Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 788

She took Mo Jiao and others to the government. Li went to her room and just opened the door. Mo Jiao was surprised to find that there was another woman in the room. Ye Yu, who was wearing armor, gave people an amazing feeling. Mo Jiao, who had a male character, liked armor weapons since childhood. Her dream was to have a set of armor like Ye Yu.

"Take a good look at you." Mo Jiao turned around Ye Yu and looked up and down at Ye Yu\'s armor. Her eyes could not help showing envy.

Ye Yu looked at Li Guo in a daze. She didn\'t know Mo Jiao in front of her.

"This is mo Jiao, from the six gates of Luoyang City. I mentioned it to you before."

Li Guo trusts Ye Yu very much. Apart from his secret with Li Luoyang, he has almost no reservations about Ye Yu. He often mentions Luoyang City in ye yu\'er biani. Therefore, although Ye Yu has not seen Mo Jiao, he has heard of her for a long time.

"It turned out to be Miss Mo of the six doors. I\'ve heard a lot about her." through Li Guo\'s previous description, Ye Yu knew that Mo Jiao was naughty and stubborn, but like her, she liked to dance with knives and swords. Therefore, Ye Yu didn\'t have any aversion to Mo Jiao, but had a feeling of pity.

Li Guo stood beside Mo Jiao and said with a smile, "this is Ye Yu, our vice captain."

Mo Jiao nodded and bowed with a smile: "Captain Ye Yu, hello."

Ye Yu\'s face was stiff at this time, because he found that Li guogang just smiled at Mo Jiao. An unknown sour smell slowly rose in his heart and came back. Ye Yu smiled awkwardly: "Hello, since there are guests, I\'ll go out first." Ye Yu turned and left. Mo Jiao took Li Guo\'s corner and whispered, "brother Li Guo, is she yours..."

Li Guo reluctantly replied: "what does a little girl think so much all day? She is just my vice captain, without the relationship you think." Li Guo will not tell Mo Jiao about her relationship with Wu Nian in Baiyun Mountain. He is afraid that Mo Jiao will take people to Baiyun Mountain to find the Wu family. After all, this is the task that the six gates of Luoyang have been secretly engaged in.

"Her armor was so handsome just now. Brother Li Guo, since you are the captain, can you get me one?"

Before Li Guo answered, Mo Fu behind Mo Jiao coughed: "cough, miss, we are from six doors. I\'m afraid it\'s wrong to wear the armor of the barracks." both the people from six doors and those from the barracks know that there has been a contradiction between the two sides since their existence, so Mo Jiao was so active when she competed for Li Guo to join six doors, She doesn\'t want to see Li Guo go to the "hostile" camp. At this time, Mo Jiao wants to wear military armor. In Mo Fu\'s opinion, even if outsiders don\'t say it, Mo Yuntian probably won\'t tolerate such a thing.

Li Guo smiled and said to Mo Jiao, "there are rules in the barracks and strict rules in military uniforms, so I can\'t agree to this requirement. Let\'s get down to business. Did you get any clues when you came to Lingnan to look for Luoyang?" Li Guo knew the means of the six doors and they had the most perfect information channels, so he thought Mo Jiao could come to Lingnan, You must have received some news, otherwise you won\'t visit so suddenly, or in such a sensitive period of time.

Mo Jiao shook her head and the joy on her face dissipated: "no, we don\'t have a clue at all. We came to Lingnan because we have looked for other cities nearby."

Mo Fu explained to Li Guo: "Miss, I hardly slept these days. At night, I looked for clues about Luoyang brothers in the nearby village, but I got nothing."

Hearing Mo Fu\'s words, Li Guo said slowly, "thank you for your concern for Luoyang."

"Didn\'t you agree not to call Lord Mo?"

"Yes, Mo Jiao. Lingnan city is peaceful these days, so you\'d better stay with me. I know you\'re going to go to the black market, right?"

"Well, I believe there should be news about Luoyang. If there is no news here, I have to go back to my hometown and think of other ways." Lingnan black market is mo Jiao\'s last hope. After all, the intelligence merchants in the black market are also the places frequented by liumen. If these people don\'t have news about Li Luoyang, Mo Jiao really doesn\'t know what to do.

"I\'ll take you to the black market after dawn, but you\'d better not hold too much hope. Because of Huarong, intelligence businessmen in the black market rarely go out to collect intelligence, so I should have a good grasp of things outside Lingnan. I\'ve been to Lingnan for so many days, arranged a lot of inspections, and I haven\'t seen any news from Luoyang, so..." Li Guo can see Mo Jiao\'s feelings for her brother. He is unwilling to attack Mo Jiao, but he is more reluctant to hide the facts.

Li Guo thinks that it is impossible for Li Luoyang to come to Lingnan city. The reason is very simple. He knows his brother. Li Luoyang is a vigilant person. Everything he does is to avoid danger. The current situation in Lingnan city is very dangerous. Li Luoyang will not come here voluntarily. Moreover, in Li Guo\'s opinion, Huarong\'s life and death has nothing to do with Li Luoyang, Therefore, Li Luoyang will not appear in Lingnan city.

Mo Jiao lowered her head and said slowly, "I know I won\'t give up. I believe Luoyang must still be alive." Mo Jiao was most worried about the letter from Lin Luo sailor. Although there was no threat between the lines, Mo Jiao felt that the letter was written by Li Luoyang under coercion. Otherwise, why did she write a peace letter for so long, Li Luoyang did not return to Luoyang City safely, but completely cut off contact.

Based on her years of experience in handling the case in liumen, Mo Jiao is worried that Li Luoyang will be kidnapped and tear up the ticket, but she believes that with Li Luoyang\'s mind, this should not happen. Mo Jiao is looking for Li Luoyang in this tangled mood these days.

Li Guo smiled: "Luoyang is blessed to have your confidante." Li Guo knew that Li Luoyang didn\'t take Mo Jiao as his confidante at all, and even friends. After all, Li Luoyang doesn\'t like a woman with Mo Jiao\'s character. In Li Luoyang\'s view, it\'s more like a brother to be with Mo Jiao.

Hearing Li Guo\'s words, Mo Jiao\'s whole face turned red, and a rare feeling of shame appeared on her: "I, I\'m not his confidant, I, I\'m just doing what we six doors should do."

"Well, well, I see. Mo Jiao, you can sleep here today. As for Mo Fu, Mo Shou, if you don\'t mind, sleep with me in the side room."

"Captain Li Guo doesn\'t mind sleeping in the same bed with two bad old men in our door. How can we care?"

After nodding, Li turned and patted Mo Jiao on the shoulder: "rest early and have the energy to find Luoyang tomorrow."

Mo Jiao nodded forcefully, "well, I see." she was like Li Guo\'s sister-in-law. She listened to Li Guo\'s words very much and saw Mo Jiao\'s emotional changes at a glance.