Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 771

While Li Luoyang was discussing the next plan with Lin Chong and others, Zhang Qiong hurried by on horseback outside the Fengyue building. At this time, his destination was Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold. In fact, he was not asked to go there in person, but he always had a question in his mind, that is, how Xiao Laoliu was killed, He paid more attention to the sentence reported by the guard: Xiao Laoliu and others died in the hands of experts.

As the first expert in Lingnan city government, Zhang Qiong knows very well about the experts near Lingnan. In his opinion, those experts can\'t commit crimes at such a sensitive time. Zhang Qiong is worried that experts from other places commit crimes nearby. He needs to find out the truth to avoid accidents before Huarong\'s head falls to the ground tomorrow, so she personally takes people to Xiao Laoliu\'s stronghold.

As soon as Zhang Qiong came to the gate, she saw that Li Guo was communicating with the gate guard. Zhang Qiong sat on her horse and didn\'t mean to dismount: "Captain Li Guo? What are you doing at the gate?"

Li Guo looked up at Zhang Qiong on his horse and said in a low voice, "check the work of the city gate guard."

"Hum! I arranged the shift change time and investigation strength, and captain Li Guo didn\'t believe me?" Zhang Qiong looked at Li Guo disdainfully. She was clearly the most important person in charge of the task, and a hairy boy was transferred to keep pace with him, which naturally made Zhang Qiong dissatisfied with Li Guo.

"I just acted according to the order given to me by the imperial court. If captain Zhang Qiong has any questions, he can respond to the imperial court! Looking at the dress of Captain Zhang Qiong and the soldiers behind you, Captain Zhang Qiong must be going out of the city?" Li glanced at it and saw that Zhang Qiong seemed to be leaving the city and was ready to fight. The soldiers were dressed neatly, There is a great deal of readiness to fight and kill the enemy.

"I have something important to go out of the city. Don\'t I need to report to you!" Zhang Qiong stared at Li Guo with wide eyes. He wouldn\'t tell Li Guo that he\'s only going out of the city to suppress bandits. After all, at such a critical time, any force going out for business must be approved by the government. However, Zhang Qiong himself represents the government and naturally doesn\'t need any passes or other things.

"What\'s important? Captain Zhang Qiong, if I remember correctly, the notice received by Lingnan city government has been very clear. Before Hua Rong was beheaded, nothing is as important as him. No matter what urgent matter you have, please leave the city after Hua Rong was beheaded to avoid accidents. You are still outside the city. When the court tracks down, you have no chance to argue!"

Li Guo\'s words are very clear. If an accident happens to Hua Rong during Zhang Qiong\'s departure, the imperial court will eventually blame it. The Lingnan government in charge of this matter and the specially transferred Li Guo team will be punished. However, Li Guo only needs to feed back Zhang Qiong\'s resignation, and all these responsibilities will fall on Zhang Qiong.

Zhang Qiong clenched her teeth and said slowly, "I went out of the city just to eliminate accidents! I tell you the truth, more than a dozen mountain bandits\' bodies were found in the mountains and forests not far from the city. According to my soldiers\' report, those mountain bandits died in the hands of experts. I\'ll go and find out who did it!"

Li Guo asked seriously, "are you sure it\'s not the handwriting of Lingnan masters?"

"Hum! After Hua Rong was taken into Lingnan prison, the government ordered to inform the nearby experts to be honest. They also knew the seriousness of this matter. Naturally, they promised to keep a low profile before Hua Rong\'s head fell to the ground. They could not start at a small mountain bandit nest, let alone at this time, so I think the person who killed the mountain bandits was probably From other places, what is the purpose of their visit to Lingnan? We must investigate it. "

Li lowered his head for a moment, then said to Zhang Qiong, "in that case, I\'ll go with you."

"Are you going to follow? Aren\'t you afraid that both of us have left Lingnan. There are no experts here."

"Since you said the incident was not far away, I believe half a day is enough for us to come back. I should be able to gain something from my investigation with you and let your soldiers return to their respective posts in order to avoid accidents."

The corners of Zhang Qiong\'s mouth rose slightly and said with a smile, "do you mean we go out of the city alone?" Zhang Qiong began to think about it. If she took this opportunity to kill Li Guo and attribute Li Guo\'s death to others, when Hua Rong\'s head fell to the ground, the imperial court\'s reward was Zhang Qiong alone, but Zhang Qiong was worried that she could take advantage of Li Guo, So I decided to play it by ear.

"We have enough clues to investigate. If the master who killed Xiao Laoliu is still nearby, your soldiers are just cannon fodder."

Li Guo is right. These soldiers from the government are very different from those from the barracks. They have not received any training. If they really meet an expert, they can only die. Instead of taking him to die, they might as well stay in Lingnan city and strengthen their inspection.

Hearing that Li Guo questioned the ability of his soldiers, Zhang Qiong refused. He pointed to the two soldiers behind Li Guo and said with a smile, "is your man OK?"


"Hum! Fight alone, life and death by heaven!"

"OK!" Li Guo agreed without hesitation. Before Li Guo arranged, one of the soldiers behind him stepped forward: "Captain! I\'ll come!" Li Guo smiled and nodded.

Compared with the determination of Li Guo\'s soldiers, the soldiers behind Zhang Qiong looked slightly if. No one of the more than a dozen soldiers volunteered to stand up, but all stepped back, which made Zhang Qiong lose face: "you! Come out." Zhang Qiong pointed to a soldier and shouted. Unexpectedly, his roar made the soldier kneel on the ground with his feet soft: "Team leader, I still have an 80 year old mother and a three-year-old son in my family. I don\'t like to die!"

Before the fight, Zhang Qiong was completely defeated. With a red face, Zhang Qiong jumped down from the horse\'s back, grabbed the soldier\'s collar and lifted it up. Then she gave the soldier a hard slap: "useless things!"

Li Guo smiled and said to Zhang Qiong, "Captain Zhang Qiong, we don\'t need to waste time here. The first task is to go early and return early. Let your people stay and my people strengthen the inspection. Let\'s go out of the city now!"

With Li Guoge\'s steps, Zhang Qiong will come down naturally. He pointed to more than a dozen soldiers and shouted, "get back! Watch your post and clean up you slowly when I come back!"

Li Guo also gave a few simple instructions to his soldiers, and then rode on the war horse to the city gate. After Zhang Qiong gave an order, the city gate guards retreated one after another. Li Guo and Zhang Qiong immediately drove away. Zhang Qiong knew the location of Xiao Laoliu mountain stronghold and took Li to the mountains three kilometers away. Zhang Qiong had another purpose, Catch the Cyclops alive and take it back to Zhang Yue.

After all, he has been thinking about the reward promised by Zhang Yue. It\'s the largest restaurant in Lingnan city.