Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 772

The three kilometer road came soon. Zhang Qiong took Li Guo and drove straight to the stronghold. She didn\'t find more than a dozen bodies lying by the mountain road.

As soon as Zhang Qiong entered the humble stronghold, he saw the one eyed dragon. At this time, he was taking more than a dozen guards of Fengyue building to count the things in the stronghold. When he saw Zhang Qiong coming by horse, the one eyed dragon was afraid. He clearly had given Zhang Qiong protection fee. Why would he still be here? But when the one eyed dragon saw that Zhang Qiong had brought a man behind him, The stone in his heart also fell to the ground. He didn\'t think Zhang Qiong would bring only one person to destroy the stronghold he had just occupied.

The one eyed dragon greeted him and grabbed the reins thrown by Zhang Qiong: "Lord Zhang Qiong, why did you come in person? Did you receive the things I asked the soldiers to give you?"

Zhang Qiong didn\'t want Li Guo behind him to hear this. He stared at the one eyed dragon, then pointed to Li Guo and said, "one eyed dragon, this is captain Li Guo from the military camp!"

With Zhang Qiong\'s reminder, the one eyed dragon immediately understood something. He quickly took back his bribes. Zhang Qiong\'s words. The word peak turned and smiled and said to Li Guo, "Captain Li, I\'ve been looking up for a long time." the one eyed dragon looked up at Zhang Qiong and asked in a low voice, "Lord Zhang Qiong, what can I do for you here?"

"I heard that Xiao Laoliu was killed. I came to check their bodies?"

"It\'s by the mountain road outside the stronghold. I\'ll have someone take you?"

"Lead the way!"

Zhang Qiong turned to look at Li Guo and said with a smile, "Captain Li Guo, you follow them to check the body first, and I\'ll stay here to continue questioning."

Without answering, Li Guo followed the man arranged by the one eyed dragon to the gate of the stronghold.

When Li Guo left, the smile on Zhang Qiong\'s face disappeared in an instant. He stared at the one eyed dragon with big eyes: "you are so bold! Who gave you the courage to betray Zhang Yue!"

One eyed dragon also knew the relationship between Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue. He immediately explained: "Lord Zhang Qiong, we have been with your brother for so many years. You know who I am. The situation in Lingnan city is so tense, but he asked us to kill at this time. Do you think we can do it? You have clearly said that we should be honest during this period. If we kill the boy with Yang\'s jade pendant according to his order, wouldn\'t it be against your order , we were forced to grease our feet. "

The one eyed Dragon said wrongfully. He thought about it this time. He knew that as soon as Hua Rong passed, Zhang Qiong would sooner or later find that he occupied Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold. At that time, he would blame him and explain, but he didn\'t expect Zhang Qiong to come so soon.

"Hum! So my brother forced you?"

"It\'s absolutely true. He asked us to follow the boy and kill him when we reached his foothold and rob the jade pendant."

Zhang Qiong also learned this from Zhang Yue: "the purpose of my coming this time is very simple. I\'ll take you back."

"What!" the one eyed dragon looked at Zhang Qiong in surprise: "Lord Zhang Qiong, don\'t take me back. Don\'t I understand Zhang Yue\'s means? He will kill me. Besides, we occupy Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold and will pay you protection fees in the future. You take me away. No one is in charge here. Even if this stronghold is over, you have to lose one cent of your income."

Zhang Qiong pointed to a guard behind the one eyed dragon and said: "You! From today on, you are the master here and manage the stronghold well. During this time, let your people build the stronghold well. I think you have no experience at the beginning and can\'t go out to rob during this time. You don\'t have to pay the protection fee next month. It\'s my gift to your stronghold. As for the one eyed dragon, he must follow me today. If you block it, you\'ll end up Death! "

Zhang Qiong held up her big knife and cut off the wooden stool around her: "choose to abandon a one eyed dragon for your safe development or follow him to the yellow spring!"

Hearing Zhang Qiong\'s words, the one eyed dragon immediately roared wildly: "you two brothers want to kill me, and I\'ll fight with you!" the one eyed dragon rushed to Zhang Qiong. With the idea of catching it alive, Zhang Qiong knocked the one eyed dragon out within a few moves, and then threw the fainting one eyed dragon on the horse\'s back. Zhang Qiong turned her head and looked at the guards of other Fengyue buildings and said with a smile: "In the future, as long as you are obedient, there will be many benefits."

"Yes, Lord Zhang Qiong, please take your time!" the leader of the mountain stronghold ordered by Zhang Qiong immediately flattered and smiled to see off Zhang Qiong.

At this time, Li Guo has found the bodies of Xiao Laoliu and others. Li Guo once learned a lot of investigation skills from Li Luoyang. He began to look for wound traces on the bodies one by one, and found a pile of extinguished fire not far away. This is the place where Li Luoyang, Lin Chong and others started the fire at that time.

Zhang Qiong led the horse, tied the horse to the tree trunk and walked to the grass beside the mountain road: "did you find anything?"

Li Guo looked puzzled and said slowly, "there are 13 corpses in total. I found four different wounds on these corpses, which shows that there are at least four people on the other side, and they are all experts."

"Are you sure?" Zhang Qiong looked at Li Guo suspiciously. He didn\'t know what Li Guo came to such a conclusion.

"Some corpses left traces of sabre, some were axe blades, some looked like crescent halberds, and some were obviously stabbed by snake shaped spears, and there was only one of these wounds, which showed that they died under one move. The other party acted steadily and ruthlessly, and the moves were very exquisite. The moves were fatal, which was enough to see that they were all experts."

Zhang Qiong felt for the first time that Li Guo could become a captain. She did have some skills. She actually judged the weapon used by the other party by virtue of the wound on the body, which surprised Zhang Qiong.

Li Guo got up and looked at Zhang Qiong and asked, "Captain Zhang Qiong, do you know who makes good use of these weapons in Lingnan?"

Zhang Qiong fell into a deep thought. After a moment, he said firmly: "yes or no, but they can\'t gather together to attack a small den of thieves. They can\'t kill with one move with their strength."

"So these four people are probably not local people in Lingnan, but from other places?"

"Special size, will those guys have entered Lingnan city?"

"We still don\'t know the purpose of their presence here. We can\'t make a final conclusion, but it\'s urgent to strengthen the defense of Lingnan city. In order to avoid accidents, we\'d better go back to the city for investigation."

"Well, go back to the city first!" Zhang Qiong got up and got on his horse. Li Guo noticed that Zhang Qiong had more horses. The one eyed dragon just now said, "what are you doing with him?"

"This guy is a criminal wanted by the government. Take him back to the government by the way." Zhang Qiong prevaricated at will. He didn\'t want to tell Li about his private deal with Zhang Yue.

Li Guo and Zhang Qiong immediately returned to Lingnan city. Fortunately, when they left, no major event happened in Lingnan city. They issued orders to their soldiers to strengthen inventory. They need to rule out the possibility that the forces that killed Xiao Laoliu and others have entered Lingnan city.