Luoyang brothers. We are not in a hurry to find you, but she is afraid that Luoyang brothers will mess up their minds and do things they shouldn\'t do."

Wu Xinyi glared at monk Hua: "mind your own business!"

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "let\'s go in." he took Wu Song and Chaijin back to the blacksmith\'s house. So far, the team that came to Lingnan to rescue Hua Rong gathered together for the first time. They sat around the wooden table and focused their eyes on Li Luoyang. They knew that everything was ready now, so Li Luoyang didn\'t know the specific plan.

Li Luoyang spread out the prison map and put it on the wooden table. With a serious face, he said: "Brother Chaijin and brother Wusong and I got crucial information in the black market. First of all, our plan must be advanced. The day of Hua Rong\'s execution is actually tomorrow night. Someone deliberately publicized the fake execution date, so that we can\'t catch up with the rescue of Hua Rong and fall into their carefully designed trap."

Lin Chong looked surprised. He didn\'t expect that even the day when Hua Rong was executed was false. Fortunately, Li Luoyang found this information in the black market, otherwise Hua Rong could only become a ghost.

Li Luoyang continued: "the day of execution is dark tomorrow, which means we have only one day tomorrow."

Li Kui said proudly, "we\'ll go to prison and rescue Hua Rong as soon as dawn tomorrow!"

Li Luoyang shook his head: "no, another clue is that you all know that people from the military camp came to Lingnan to help the government deal with Hua Rong?"

The crowd nodded and agreed: "well, I know. At this time, there are two forces in Lingnan city to guard Hua Rong, one is Lingnan government soldiers, and the other is a team from the military camp."

"The captain who led the camp team was the one who arranged the patrol guards in Lingnan. He also made all matters related to Hua Rong, false news and guards in prison. These were his arrangements. Even the traps prepared for us were written by him. We can feel that this guy\'s ability is very strong and I believe his martial arts will not be too weak. We learned that he is early every day Shangdu will personally guard Hua Rong in the prison, so we can\'t risk robbing the prison in the morning. "

Li Kui\'s violent temper came up. He walked back and forth in the house: "not in the morning, not in the evening. Have you saved brother Huarong?" In Li Kui\'s cognition, things are always relatively simple. He thinks that now that he has a prison map and knows the specific location of Hua Rong\'s detention, he just needs to rush into the prison directly to kill the guards and rescue Hua Rong. He won\'t worry about traps and so on.

Li Luoyang ignored Li Kui, who was complaining. He looked at the others and continued, "our action time is set for their meal at noon."

Lin Chong looked at Li Luoyang with a serious face: "how do we enter the prison? There are more than a dozen guards at the gate of the prison. Do we rush in directly?"

Li Luoyang looked at Li Kui with a smile and then said, "as for the way to enter the prison, I agree with brother Li Kui. It\'s a matter of minutes for you to have more than a dozen guards? It shouldn\'t waste you much time to deal with them."

Li Kui rubbed his hands and smiled: "of course! No one will rob me at that time. I\'ll kill them all!" Li Kui had been impatient. If Lin Chong and Li Luoyang were not in charge, this guy would have rushed into prison and killed. Of course, he wouldn\'t want to come out again.

Chai Jin asked suspiciously, "after we burst into the prison? How can we leave with brother Hua Rong? The noise at the prison door will certainly attract the soldiers in Lingnan city and surround the gate. We have a prison map in our hand. It is very clear that there is only one entrance and exit at the front door of the prison. We can\'t get out when we rush into the prison!"

Just as Chai Jin was worried, once they rushed into the prison, countless Guard soldiers would gather at the gate after entering the prison. No matter how good their martial arts were, they could not match the siege of so many people, so Chai Jin thought Li Luoyang\'s deployment was unreasonable.

Li Luoyang said slowly with a smile: "rushing into the prison is only our first step. Everyone knows that the prison gate is indestructible. As long as we close the gate after entering the prison and leave one person to guard the gate and prevent the soldiers from coming in, we will have enough time to rescue Hua Rong. As for how to leave the prison, I will make arrangements. It\'s enough to listen to my command at that time!"

Look at me and I look at you. They don\'t know whether they can trust Li Luoyang. If Li Luoyang can\'t get out of prison, they will be left in Lingnan forever.

"Brother Luoyang, it\'s not that we don\'t believe you, but that your plan is too risky. Once we can\'t leave quickly, we will only have a dead end." Chai Jin shook his head and rejected Li Luoyang\'s plan: "unless you tell us, what method are you going to use to make us leave prison safely?"

Li Luoyang whispered: "It\'s actually very simple. After rushing into the prison, we went to the ordinary cell and found Hua Rong at the first time. We learned from Bao\'s inquiry that there are more than 30 guards in the prison. You will be responsible for killing as many as you can. But remember, after killing the guards, immediately change their clothes and find a scapegoat to let him change Hua Rong\'s clothes and stay in the cell , this is the time to test your acting skills... "

They listened carefully to Li Luoyang\'s plan. After listening to it, they all smiled. They didn\'t expect that there was such a way to leave the prison. They had to say that Li Luoyang\'s wonderful ideas made them look at them with new eyes.

Chaijin threw himself to the ground and gave Li Luoyang a thumbs up: "it\'s terrible. I didn\'t expect that Luoyang brothers could get along with such a wonderful way."

Li Luoyang smiled and turned to look at Wu Xinyi: "as for Xinyi, you should stay in the blacksmith house. After we go to prison, you should make sure that the blacksmith house is not found by the soldiers. This will become a gathering point for us to formulate how to leave Lingnan."

This time, Wu Xinyi didn\'t ask to go to prison with Li Luoyang. She knew that after Li Luoyang and others came out of prison, a safe foothold was very important, because at that time, the whole Lingnan city would carry out carpet investigation and look for Hua Rong and others. The safety of the blacksmith house was particularly important: "well, I understand."

Li Luoyang got up and went to the window. Looking forward to the white sky in the East, he said slowly, "it\'s almost dawn. Let\'s get ready."

"OK!" the crowd looked excited.