Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 787

At the gate of Lingnan City, the arrival of Li Guo changed the situation. The smile on Zhang Qiong\'s face had lost its previous madness, especially after he learned that Mo Jiao had met Li, his previous ecstasy instantly turned into anger.

Li Guo loosened Zhang Qiong\'s hand and looked at the soldier who contradicted Zhang Qiong: "anyway, he is your superior. His orders must be observed. Have you forgotten the discipline of the military camp?"

The soldier nodded.

Li Guo then said, "but we should naturally stop those behaviors we don\'t like. This is a man\'s spirit! It proves that we are not afraid!"

The soldier laughed and shouted, "I see!"

Li Guo ignored Zhang Qiong, who was already angry and flushed. He went straight to Mo Jiao: "Lord Mo, I didn\'t expect that we would meet here."

Compared with Zhang Qiong\'s face before, Li Guo was like an angel in Mo Jiao\'s heart. After all, we had shared weal and woe in Taiyuan before, and Mo Jiao never hated Li Guo, so Mo Jiao was in a good mood: "Brother Li Guo, why are you here? According to your appearance, you seem to be doing well in the military camp. I knew you could do it with your ability. You shouldn\'t have been allowed to go to the military camp at the beginning. You should have come to our six gates."

Mo Jiao was still thinking about the things that had won over Li Guo before. Although there was the help of old man Zhu and the persuasion of master Zhou Dong, Li Guo chose to enter the military camp after all. Mo Jiao knew that Li Guo should have listened to Li Luoyang\'s attention. Unexpectedly, Li Guo was dull at that time and had just come down the mountain, so he rarely had his own ideas and decisions, He would only listen to Zhou Dong and Li Luoyang. Obviously, Li Luoyang was more important in Li Guo\'s heart. Li Guo entered the military camp.

But Mo Jiao didn\'t expect that in such a short time, Li Guo seemed to have his own team. The speed of climbing was completely beyond her imagination. He knew that the promotion in the military camp was more terrible than that in the six doors, and he was Zhou Xiangong\'s team.

Li Guo smiled kindly, which surprised the soldiers on one side. They had never seen Li smile before. Moreover, they still looked at a woman: "did you see the captain\'s expression? He smiled."

"Yes, or to a woman. I\'ve never seen him smile at our vice captain?"

"I think the vice captain looks better than Lord mo."

"Almost. Do you think captain Li Guo likes this Mo adult?" of course, the whispered comments didn\'t reach Li Guo\'s ears, otherwise they would have been punished long ago.

Mo Jiao suddenly became a little negative. She lowered her head and said to Li Guo, "brother Li Guo, your brother..."

"I see. There\'s no need to explain. He has hands and feet. It\'s impossible for the people of your six doors to guard him all day. Luoyang doesn\'t like restraint by nature. His disappearance has nothing to do with your six doors. You don\'t have to feel guilty."

"But I promised you to take good care of him, but now everyone else has lost it."

"Don\'t talk about this, go to my place first." Li Guo doesn\'t want to talk about Li Luoyang in front of outsiders, and it\'s still in front of Zhang Qiong.

Li Guo turned to look at Zhang Qiong, and his face became cold again: "Captain Zhang Qiong, these three are the six disciples I invited to help Lingnan. There is no doubt about their identity, and I will guarantee." Li Guo naturally would not doubt that Mo Jiao came to Lingnan for Huarong. After all, the six doors have been targeting Liangshanpo under the order of the imperial court, and the possibility of being with the party is almost zero.

Zhang Qiong clenched her teeth and looked at Li Guo: "are you sure you can shoulder this responsibility? Don\'t think you have any right if the court sends you here. You are only responsible for cooperating with me, not ordering me!" Zhang Qiong will lose all her face in front of her. Naturally, Zhang Qiong won\'t let Li Guo take Mo Jiao to the city so easily.

"It seems that Captain Zhang Qiong misunderstood. I was ordered by the imperial court to come here to assist the Lingnan government, not to cooperate with you personally. If the magistrate here thinks that Lord Mo is suspected, I will naturally assist the magistrate in investigating. As for you, I don\'t need to cooperate with your principle."

Zhang Qiong blushed. He knew better than anyone that even if the magistrate was really here, he would turn to Li Guo. After all, he was sent by the imperial court, and the magistrate didn\'t dare to offend him.

Mo Jiao walked to Lingnan city with her head up. Li Guo said to Mo Jiao, "Lord Mo, since you are here to help me, please take your weapons."

Mo Jiao jumped excitedly and turned to walk outside the city gate. After picking up her sword, she stuck out her tongue to Zhang Qiong. Zhang qiongli immediately shouted, "stop! Captain Li Guo, I don\'t object to you taking them into the city, but the weapons must be put down!"

"I said it! I guarantee that even if she puts her weapons outside the city and comes to me, I will equip them with weapons. Don\'t forget, they come to help us, not here as cannon fodder."

"Li Guo! Are you going to break the rules? I tell you, Hua Rong was caught, not you!"

"Hum, then you deal with him? What about you? What\'s my business? I\'m just here to help the Lingnan government guard Hua Rong. Do you mean that if you catch Hua Rong, the whole Lingnan city will make you a hero? All around you and obey your orders? Are you the sun? Joke!" Li Guo turned away smartly.

Mo Jiao laughed and walked beside Li Guo: "brother Li Guo, you scold well. What you said just now is very like Luoyang\'s spoken language, and he often can\'t change people\'s scolding." the conversation between Li Guo and Zhang Qiong just now really made Mo Jiao feel a little familiar. Li Luoyang often scolded her speechless.

"That guy is not a good man originally. There is no need to be polite to such people. This is what Luoyang taught me before."

Several people were walking in the street, but they didn\'t know that Li Luoyang was in the blacksmith\'s house just passed by. Li Guo took King Mo Jiao\'s official office and said, "Lord Mo, you must come to Lingnan city today for Luoyang."

"Brother Li Guo, don\'t be so polite. Call me Mo Jiao. I came to Lingnan city to find Luoyang. I\'ve looked for other places nearby, except here."

Hearing that Mo Jiao told Li their task so sincerely, Mo Fu shook his head reluctantly: "our task is a confidential task. Miss said it so easily."

Mo Shou sighed and replied, "yes, Miss Li Luoyang seems to have no defense against her relatives."

"I haven\'t seen Miss like this for a long time. It\'s time for her to talk about marriage."

"The master seems to have such an idea. I have all the candidates for my son-in-law."

They looked at each other and smiled at the same time. Even if they didn\'t say, they all knew that the candidate in Mo Yun\'s heart was Li Luoyang. In addition, they watched Mo Jiao grow up and knew her temper clearly. They could fully feel that Mo Jiao was different from Li Luoyang. When would Mo Jiao look for Li Luoyang because of a man day and night, There is only Li Luoyang in the world.