Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 786

Mo Jiao didn\'t receive such treatment. She was turned away with the token of six doors. There was another Zhang Qiong teasing and dese in front of her. She couldn\'t control her anger. She pulled out her sword again and pointed to Zhang Qiong: "it\'s not good enough. You\'d better get out of the way."

More than a dozen guards vigilantly raised their spears and stood beside Zhang Qiong. Zhang Qiong gently motioned the guards to lay down their weapons, and then said to Mo Jiao: "Miss Mo, let alone the difference in the number of people between us, I can kill all three of you alone. Are you sure you want to break through the Lingnan gate?"

Mofu took Mo Jiao\'s cape and whispered: "This guy has made great achievements in martial arts. We are not his opponents. Young lady, you\'d better calm down. If there is a conflict with them, we can\'t explain it when we go back. Now the situation in Lingnan city is very sensitive and the imperial court has been paying attention to Lingnan City. If we make trouble like this, we will spread it to the emperor\'s ears. At that time, he will blame him and the master will be punished."

Mo Shou nodded and persuaded Mo Jiao: "young lady, calm down. It\'s not time to confront the people of lingnancheng government. Don\'t forget that the master told us to secretly look for Li Luoyang. You can\'t end up like this."

Mo Jiao clenched her teeth and took back her sword. Unexpectedly, Zhang Qiong was cheap and obedient: "wouldn\'t it be good to be obedient early? Listen to your uncle Mo Fu and uncle Mo Shou. Your character is easy to suffer. When Mo Yuntian refused me, I didn\'t expect that I could order his daughter today."

Mo Jiao looked at Zhang Qiong in surprise, turned her head and looked at Mo Fu and Mo Shou with an embarrassed and helpless face: "do you know?"

Zhang Qiong laughed wildly: "hahaha, it seems that Mo Yuntian didn\'t take me seriously. He didn\'t tell you anything?"

Mo Fu pulled Mo Jiao aside and then whispered, "Miss, this is the case. Zhang Qiong proposed marriage in front of the master..."

Before Mo Fu finished, Mo Jiao exclaimed, "propose marriage?"

"Well, at that time, he was just a small guard captain of the Lingnan government, and the master saw that he had a bad mind, so he directly refused his request. We didn\'t care about it at all, and we didn\'t intend to tell you. Unexpectedly, this guy has become the top hand of the Lingnan government. It is estimated that he hated the master\'s refusal for a year, so he deliberately made trouble for us."

Mo Jiao suddenly realized: "no wonder you advised me not to come to Lingnan all the way. I was afraid he would deliberately embarrass us!"

Zhang Qiong naturally heard Mo Jiao\'s words. He crossed his hands on his chest and smiled recklessly: "I\'ve heard that Miss Mo of the six gates of Luoyang City has attracted the country and the city. I was lucky to meet her once in Luoyang City, so I proposed marriage to your father. Unexpectedly, he refused without even thinking about it. I still remember the feeling at that time. I will naturally repay his kindness today."

Zhang Qiong spread out her hands and said with a smile, "besides, am I trying to embarrass you? It\'s a rule not to carry weapons, which is true for anyone."

Mo Jiao gritted her teeth and put the sword in her hand in the Tietong outside the city gate, which contained the weapons of others entering the city. Then she turned and walked into Lingnan city. However, Zhang Qiong stopped in front of Mo Jiao again and said with a sly smile: "Sorry, Miss Mo, just now you refused to cooperate with our work and clashed with our gate guard. In view of your performance just now, I have every reason to doubt your motivation to come to Lingnan City, so I can\'t let you in."

Before, it was in accordance with the regulations, but now Zhang Qiong is deliberately embarrassed.


Mo Fu couldn\'t stand Zhang Qiong\'s deliberate embarrassment. He stood in front of Mo Jiao, pointed to Zhang Qiong and said fiercely: "at the beginning, the master refused you because of your bad intentions. How can we miss Mo worship people like you? Look at the way you are now successful, which proves that the master\'s choice was right."

Zhang Qiong kept smiling. He didn\'t have to worry: "Uncle Mo Fu, you\'re old and still stay with Mo Yuntian? I\'m just enforcing the law impartially. Why do I deliberately make trouble for you? I just want you to feel rejected."

"Zhang Qiong! I warn you that our six doors have a mission. I believe you should know that we are the secret department of the imperial court. All actions are protected by the imperial court. If you stop us, you are against the imperial court."

"The imperial court? Hum, go and ask the imperial court whether Hua Rong\'s task is important now or your six doors\' task is important? If the imperial court can send a document saying your task is more important, I Zhang Qiong will get out of the way immediately! Otherwise, you get out of Lingnan, but I want to remind you that it will take a lot of time to respond to the imperial court. It is estimated that Hua Rong\'s task will be over when the document comes down , so you have to speed up. "

The soldiers around Zhang Qiong laughed, but the other soldiers still looked serious. They were barracks soldiers, and they were not used to Zhang Qiong\'s face.

"Lord Zhang Qiong, you just said that if someone is willing to guarantee them, you can let them into the city, right?" a guard stood in front of Zhang Qiong and asked.

Zhang Qiong\'s laughing face suddenly pulled down: "here\'s your share to talk? Get out of here for me!" originally, the soldier was not his man. Now he has broken his elegant interest. Naturally, he is unhappy.

"I just think captain Zhang Qiong\'s behavior is not manly. Miss Mo has put down her weapons. According to the regulations, we should let them go. It seems unreasonable for you to make trouble deliberately."

Zhang Qiong grabbed the guard\'s collar: "I\'ll tell you now, what is obedience to orders! If you don\'t roll, I\'ll teach you a lesson for your captain!" Zhang Qiong raised her palm and slapped it directly on the guard\'s face. As soon as her hand fell half way, Zhang Qiong found that no matter how hard she tried, her palm always stopped in the air. He obviously felt that someone had grabbed his hand.

"My people don\'t bother captain Zhang Qiong to teach me a lesson!" a voice came from behind Zhang Qiong. Naturally, it was camp captain Li Guo. Li Guo, who came out of prison, checked at the city gate. He just came to the city gate where Mo Jiao and others were located. He saw that Zhang Qiong seemed to be embarrassed by the people entering the city, so Li Guo came to check, but he didn\'t expect that it was mo Jiao and others.

"Li, Li Guo!" Mo Jiao stared at Li Guo dumbfounded. She never expected to meet Li Luoyang\'s brother here, and Li Guo looked very different from him at this time. Before, Li Guo was like a child who had just come down the mountain. He had no advantages except the martial arts he learned from Zhou Dong. Now, looking at Li Guo again, his capable short hair looked particularly spiritual, and his close fitting armor had a general flavor.

Mo Fu swallowed his saliva and stared at Li Guo. He asked Mo Shou, who rubbed his eyes around him, "am I old-fashioned? He, he is really Li Guo?"

"It seems so. It has changed too much."